The Great Flood Of 1771

1771 was the year Captain Cook discovered Australia. It was also the year that the 500 year old Tyne Bridge in Newcastle collapsed from a massive flood “twelve feet above high water mark in spring tides

Before the flood


After the flood

002541:Tyne Bridge C. 17722015-12-29-04-46-34

An Account of the Great Floods in the Rivers Tyne, Tees, Wear, Eden

Had Captain Cook been outfitted with low carbon candles, this tragedy could have been prevented.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to The Great Flood Of 1771

  1. Steve Case says:

    That was natural causes, the current flooding is caused by anthropogenic emissions of CO2. Why on earth can’t you understand that?

  2. Andy DC says:

    Evil white males were using the capitalist system to oppress women and enslave minorities going back many centuries. Mother earth in 1771 knew that she was getting raped and plundered in the name of capitalist greed, thus she had started fighting back!

  3. Ian George says:

    Good article, Steve, but Capt Cook ‘discovered’ Australia in 1770 (Aug 22nd).

  4. BruceC says:

    Ummm, just a small nit-pick Tony, Cook discovered OZ in 1770.

  5. michaelspencer2 says:

    Bruce C got in before me ….. well done!

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