Oceanfront Property In Arizona

In 1981, experts predicted global warming would bring surfing to Arizona by the year 2000.

Screenshot 2016-01-22 at 01.26.29 PM-down

4 Mar 1981, Page 71 – at Newspapers.com

This time they were correct.

Screenshot 2016-01-22 at 01.37.36 PM

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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26 Responses to Oceanfront Property In Arizona

  1. Scott Allen says:

    I read the oceans are rising and will soon flood New York ect. but the sea level gauges only show millimeters rise.
    I am not a mathematician, so I will let someone else crunch these numbers.
    I have not seen any of these sea level alarmists take into account these factors
    The drop in water levels in the Great Lakes (Lake Michigan has dropped over 6 feet since the 1860’s.
    The decrease in rain fall world wide (agreed it’s only a few centimeters over the last 50 years, but it is world wide average, according to the world bank website)
    The depletion of under ground water (some sub Saharan and Asian underground pools have all but disappeared, due to unlimited pumping) (some California sources have just a few years left before they dry up) the biggest one in North America the Ogallala has dropped more than 100 feet in some areas and according to some estimates we have extracted the equilvante of one of the Great Lakes from it.
    Now the earth only has a finite amount of water, and if you move it from one place it has to go someplace else. If you move it from the underground and nature removes it from rainfall it stands to reason it’s going to be in the oceans.
    I hate to give the environmental wackos something else to protest about

  2. OrganicFool says:

    When it’s hot, it’s global warming. When it’s cold, it’s climate change.

  3. Andy DC says:

    I am in the Washington, DC area, where we are in the process of getting 2-3 feet of that white stuff from the past. Obviously a result of global warming/climate change as was our warm Christmas.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Your getting the fluffy white stuff we are getting an ice storm. The steps are now coated with ice. Time to dig out the crampons again. Grumble.

      I am hoping we do not have the icy trees take out the electric.

  4. Scott Allen says:

    I am not a mathematician so I will leave the calculations to experts. In all that I have read about sea level rise, which only amounts to a few millimeters a year. Several points are over looked in all of the noise. The total amount of water on the earth is pretty much a fix amount, so it’s a matter of distribution.
    Several factors have been overlooked.
    1. The amount of rain fall (according to the world bank website) has been decreasing, world wide since monitoring began. Now the amount of short fall is in the millimeter range, per year but it is world wide. Not isolated to a particular region.
    2. Surface water levels are dropping, Lake Michigan has lost almost 6 feet of water since the 1860.
    Fresh water lakes in other countries have shown a similar drop over time.
    3. The pumping of groundwater. In some parts of sub Sahara these underground pools have completely dried up. The rest of Africa and Asia have seen similar drying of the underground water supply. North America has seen similar draw down of the water. It’s estimated that California pools will be dry in a few years, and ground subsidence (as a result of the pumping) in some areas is as much as 20 feet. The largest aquifer , the Ogallala , which is estimated to contain as much water as a couple of the Great Lakes, has seen a drop in some areas of over 100 feet and in some parts of northern Texas has completely dried up.
    Now I hate to give the environmental wackos one more thing to protest but it is worth noting.

    • Gail Combs says:

      It is a darn good reason to put in nuclear power with desal plant combined.

      Nuclear desalination

      ….The feasibility of integrated nuclear desalination plants has been proven with over 150 reactor-years of experience, chiefly in Kazakhstan, India and Japan. Large-scale deployment of nuclear desalination on a commercial basis will depend primarily on economic factors. Indicative costs are US$ 70-90 cents per cubic metre, much the same as fossil-fuelled plants in the same areas.

      One obvious strategy is to use power reactors which run at full capacity, but with all the electricity applied to meeting grid load when that is high and part of it to drive pumps for RO desalination when the grid demand is low.

      The BN-350 fast reactor at Aktau, in Kazakhstan, successfully supplied up to 135 MWe of electric power while producing 80,000 m³/day of potable water over some 27 years, about 60% of its power being used for heat and desalination. The plant was designed as 1000 MWt but never operated at more than 750 MWt, but it established the feasibility and reliability of such cogeneration plants. (In fact, oil/gas boilers were used in conjunction with it, and total desalination capacity through ten MED units was 120,000 m³/day.)

      In Japan, some ten desalination facilities linked to pressurised water reactors operating for electricity production yield some 14,000 m³/day of potable water, and over 100 reactor-years of experience have accrued. MSF was initially employed, but MED and RO have been found more efficient there. The water is used for the reactors’ own cooling systems…..

      • Jason Calley says:

        Gail, once again, we are on the same page — but I stand amazed at your ability to pull up documentation on almost any subject!

      • Scott Allen says:

        With all the drying up of the land thru less rain fall, the lake levels falling and the pumping of ground water, wouldn’t that translate to a rise in sea level as opposed to ice sheets melting. I realize the oceans are large bodies of water, but we are talking of millimeters in the rise. I mean you don’t have to estimate rain fall, you don’t have estimate lake levels, you don’t have estimate ground water, we measure all of these and they show a drying of the land. With ice they have to WAG (wild ass guess) it.
        Jason Calley is correct, I too am amazed at your ability to find this stuff.

        • Scott Allen says:

          I also forgot to add that the earth is shrinking (do to cooling) at the rate of about 1 millimeter a year.

    • Jason Calley says:

      One of the worst things about the CAGW hoax is that it is diverting attention from real environmental problems that ought to be addressed. The depletion of aquifers is certainly one of the big ones. Nuclear desalination of sea water could have been done on a large scale years ago. We have the technology to fix almost all of our environmental problems, but we do not have a political system that enables its use.

      • Gail Combs says:

        That is what really frosts me the most. The Regressives, instead of promoting mankind’s ingenuity, do everything they can to slam on the brakes because of their irrational hatred of the middle class and greed for power.

        They have worked for over one hundred years to completely trash our education system and to regulate and tax small business pretty much out of existence. They much rather live in 16th century squaller as ruler than in the 21st century as a useful member of society.

        A pox on all of them and may their genetic lines be completely wiped out!

  5. gregole says:

    Haven’t seen any waves yet here in Arizona, but the weather has been just phenomenal this week – especially today – it was gorgeous! A couple of weeks ago it was a bit wet and cold, but nice now.

    A good friend of mine has a place in Huntington Beach, Ca right on PCH just across from the beach. I’ve got him keeping his eyes on the Pacific Ocean and watching for dangerous man-made sea-level rise. So far the Pacific has yet to even move up the beach what’s more cross PCH, the state of California, and rise enough to travel the 300-400 miles across the desert to Arizona.

    • RAH says:

      “a bit wet and cold”. My heart bleeds. 🙂
      We won’t see it hit 40 F until next weekend.

      • Gail Combs says:

        It is still spitting ice pellets and sleet…. I rather have snow. The goats haven’t stuck a nose out of the run-in shed all day. We took hay and water into them.

        • RAH says:

          pellets and sleet is much much better then frozen rain. Looks like you just dodged a bullet because I’ll take 30″ of snow and a blizzard over 2″ of freezing rain anytime. Last time we got a serious freezing rain it took them three days to get the power back on.

        • Gail Combs says:

          For tonight:

          Friday Night 01/22

          Freezing rain this evening…then changing over to snow showers. Low 27F. Winds N at 10 to 20 mph….

          So it is pretty nasty. That is why we were doing major prep. Since we do not get snow very often, maybe once every five years, when we do all get freezing weather/ice/snow the weak branches and trees come down and make a real mess.

        • RAH says:

          pellets and sleet usually means it’s too cold for freezing rain and with more cold air coming in it makes it unlikely you’ll get the really get the stuff that makes icicles on the power lines. . That’s what I meant by dodging a bullet. The people little south of you may actually end up being worse off than you are.

        • AndyG55 says:

          And this is why I live in Newcastle, no snow here, no freezing even in mid winter.. 🙂

          27ºC here today, problem is that relative humidity is around the 90+ mark !!

          overcast and very “muggy”

          ahh….. just starting to rain. that’ll help a bit.

        • Gail Combs says:

          Andy G I picked North Carolina instead of South Carolina to avoid the 100F (38C) and muggy with the 4:00 pm thunder storm every day all summer. For the last four years NC has barely hit 95F (35C) for a couple days. Instead it has been below 90F (32C) most of the summer.

          North Carolina has a change in seasons though the fall colors are not as nice as New England’s and it gets cold enough to kill the insect life. We generally get highs of 40F (5C) to the 70s (22C) from October through March and pay for it with a dusting of snow once every five years. Whats not to like? Our biggest problem is the Regressives from the North have also figured it out and are moving in. That is why CARY is called the Containment Area for Relocated Yankees.

    • Beale says:

      I imagine the writer of the story expected the ocean to come up the Colorado River. That would require a rise of 51 meters.

      • Beale says:

        Correction. According to several sources, the ocean would have to rise 70 – 72 feet (21 – 22 meters) to just touch the border of Arizona.

        • Gail Combs says:

          The North American plate is moving to the west-southwest while the Pacific Plate is moving to the northwest. So all it takes is California sliding under the Pacific Plate and into the Mariana Trench along with Gov. Moonbeam and all his moonbats.

          PRESTO ocean front property in Arizona!

  6. christopher says:

    A lot of fun, for people here is the valley is that wave pool.

  7. gator69 says:

    How is it that Jim Howl missed the gravy train? It turns out that he ran for governor as a republican in 1998.


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