Daily Archives: February 21, 2017

Arctic Screaming To Scientists : “Shut Up”

In 2008, Lewis Pugh tried to kayak to the North Pole – based on the predictions of government fake scientists at NSIDC in Boulder, CO. BBC NEWS | UK | Swimmer aims to kayak to N Pole North Pole could be … Continue reading

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Why Globalists Want CO2 Reduction

The relationship between per capita CO2 emissions and quality of life is very straightforward. The more CO2, the higher the quality of life. By forcing westerners to reduce CO2 emissions, globalists (i.e. old commies) hope to reduce our quality of life and … Continue reading

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Centuries Of Climate Fake News

Almost everything we hear about climate change from the press is fake news. much of which comes from government agencies like NASA and NOAA.  But this is not a new problem. In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, witches were blamed … Continue reading

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Climate Genius Of The Day

Let me be clear. My own reading of the literature and study of paleoclimate suggests strongly that carbon dioxide from burning of fossil fuels will prove to be the greatest pollutant of human history. It is likely to have severe … Continue reading

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Fake Drought News

California and the west have had numerous multi-century droughts, but experts say the recent blip was man-made and permanent. Fake news. Graphic: California’s droughts in the past 1,200 years – The Mercury News It is unlikely that the 75 year drought … Continue reading

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