Fake climate scientists, sensing doom, are continuing their non-stop barrage of fake news – claiming the poles are melting down, at a record low, and we need to pay them to refreeze it
Arctic sea ice extent is nearly identical to 2006, 2007, 2011, 2014, 2015 and 2016.
Charctic Interactive Sea Ice Graph | Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis
Antarctic sea ice extent has been trending upwards for almost 40 years, and that was blamed on global warming.
Why is southern sea ice increasing?
Antarctica has one low year, and that also gets blamed on global warming.
Scientists continue to claim Greenland is melting down.
Even as Greenland blows away all records for ice gain.
Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget: DMI
Many climate scientists have no clue about the past, present or future. They ignore the scientific method, and lie to the press and policy makers. And they are funded by confiscating your income. Congress needs to put this to an end. I was very impressed by President Trump’s attack on fake news before a massive crowd at CPAC.