Coral Davenport And The New York Times Continue Ramping Up Their Climate Fraud

Last week Coral Davenport and the fake news New York Times wrote a hit piece attacking Scott Pruitt and myself, where she got almost every piece of information wrong about me. This week she is back with some more spectacular climate idiocy.

Arctic sea ice extent has more than tripled since September, not dropped. The winter maximum extent was higher than 2006, and about the same as 2007 and 2014.


The ice is much thicker in the critical regions of the Bering,  Chukchi and East Siberian Seas than it was in 2008.

DMI Modelled ice thickness

Coral apparently doesn’t do any fact-checking. She is a useful idiot who parrots climate fraud she hears from others.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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