Daily Archives: June 9, 2017

The Incredible Heat Of June 9, 1933

On this date in 1933, about three fourths of the US had 90+ temperatures, with 100 degree temperatures into New England. Temperatures in the Midwest approached 110 degrees. Google Earth There is no trend in June 9 heat going back … Continue reading

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Settled Science At NASA

NASA says Antarctica is losing ice, and it proves global warming. Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Land Ice NASA also says that Antarctica is gaining ice. NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses | … Continue reading

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BOM : Hiding Australia’s Very Hot Past

Australia used to be extremely hot. In 1896 Adelaide reached 111 degrees and Melbourne 112 degrees. 30 May 1896 – “SCOURGED.” TimesMachine: August 18, 1896 – NYTimes.com January temperatures at Bourke plummeted from the 1870s to the end of records … Continue reading

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Plummeting January-May Temperatures Near Seattle

Cedar Lake, Washington has a very well sited station just east of Seattle. January-May temperatures there have plummeted over the past century. Temperatures there this year have averaged almost 15 degrees cooler than 1915. When I spoke at the Washington … Continue reading

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The Ongoing Heatwave Of June 1933

June 1933 was the hottest June in US history. On this date in 1933, there were 100 degree temperatures from California to Pennsylvania and Michigan. Google Earth Greenville, PA was 100 degrees that day. Today it was 69 degrees in … Continue reading

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