Daily Archives: August 23, 2017

Keeping Your Lawn Green

These two ponds are located a half mile apart. This pond is healthy. This pond is downstream from thousands of people who put chemical fertilizers on their lawn. Algal blooms appeared last year and killed all the fish.

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100% Of US Warming Is Fake

Zeke and Nick and all the other apologists for NOAA data tampering claim that adjustments to US temperature are due to Time Of Observation Bias or some other sciencey sounding reason, But the reality is that the data is simply … Continue reading

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Lots of new stuff, but the most noticeable is KML file generation for Google Earth above_maximum_threshold_90.0_7141936.kml Linux/Mac : python3 ghcn.py US.txt date=07141936 Windows : ghcn.exe US.txt date=07141936 Follow the directions here to get the latest.  First time Linux/Mac users will also … Continue reading

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Arctic Fake News Update

All year long, the criminals and useful idiots in the press have been telling us how hot the Arctic is, and ice extent is at a record low. The actual North Pole was below normal temperature every single day during … Continue reading

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