Daily Archives: August 7, 2018

Northwest Passage Voyages On Ice For 2018

Just got this e-mail from Loli. The Northwest Passage is impassable. There must be some way for NSIDC or NOAA to adjust the ice away.

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Tax Cut Catastrophe Kicks In

Democrats told us the Trump tax cuts would be catastrophic. Democrats need to be purged from government in the November elections.  They are completely insane, and are working against America 24×7.

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Climate Change Fascists

So much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire by people who don’t even know that fire is hot. George Orwell Just like in 1933, leftist beliefs are enabling fascists around the world. a new generation of … Continue reading

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Plummeting August 7th Temperatures In The US

Over the last century, August 7th afternoon temperatures have plummeted in the US. In 1930, the average temperature was 93 degrees and almost 70% of the country was over 90 degrees. Compare vs August 7, 2017, which had an average … Continue reading

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New Video “Climate Fascism”

You can also see it at real.video

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1933 : Liberal Catholic Bishop In Love With Hitler And Mussolini

In 1933, liberal Catholic bishop George Arundale described Hitler, Mussolini and Roosevelt as “outstanding men” and said they all loved children. And he loved the credo of the British Union of Fascists. MUSSOLINI, HITLER, ROOSEVELT. THE NEW SPIRIT IN DEMOCRACY. … Continue reading

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Hank Johnson Facing Stiff Competition From Adam Schiff

Steve Goddard on Twitter: “Also incredible that @RepAdamSchiff doesn’t understand the difference between forest thinning and clear cutting”

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Worst Possible Scenario For Arctic Alarmists

Arctic sea ice volume is fifth highest for the date since 2003, and likely to move into the #3 spot tomorrow. Melt this season has been the slowest on record.   Spreadsheet    Data But here is the really bad news for … Continue reading

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Democrats : We Need To Destroy Free Speech In Order To Save It

Steve Goddard on Twitter: “Democrats believe the key to protecting free speech is to destroy it”

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The Angela Fritz Epic Heatwave

On June 28, Denver was just as hot as August 8, 1878.  Angela Fritz at the Capital Weather Gang  described it as an “epic heatwave.” Denver just tied its all-time temperature record. This heat wave is just getting started. – … Continue reading

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