From September 1 to October 9, 1939 – Madison, Indiana afternoons averaged 95 degrees, had thirty-one days over 90 degrees, and eleven days over 100 degrees. On October 8, 1939 is was 100 degrees in Indiana. Imagine the global warming hysteria is this happened now.
September/October afternoon temperatures have dropped more than five degrees over the last century at Madison, Indiana.
The heatwave was coast to coast.
11 Oct 1939, Page 5 – The Indianapolis Star at
13 Oct 1939, 16 – The Times at
Summer ends much earlier now than it did a century ago. Many years since 1960 haven’t had any 90 degree days, but prior to that it was very rare for Indiana summers not to reach 90 degrees.
This correlates with much more extensive autumn snow cover over the past 50 years.
Rutgers University Climate Lab :: Global Snow Lab
There is lots of evidence that summers are becoming milder and shorter in the Northern Hemisphere, but that wrecks the multi-billion dollar global warming scam for climate scientists. so they will never tell the truth – about anything.