Monthly Archives: January 2019

Obama : We Can’t Drill Our Way To Lower Gas Prices

Gas was $4 per gallon when Obama made this speech. This is what I paid tonight.  Thank you President Trump.

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New Video : Coldest Day On Record

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Climate Journalist Speak

Early in life I had noticed that no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper. – George Orwell “If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you’re misinformed.” – Mark Twain Chicago’s record for … Continue reading

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Overwhelming Evidence Of Collusion

NASA prominently features this graph of “global temperature” showing very close agreement between different data sets by different government agencies since 1880. NASA: Climate Change and Global Warming I am going to show you the evidence now why the only … Continue reading

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Vital Signs Of Climate Fraud At NASA

NASA Climate says Antarctica is rapidly losing ice, but an increase in snowfall during the 20th century slowed the loss down some. NASA: Climate Change and Global Warming NASA also says Antarctica is rapidly gaining ice (more than 82 billion … Continue reading

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Collapse Of The Polar Melting Scam

Arctic sea ice volume last spring was the highest of the past decade, and this year is well ahead of last year. Spreadsheet  Data There are only about 90 days a year when ice can melt near the pole, and … Continue reading

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New Video : Science Vs. Appeal To Authority

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All-Time Record Cold At Dixon, Illinois?

The forecast maximum temperature at Dixon, Illinois for Wednesday is -18F. Dixon, IL 10-Day Weather Forecast – The Weather Channel | If the forecast is accurate, that would be the coldest afternoon on record at Dixon since 1895. The … Continue reading

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Coldest Day On Record At Aurora, Illinois?

Wednesday’s forecast maximum of -13F at Aurora, Illinois would be the coldest afternoon on record there. Aurora, IL 10-Day Forecast | Weather Underground Aurora has had forty-three days since 1895 which didn’t make it above 0F, and four days which … Continue reading

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Arctic Sea Ice Volume Increasing Towards Ten Year Highs

The bad news just keeps coming for climate experts, who promised an ice-free Arctic no later than last year. Spreadsheet   Data The Argus-Press – Google News Archive Search Gore: Polar ice cap may disappear by summer 2014

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