Temperatures Have Warmed One Fourth As Fast As Hansen Predicted In 1988

Red line shows five year centered mean of RSS global temperature. Temperatures are well below scenario C, which assumed zero emissions after the year 2000.

ScreenHunter_1148 Dec. 31 23.14

As a result of Hansen’s spectacular failures, his confidence levels and temperature forecasts have greatly increased.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Temperatures Have Warmed One Fourth As Fast As Hansen Predicted In 1988

  1. Bob Greene says:

    I don’t recall Hanson adjusting his predictions to match reality. I seem to recall him being more ardent in his disaster predictions and our need to expiate our sins

  2. catweazle666 says:

    “As a result of Hansen’s spectacular failures, his confidence levels and temperature forecasts have greatly increased.”

    Yeah, damn right!

    Post-normal McScience, innit?

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