-23C Forecast For Sunday’s 49’ers Vs. Packers Game

ScreenHunter_1197 Jan. 01 20.50

Green Bay, WI Weather Forecast from Weather Underground

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to -23C Forecast For Sunday’s 49’ers Vs. Packers Game

  1. omanuel says:

    Reality keeps bring new challenges to the PR artists.

  2. Andy Oz says:

    A warm California is causing freezing in Green Bay?
    Packers by 7, even without Rodgers.

  3. Karl says:

    Rodgers is back

  4. Anything is possible says:

    Damn. As a Packers fan, I was hoping the weather for the game was going to be COLD. Where’s the -48 wind chill?


  5. Bloke down the pub says:

    I remember back when gridiron first started getting regular coverage on UK television. Partly due to family connections in Ca, I started supporting the 49ers team led by the great Joe Montana. One year, the 49ers played a post season match(conference final?) at Soldier Field against a then decent Bears team in wind chill of -40’s. Everyone expected home field advantage to seal it, but the 49ers won and went on to win the superbowl.

  6. Gamecock says:

    weather.com forecasting high of 0 Sunday, with moderate wind. I don’t think weather will affect the game.

    Rogers is back, but SF is a top tier team. I say 49ers by 7.

    “Prediction is very difficult, especially if it’s about the future.”

  7. DrTorch says:

    As Anything is Possible pointed out, it’s warmer now than in the late 1960s.

    CAGW is true. QED.

  8. rah says:

    How cold is it?

    Cold enough that the Green Bay Packers had a little trouble selling out a home playoff game!

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