If I post documentation showing that Obama’s literary agents promoted him as born in Kenya, I get called a “birther” A rational human being would call his literary agents “birthers” I don’t work for his literary agents.
If I post an NOAA temperature data set which doesn’t show warming, I get called a “global warming denier” It would make more sense to call NOAA “global warming deniers.” I don’t work for NOAA.
You got that right Steve. LOL. Never looked at it that way before,but so very true.
Is “thinking like a progressive” even thinking?
If your Obama and staff and you let people DIE in Benghazi, then you are victims of failed information process,
If you are a Republican Gov in New Jersey who lick’s Benghazi bozo’s Ball’s. Then you get what your fat slobbering worthless pig self deserves.
Funny. First, the left breaks out the propaganda to tell us that we want Porkie. Either because they want us to want Porkie, or because they had this plan to crush him already in the works. Then, they break out the emails and go after him, and all we do is laugh. They can soak him in Cesium for all I care. Good riddance.
A thinking progressive?
Hmm. That must be new.
I thought it was an oxymoron.
Sign of the times: The resurrection of Karl Marx by Rolling Stone Magazine: http://www.acting-man.com/?p=27920#
Truth hurts.
As a progressive, you must always loudly and frequently accuse conservatives of doing what you plan to do or are already doing. If your argument fails, you immediately go on the attack and keep using the same faulty logic. It is always the other guy’s fault. Simple principles.
As I said to two trolls recently, projection is a sad defense mechanism.
We need a name for such extreme projection. I propose that we call it the “Progessive Multiplex Syndrome”.