Tremendous Progress In Climate Science Over The Last 75 Years

In 1938, scientists believed that global warming was caused by the sun.


World Climate Growing Warmer, Say Russians, Citing Arctic Data – Two Professors Independently Find Change in Temperatures–They See a Gulf Stream Relation, but Look for Deeper Causes TEMPERATURE RISE OVER WORLD SEEN – View Article –

Scientists are much smarter now, and the White House/Time magazine explains that cold weather is caused by excess heat – which makes the polar vortex misbehave like a drunken sailor.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Tremendous Progress In Climate Science Over The Last 75 Years

  1. wwlee4411 says:

    Reblogged this on wwlee4411 and commented:
    75 Years now, and they still can’t accept the TRUTH. They’re still trying to prove man can control the weather; if we just let them spend enough of OUR money.

  2. JP says:

    Unreal. These people obviously have re-written 10th Grade Earth Science texts.We swim in a sea of ignorance, and we are lead by our most “educated”.

  3. I listened right up to the part where I found out the science was going to be explained to me by political advisors…

  4. Billy Liar says:

    I fell asleep before the end of the introductions. Are they trying reduce CO2 emissions by boring people to death?

  5. Bill says:

    Was there any attempt to provide any kind of balance in that piece?

    I can’t sit through 45 minutes unless there is actually some intelligent back and forth
    and talking about real data.

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