1974 : CIA Blamed Polar Vortex Dips On Arctic Cooling

Dave Burton found another CIA paper from 1974 :

ScreenHunter_1705 Jan. 13 15.47


They blamed dips in the polar vortex on Arctic cooling, unlike the current administration – which thinks cold is caused by heat, debt is wealth, liabilities are assets, and being on the government dole is prosperity.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to 1974 : CIA Blamed Polar Vortex Dips On Arctic Cooling

  1. Bryan Walsh, Time magazine:

    “…the most recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded that it was likely that the jet stream would shift towards the north as the climate warmed, and that the polar vortex would actually contract….

    “And while a muddle like that would seem to make the science less rather than more reliable, it’s actually one more bit of proof that climate change is real.”

  2. cardo says:

    Keep knocking them out of the park.

  3. derfel cadarn says:

    One could be lead erroneously to believe that the oddly named Central Intelligence Agency might on occasion display “intelligence”, but alas that is not so.

  4. Richard says:

    And, leave us never forget:
    War Is Peace
    Ignorance Is Strength
    Freedom Is Slavery

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