Joe Bastardi Forecasting That The Superbowl Could Be Coldest Weather In 50+ Years

Jan 22-feb  5  could be one of coldest periods plains east in last  50 years, if not longer

Superbowl is February 2, outdoors at Chris Christie’s  “I Shouldn’t Have Listened To Al Gore” Stadium

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Joe Bastardi Forecasting That The Superbowl Could Be Coldest Weather In 50+ Years

  1. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Oh please let their be Al Gore sized icebergs drifting around Center Field.

  2. Andy Oz says:

    On the sunny side of the planet we have a Heatwave making the Lamestream media froth manically! Yet in January 1939 it was very hot across eastern Australia. Obviously pre adjustment and thus forgotten by the BOM.

    “The highest reading for Canberra ever
    recorded was 108.4 degrees at
    3 p.m. on January 10, 1939……..
    …….Incidentally, the 1939 heat-
    wave established the standing
    maximum temperatures for
    Adelaide, Melbourne and
    Sydney, namely Adelaide
    117.7 on January 12, Mel-
    bourne 114.1 on January 13
    and Sydney 113.6 on January
    14.—The Editor, The Can-
    berra Times.] January 1959.

    • Andy Oz says:

      For the metric people in Celsius it’s
      Canberra 42.4
      Adelaide 47.6
      Melbourne 45.6
      Sydney 45.3
      Of course these should have been broken in the El Niño of the late 80’s and especially due to UHI since then. My point is while its freezing in North America in January, it’s always bloody hot in Australia.

    • Dave N says:

      Awesome.. thanks Andy; letting my friends know here (in Adelaide)

    • Justa Joe says:

      the significance of any heat wave is proportional to how many warmists are there to experience it..

    • Jeff says:

      Melbourne Feb. 7 2009 115.52F
      Sydney Jan. 18 2013 114.44
      Adelaide may be broken in a couple of days, stay tuned.

      • Andy Oz says:

        Thanks Jeff,
        I couldn’t be bothered looking through BOM stats to find it.
        You’d think if the CAGW thing was real and not just a UHI incident, that there would be whole weeks of heatwaves hotter than 1939. But there isn’t. And 1939 is conveniently missing from BOM stats now. As is 1908, 1898 and a few other years with monster heatwaves up to nine days long.

  3. Dave says:

    The forecast for NYC shows a temperature of 39 degrees. I wouldn’t call that unusually cold.

  4. Beale says:

    Never mind Christie, what possessed the NFL owners?

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