Consensus Reached : 3C Warming Probable In The Next 16 Years

ScreenHunter_1731 Jan. 13 22.24

09 Jul 1988 – SATURDAY MAGAZINE The big heat is on

h/t to Andy Oz

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Consensus Reached : 3C Warming Probable In The Next 16 Years

  1. I always enjoy reading that “Top Scientists” all believe something or other. This is the equivalent of the person who wrote that saying, “I am pulling some stuff out of my arse…”

    (If something was true you would cite the evidence. You wouldn’t cite what a bunch of people believe might be true.)

    • Mike Mellor says:

      Will it’s the “appeal to vague authority.” The word “scientists” is a generic term. It covers everyone from Einstein to feng shui practitioners. And remember that one of the “top scientists” of all time, Einstein himself, famously rejected quantum uncertainty. If scientists were never wrong we’d still be living in caves and wearing skins wouldn’t we?

      • Jason Calley says:

        Top scientists tell us that caves and skin clothing only coddles the weak and infirm. Top scientists say that we should stay in the trees and fling feces. Yeah, that will cut back on CO2!


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