NCDC Sets A New Record For Data Tampering In 2013

NCDC is creating a non-existent US warming trend, by cooling the past at 2.2 degrees per century. 2013 set a new record for upwards adjustments.

ScreenHunter_1818 Jan. 15 10.05

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to NCDC Sets A New Record For Data Tampering In 2013

  1. gator69 says:

    What? No hat tip for Ken? 😉

  2. Anything is possible says:

    Real Science : “If the data does not fit your theory, your theory is wrong”

    Post-normal Climo-politics : “If the data does not fit your theory, alter the data”

  3. HankH says:

    In my work, measurement instruments have become increasingly more precise over time. That the NCDC is adjusting the late temperature series as much or more as early suggests that they see current technology as being as bad or worse than the old.

  4. Hugh K says:

    Caution Big Government at Work
    Some background — “By the late 1700s, accurate weather instruments, such as thermometers, were available to professional and amateur scientists. Historical figures, such as Thomas Jefferson, routinely recorded daily weather conditions.
    For the next two centuries, these weather observations accumulated in archives scattered across the country. In 1951, the Federal Government moved all weather records to Asheville, North Carolina, where the archives at the U.S. Weather Bureau, Air Force, and Navy combined to form the National Weather Records Center (NWRC).
    The organization was incorporated, with all civil weather entities, as part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in 1970. That same year, the NWRC changed its name to the National Climatic Center. Twelve years later, in 1982, the organization was renamed the National Climatic Data Center.”
    Today — “Today, data come to NCDC from not only land-based stations but also from ships, buoys, weather balloons, radars, satellites, and EVEN SOPHISTICATED WEATHER AND CLIMATE MODELS.” [Caps mine]
    Vision — NCDC VISION — To Be the Nation’s Trusted Authority on Climate and Historical Weather Information.
    What started out in the early 1950’s reasonably as a storage facility for existing weather records/data, has now morphed into a government agency which blends (bends?) historical data with “sophisticated climate models” distorting that very same historical data in an effort to someday gain trust.
    Can’t make this stuff up….

  5. Andy DC says:

    Very scientific. As the present cools, the past has to cool faster. Or else this money grab has no reason for being.

  6. Mkelley says:

    “Today, data come to NCDC from not only land-based stations but also from ships, buoys, weather balloons, radars, satellites, and EVEN SOPHISTICATED WEATHER AND CLIMATE MODELS.”

    Well I guess it’d be ok as long as the models are “sophisticated”. I knew the term “data” had been downgraded, but this is pathetic.

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