January 1896 Heatwave – Dead Kangaroos and Dingoes Everywhere – Parrots Dropping From Trees

ScreenHunter_337 Jan. 24 17.39

HOTTEST OF HOT WAVES ON RECORD. – How It Struck Sweltering New South Wales in January Last. – View Article – NYTimes.com

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to January 1896 Heatwave – Dead Kangaroos and Dingoes Everywhere – Parrots Dropping From Trees

  1. John Smith says:

    Watch a ten year old toss all of the global warming garbage into the garbage can.


    • Scott Scarborough says:

      So, what should we do with these people who call themselves scientists and want to take our freedoms through subterfuge? The politicians are too stupid to even understand the ramifications of your video.

    • Andy Oz says:

      An IQ over 70 is required to understand this video. That excludes all alarmists and politicians. It’s not about science anyway. It’s about money and power over the peons. Modern serfdom must be maintained at all costs, especially of the truth.

    • Bill says:

      That data obviously needs to be adjusted a bit.

  2. geran says:

    I think my parrots are dropping from my trees.

    Oh, maybe they are leaves….

  3. Andy Oz says:

    Over 5 million sheep died in the Australian summer of 1899!
    Of course it couldn’t have been heatwaves and drought.
    Al Gore’s little voices told me it was aliens and I believe them.

  4. Andy Oz says:

    Top CSIRO climatastrophist suffered deep depression in 2009 and did not seek professional help. He says Humans now an “endangered species.” Alarmists are complete kooks.

    “Crazy stuff, but every one of these reactions now makes perfectly awful sense to one of Australia’s leading climate scientists, Dr Graeme Pearman. After almost 40 years studying the complexities of atmospheric science, Pearman found himself at an impasse late last year and sliding into a deep personal depression. The planet he understood — probably as well as anyone ever could. But the people on it — the species he viewed as increasingly endangered — were doing his head in.”

  5. darrylb says:

    I think I might end up having to sue Steve G. because of all time I end up taking reading most of his stuff.
    Then, his lawyers would probably say that it is my choice, I do not have to read it.
    But I would counter that he has gotten me addicted.
    Well, be ready Steve!!!!!\
    Actually, what I really appreciated is that fact that it is presented so that I can isolate it and print it.
    Hey, maybe I can sue for the printer ink I have used!

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