The relationship between per capita CO2 emissions and quality of life is very straightforward. The more CO2, the higher the quality of life. By forcing westerners to reduce CO2 emissions, globalists (i.e. old commies) hope to reduce our quality of life and thus achieve their insane vision of social justice and reduced income inequality. It has nothing to do with climate or rational thinking.
In order to achieve their goals, they have to tell an awful lot of lies. One of the favorites is to make people believe CO2 looks like this, and causes “catastrophe.”
In fact, CO2 looks like the picture below, has very little impact on climate, and makes plants grow faster – thus improving quality of life.
The coal/gas fired power plant above is extremely clean, but the nearby burning plant matter (below) is very dirty. If people had to burn wood to keep warm, our air would be unbreathable.
What globalists didn’t count was Donald Trump coming along, and ending their plan to destroy the west. We are throwing them out and Making America Great Again.