Life Imitates Art

I saw the movie Red Dawn today. The story line is that both coasts of the US have been invaded by communists and are no longer under the control of Americans – but the interior of the country is still “free America.” Basically the 2012 election map.

The highlight of the movie is a North Korean official giving a motivational speech to Spokane residents, where he says that American greed made this communist takeover inevitable. The speech recited most of Joe Romm and Bill McKibben’s main talking points.

I thought the 1984 version with Patrick Swayze was better, but I am biased because that one was filmed on the edge of the Pecos Wilderness in New Mexico – where I worked as a wilderness ranger.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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18 Responses to Life Imitates Art

  1. Andy says:

    I guess looking at the map where the people live is blue and where the cows and other dumb animals live is red yes? Would that be a good approximation?


  2. squid2112 says:

    After brushing past this article today: New Jersey coaster submerged by superstorm Sandy may stay as tourist attraction, I can’t help to think that one possible motivation for this, or certainly I believe it will be presented this way in the near future, and that is to say “look kids, this is because of sea level rise and we’re all gonna die” … I am just waiting for it….

    • Me says:

      Yup, they got their priorities straight, never mind the people hardest his but look at that roller coaster there, as they are targeting everyone else outside this area with their bullshit.

      • squid2112 says:

        I’m just waiting to see that image pop up soon as the poster child for sea level rise. I have no doubt that Al Gore will use it in his next book/movie and claim sea level rise swallowed it up. .. just you wait and see .. a lot of people will believe it too, that is the truly sad part

  3. Wasn’t the original a James Cameron movie before he became some weird green cultist? I suppose I should have Google that first… 🙂

  4. David says:

    Andy says:
    November 23, 2012 at 6:06 am
    I guess looking at the map where the people live is blue and where the cows and other dumb animals live is red yes? Would that be a good approximation
    I did not know the urban cows and farm animals voted. At any rate, when global food chains collapse, due to inane liberal actions, we will see who the “dumb” people are,

  5. gator69 says:

    Interestingly, the original plot called for a Chinese invasion. But when it was brought to the attention of the producers that the enormous Chinese market would be lost to them, they “air brushed” the flags et al to change it to a North Korean invasion.

    The Chinese have already won without firing a shot.

    The sequel, “Red Con”,will be about a bearded, turban wearing Baptist terrorist group that nukes DC and San Francisco.

  6. Andy DC says:

    Rented out the old “Red Dawn” and watched it with friend a few weeks ago. Very captivating move. Maybe it seemed more suited for the Cold War period, but haven’t seen the new one.

    • The remake has more action, but the story, acting and character development isn’t as good as the original. The story line isn’t believable at all, other than the fact that radical leftists already control those states.

  7. RobertvdL says:

    I have problems with a map where communists are represented in blue. Maybe it is just me.

  8. David Jay says:

    It’s you…

  9. oeman50 says:

    I’ve see the original Red Dawn dozens of times, I find it captivating.


  10. savebyj says:

    Loved the original. I was a young Reaganite in High School and it ignited me to join the military after HS, a move I still don’t regret to this day.

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