Doha Lies Rising Faster Than Expected

DOHA, Nov 28 (Reuters) – Sea levels are rising 60 percent faster than U.N. projections, threatening low-lying areas from Miami to the Maldives, a study said on Wednesday.

The 2007 IPCC maximum estimate was 59 cm by 2100. Even the most bloated University of Colorado numbers are only half that, at 3.1 mm/year.

The report, issued during U.N. talks in Qatar on combating climate change, also said temperatures were creeping higher in line with U.N. scenarios, rejecting hopes the rate had been exaggerated.

Seas rising faster than projected, low areas threatened – study | Reuters

Temperatures are falling, as is the reputation and integrity of the scientific community.

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Doha Lies Rising Faster Than Expected

  1. kbray in california says:

    In Scandinavia, sea levels have been dropping:

    That makes less sea basin, forcing sea levels to rise in other areas.
    It has nothing to do with melting ice.

  2. From the article “Sea levels near Greenland, for instance, could fall because its ice sheet has a strong gravitational pull that raises the local sea level. If the ice thaws, the water level will sink.”. Interesting, never heard this before. Is it true?

  3. Curt says:

    This past summer, NOAA quietly issued a report recalibrating the satellite records of sea level rise over the last 20 years, and ended up with a net result of 1.3mm/year, which amounts to 5 inches per century. This new lower estimate is still slightly higher than the amounts that would be expected from the heat-content measurements of the Argo project and the mass change estimates of the GRACE satellites. Why no big headlines?

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