Climate Science To Be Credibility-Free By 2013

2007 Alaska Whaler’s Disappearing Ice

Branson Tungiyan is the general manager for the village of Gambell. He calls the Bering Sea his garden, but Tungiyan describes how changing weather is affecting the ice and the ocean. “The weather has been crazy these last 10 years. Unexpected warming in the middle of wintertime, cooler temperatures in the springtime where it should be warm. The ice is getting thinner. Now we’re seeing it come in what they call ice in January and one time February. So we believe what the scientists are saying that the ice is melting,” Tungiyan says.

Alaska Whaler’s Disappearing Ice

Bering Sea ice area is rapidly increasing and likely to break last year’s record high. The five highest years have all occurred since 2007.

ScreenHunter_285 Mar. 03 19.58

University of Illinois – Cryosphere Today

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Climate Science To Be Credibility-Free By 2013

  1. Chewer says:

    If only the MSM would catch up!
    It is the best of times when a scamming operation comes to its end!

  2. Dave N says:

    You’d think if the ice is becoming thinner, whalers would be happier. What do they do.. stand on top of it and throw harpoons, hoping that it’ll break through and hit a whale?

  3. miked1947 says:

    I am over 60 years old and I can truthfully say the weather has been crazy for more than 60 years! I have read many books and most all of them say the weather has been crazy for all the time people were writing as weather is one of the main things they were writing about. Geological evidence shows that weather has been crazy since before humans even developed on this globe.
    If weather was not crazy many would not have anything to talk about! 😉
    If historical weather was not crazy we would not be discussing Crazy Weather on this site!

  4. miked1947 says:

    Climate Science lost its credibility in about 1988! It was losing credibility in the 70s!

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