The Middle East has been in continuous war for about 5,000 years. It could have all been avoided by a carbon tax.
h/t to Marc Morano
The Middle East has been in continuous war for about 5,000 years. It could have all been avoided by a carbon tax.
h/t to Marc Morano
Bill McCorrupt, Bill McMoron, Bill McLiar, Bill McFanatic, Bill McI’llSayAnythingForMoney.
…Bill McLiar …
That’s a bit close to the bone!
Weeping Willie never fails to amaze Me! 😆
And just think, we could have avoided the interglacial as well.
Actually, he may have this one partly right. Climate has always been changing. Civilizations flourished in what has been referred to as the Roman and the Medieval warm periods and suffered in the little ice age.— and of course, because of the flourish, populations increased giving off more CO2 and there were larger animal herds with greater flatulence. (absolute proof, right!!)
Also, the Vikings left Greenland with the Ice age, and, in Europe, once there was no fun to have at home, it was off to the Crusades!. More Instability. All that fighting and breathing hard, more CO2.
Why, one could go on forever?!.
Actually, I do believe that climate changes have been missed in the study of History, as a stimulus and for reasons of human endeavor
The climate has been cooling in that region for 5,000 years! So I give that part to Bill. It is when he promotes CACA that he is wrong.
I realize he is not aware of how profound his claim really was!
The Middle East has been unstable since the beginning of recorded history.
Read the Bible.
The problem there is genes – not climate.
The whole world has been unstable since the beginning of recorded history! That is what most history is written about. It is the nature of Tribalism! And yes it is in the Genes!
It is the nature of Tribalism!
Absolutely 100% correct.
This is the road that Dear Leader is taking us down.
I think the middle east is unstable because standing around in the hot sun and getting dehydrated must be the most effective way to bake your brain. The result being terrible headaches which makes them mad at everything and everyone.
Is McKitten aware that Islam was no created until 700 AD? Is that the unrest he is thinking of?