It Is Already Too Late, Why Are They Still Running This Scam?

Hansen says that the deadline has already passed. Why are they still spending hundreds of billions of dollars on this scam?

ScreenHunter_99 Mar. 10 19.17

President Obama ‘has four years to save Earth’ | Environment | The Observer

It is game over. Stop stealing our money.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to It Is Already Too Late, Why Are They Still Running This Scam?

  1. Chewer says:

    Since private industry has dropped donations and will continue to do so, (with a few outliers like Soros & GE), that’s all they have left. Our tax dollars donated to the alarmists by our benevolent politicians is all they have left.
    The progressives do not want the tax code changed to anything fair, like a flat tax or consumer tax, as that would end their ability to anoint their good friends with our money!

  2. tckev says:

    Homer get asked about being truthful

  3. cb says:

    But, but, but… all we have to do it talk to them there honestly deluded hippies, and they will realize the error of their ways, and we can all sing and dance together in eternal peace and harmony…

    Or Peter Hall is a mindless fuck, and AGW was never anything more than a temporary rung on the ladder towards global socialism.

    Either or.

    Just sayin.

  4. gator69 says:

    “Why are they still spending hundreds of billions of dollars on this scam?”

    Because we keep printing more money.

  5. kbray in california says:

    It’s over.
    The train has left the station.
    No way to save it now.
    All we can do now is sit back and enjoy watching the train wreck:

    Earth is doomed.

  6. Jimbo says:

    Hansen should have stuck to astronomy.

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