Good Money Vs. Evil Money

George Soros makes his living off currency speculation. He bets that a national currency will collapse, and has enough money to make it happen. Over the past decade he has become more aggressive with this strategy, pouring money into people and organizations which will accelerate the collapse of a currency. Lefties consider this to be good money, because they receive it in huge quantities.

By contrast, fossil fuel companies keep our society functional, food on the table, and keep us warm. Lefties consider this to be evil.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Good Money Vs. Evil Money

  1. John B., M.D. says:

    Perhaps he should move to Cyprus.

  2. nzrobin says:

    Sorry if this sounds like a conspiracy. I wonder if it goes something like this?
    So the really rich dudes pay loads of money to WWF and Greenpeace and hundreds of other organisations that we don’t even know about. These organisations sell the ‘environmental imperative’ to an uneducated and ignorant public, including some activist scientists. The activist scientists lend weight to the yarn which has to be picked up by politicians. The politicians have to nearly kill their economies of their countries to meet the needs of the ‘environmental imperative’. As their economies fail, the rich dues will be ready to take over the flailing for at a bargain rate. And the masses will thank the rich dudes for the rescue. All this based on the lie that CO2 is a problem. And the rich dudes get richer. And the noble, foolish masses head back to mediocrity.

  3. Soros isn’t needed. Politicians are so grossly stupid they do an excellent job of destroying their own national currencies.

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