Sheriff Joe Says He Knows Who Faked Obama’s Birth Certificate


Obama’s literary agent (who made him rich) believed for 17 years from 1991-2007, that Obama was born in Kenya, as did leading newspapers in Kenya and Nigeria


Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii’


Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate




Nigerian Observer Online Edition

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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390 Responses to Sheriff Joe Says He Knows Who Faked Obama’s Birth Certificate

  1. Laurence Clark Crossen says:

    You birthers are probably being had on again as this issue only plays to Obama’s advantage. It only makes conservatives look stupid. The kernel of truth to your claims seems to be that he deceived black voters by saying he was born in Africa.

    • Bullshit. Obama’s literary agent listed him as being born in Kenya for 17 years, and his birth certificate is fake. I have no idea what the story is, but there is a story and it really pisses me off when people tell me to bury my head in the sand to make leftists happy.

      Did you actually look at any of the information I provided before jerking your knee?

      • Laurence Clark Crossen says:

        You seem to have missed my point. That is, he fed you all the unmistakably false birth certificate.

    • At some point people will recognize that they are in trouble and will attempt to stop being sheep. The only question is if it will be soon enough.

      I’m interested in facts, not making liars happy.

    • smrstrauss says:

      More than two years have passed since this was posted, and neither the claims of Sheriff Joe (who supposedly knew who faked Obama’s birth certificate in Marfch 2013—but never said a word, now I wonder why not?) nor the claim that Obama lied to his literary agent about his place of birth instead of her making a mistake—–has gotten anywhere. That’s because, duh, neither of the claims are true.

      • Gail Combs says:

        Why don’t all of you strausses get together and gang bang yourselves?

        Obummer and His Puppet Masters are about to take down the USA with up to a 90% death rate in the next few years so you might as well get your jollies now.

      • Brian H says:

        The hospital named on the certificate didn’t exist until 1978, 17 yrs. later. Two clinics were closed and replaced by the new hospital, which used part of one’s name. The forger got them mixed up.

        • Gail Combs says:


          Thanks for the info Brian. Not that anyone in government will bother to do anything about it.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Re: “The hospital named on the certificate didn’t exist until 1978…”

          Actually, it did exist, and with precisely the same name as on Obama’s long form birth certificate. The claim that it did not exist or that the name was different is simply another birther LIE. (Don’t believe me? Well there is an easy way to check. Simply call the hospital and ASK what the name was in 1961 and then compare what they say to what is on Obama’s birth certificate. Birthers do not do this because they are desperate to believe anything that could conceivably hurt Obama.)

  2. terrence says:

    Well, it is something that even a local CBS station would report this utterly dishonest “birth certificate” . LCC – did you even bother to watch, and try to UNDERSTAND the video? You really SHOULD listen to it, and TRY REALLY REALLY HARD to understand it. Left-wing WACKAODS like you make the Democrats look stupid.

    • Laurence Clark Crossen says:

      You also missed my point. See my reply to Steven. I am a libertarian. You and Steven did not comprehend my statements.

  3. Laurence Clark Crossen says:

    Sure. If I isn’t a citizen we can impeach him and get rid of his socialized health care. Good luck demonstrating it.

  4. Jim says:

    In my opinion, Obama was probably born in Hawaii. Even if he was born in Nigeria, so what !
    He is the President of The United States of America and all of the complainers are a bunch of nobody crybabies. Wah, Wah, Wah.

    • He either lied about his birthplace then, or he is lying about it now. That makes him a liar and you an idiot.

      • Jim says:

        It may make him a liar, but it does not make me an idiot. I concede that he may not have been born in Hawaii. My point is that it doesn’t matter where you think he was born.
        You are still a nobody crybaby !

      • Jim you are an idiot and you are spamming.

      • daveburton says:

        No news there, Steve. We know they guy’s a liar. He can hardly open his mouth without lying, except, maybe, to eat.

        I think his BC is probably legit, but if Joe can find proof otherwise, I’m all ears.

        However, even if BHO wasn’t born in the USA, there is a way in which he could still be a natural-born citizen: if he’s a bastard. (Yeah, I know he’s THAT kind of bastard, I mean if he was illegitimate.) If that is the case, then BHO’s citizenship is determined solely by his mother’s citizenship, which means he’s a natural-born citizen even if he was born overseas.

        There’s a distinct chance of that, because there’s good evidence that his father never divorced his first wife before marrying BHO’s mother. If that is so, then his father was a bigamist, which means BHO’s parents were never legally married, which means that BHO is a natural-born citizen, and eligible for the presidency.

    • Justa Joe says:

      Do you find Hussein Obama’s hijinks with his Birth Cert in any way odd, or is it worth for you just to see him thumb his nose at middle America?

      On several occasions I’ve had to produce a valid certified copy or original birth cert no ifs and/or buts about it.

      • Jim says:

        If you have a complaint about the way he is governing our nation, you should complain about that. He may or may not know where he was born or who was his father, but that has nothing to do with the fact that he is President of The United States of America and you are still a NOBODY CRYBABY !

      • Jim, you are an idiot.

      • Justa Joe says:

        Jim, It seems like your defense of B. Hussein is based on the idea that might makes right. Basically with the combined muscle of the Media and the DNC behind you you should be able to get away with anything. F the haters, huh?

        In a sense I agree that if Americans after having seen that phoney-baloney birth cert still voted him in then they get what they get. However, I don’t see how anyone is obligated to play along and not raise any objection like a little sicophant.

    • Jim, the point is that we are a nation of laws and if the C in C is willingly defying or breaking our laws where does that lead us?

  5. Laurence Clark Crossen says:

    If your point all along is to say Obama is un-American then that is another question. Is it American to favor socialized medicine? Socialism is government control of the means of production. Obama-care is government control of the means of health care.

  6. Laurence Clark Crossen says:

    Socialism is dishonest.

  7. Olaf Koenders says:

    It’s incriminating enough to have 17 years to read the same story about yourself and never notice something’s wrong.

  8. omnologos says:

    Laurence CC has a point – instead of obsessing on the losing argument (“born abroad – impeach him”) the far easier reasoning ought to be “Look – he faked his own biography for years – what else is he lying about”.

    After all it takes an enormous effort to succeed to impeach a President, but it’s no news to anybody that a politician is a serial liar.

    • nebakhet says:

      Come on just a little bit of thought dispels the myth that Obama’s certificate was faked.

      Think it through logically: The Hawaiian authorities are asked for a Obama’s birth certificate. They must have a procedure for doing this, as they will be asked to provide birth certificates for people all the time. They obviously aren’t going to send the actual certificate. They are going to send a copy. I hope everyone has at least figured that part out.

      But how are they going to send it? A hard copy by mail? I don’t think so. It’s the 21st century and the recipient in this case, the whitehouse, is more than capable of receiving an email attachment.

      So immediately strike out the idea that the whitehouse were posted a copy of Obama’s certificate and scanned it into a PDF themselves.

      Far more likely the PDF is what the whitehouse received by email.

      In which case Sheriff Joe’s conundrum about the safety paper layer answers itself. The Hawaiian authorities added the background safety paper layer.

      Why would they do that? Again if you think it through logically it’s obvious. They have the scan the certificates in before they can email them. I bet they scan them in black and white with high contrast. Why? Because years ago that’s all they had and it works. Perhaps they’ve even digitalized the certificates years ago in black and white.

      So they grab the black and white image, and stick it on top of a safety paper layer. Why? So that a) the document looks official b) what they send is “protected” in the old fashion sense of having a safety layer and c) It replaces the safety layer design that they stripped off by photocopying it in black and white.

      So when some sheriff opens the PDF and finds there is a security paper background and wrongly concludes the certificate was faked….well that’s just stupid.

      But I don’t expect any of you to accept this, just as you won’t accept the evidence for AGW. Similar long chain of logic required I am afraid.

      • Are you paid to post bullshit like this?

      • Chewer says:

        Did you notice anything interesting in the Hawaii newspapers during that week?

      • Justa Joe says:

        Are you serious?

        Go request your birth cert from your county, and they’re going to give you a hard copy of something. That’s every counties’ procedure.

        B. Hussein’s purported birth cert, which you may remember was claimed to be unattainable for many years, has a lot of questionable aspects from the content to the physical construction. on down

      • gofer says:

        You obviously haven’t watched the presentation by the experts. The went through all possible scenarios, in detail, to show why none of them applied.

      • T.O.O. says:


  9. Simon Evans says:

    I think this is being tackled the wrong way round. If BHO was born in Kenya as he originally claimed, there should be a record of it there. It was formerly run by the British until 1963, after his birth, so surely it would have been recorded? God does that mean he can come here and be our Prime Minister?

  10. Chewer says:

    It is extremely unlikely that big 0 will make it until the next general election.
    He and his administration fully underestimated the population and what they can get away with.
    The CIA, FBI, NSA and all the state/local authorities see what is brewing and they are not prepared for where we’re going.
    Spain and the European pieces of shit were the way to go in 2007/2008 and they will collapse way before his time is up and he knows it…
    Either we continue to be the leaders of the free world or he can expect the torch & pitchfork routine heading down his street!

  11. gator69 says:

    Failed EVERY test. Just like AGW. And the left calls us stupid. 😆

  12. I. Lou Minotti says:

    I’m just hoping the House of Representatives grows a set and starts impeachment proceedings. Not only about this issue, for sure, but also about Benghazi, Fast & Furious, the failure to submit a budget, etc. Of course, that would also open another can of worms, what with Biden waiting in the wings. But that’s OK too–deal with every problem in its turn!

  13. smrstrauss says:

    It is truly nutty to think that Obama’s relatives had enough money (Obama’s grandfather was just a furniture salesman and his grandmother a low-level employee in a bank at the time; and his father came to Hawaii on a free flight) or crazy enough to spend LOTS of money on a long and expensive and risky (incidents of stillbirths were high at the time) overseas trip for their pregnant daughter—–when there were perfectly good hospitals in Honolulu, Hawaii. (Oh, and the government of Kenya has said that it investigated the “born in Kenya” claim, and that it did not happen.) And the government of Hawaii, including the former Republican governor (a friend of Sarah Palin’s) has said repeatedly that Obama’s birth certificate is accurate and that Obama really was born in Kapiolani Hospital in Honolulu.

    • Yes, it is truly nutty that Obama’s literary agent (who promoted his biography) thought for 17 years from 1991 to 2007 that Obama was born in Kenya.

      Does someone pay you to be an imbecile?

      • smrstrauss says:

        Re: “Yes, it is truly nutty that Obama’s literary agent (who promoted his biography) thought for 17 years from 1991 to 2007 that Obama was born in Kenya.”

        Yes, she made the same kind of stupid mistake that you are making, and failed to correct it for 17 years. The explanation was that Obama’s father, whose name was also Barack Hussein Obama (Barack Hussein Obama I) was really born in Kenya. Barack Hussein Obama II, the president, was born in Kapiolani Hospital, Honolulu, Hawaii.

        The “born in Kenya” story is the height of the loony side of the birther movement. It is based on forgeries like that of Lucas D. Smith, and falsifications–such as the claim that Obama’s Kenyan grandmother said that he was born in Kenya—when she actually said right on the same tape that he was born IN HAWAII, and she said in another interview that the first that her family in Kenya had heard of Obama’s birth was in a letter FROM HAWAII. And there is also the mistake of the publicist (which she has admitted)

        Lucas D. Smith, a convicted felon, claimed that he went to Kenya and got Obama’s birth certificate at a hospital in Mombasa. But Lucas D. Smith has constantly refused to show proof that he, Smith, had ever gone to Kenya. All that he would have to do would be to show a Kenya stamp on a page of a passport, but Lucas D. Smith has refused to do that, constantly, and he has also constantly refused to say why he will not show that proof. (Moreover, his “birth certificate” uses US date formats [month/day/year] and not the day/month/year format used in Kenya.)

        Laying aside for a moment the overwhelming proof that Obama was born in Hawaii, the evidence that Obama was NOT born in Kenya is also very strong. There were a grand total of 21 people who came to the USA from Kenya in 1961. Of these only seven were US citizens. And the birther myth has always been that Obama’s parents went there and returned by plane, but only one person came to the USA from Kenya in 1961 by plane and that person was, wait for it, NOT a US citizen. And Obama’s father did not go to Kenya in 1961 either (making it unlikely that his mother did, since travel late in pregnancy was rare, and even more rare without the husband going along). WND has proved with a FOI Act request that Obama senior stayed in Hawaii throughout 1961.

        And the Kenyan government investigated the “born in Kenya” story, and found that it was not true.

        “Jon Chessoni, a first secretary at the Kenyan Embassy in Washington, can’t understand why his office gets so many baseless questions about whether Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

        “It’s madness,” said Chessoni on Monday.“His father, in 1961, would not even have been in Kenya. When this matter first came up, the Kenyan government did its research and confirmed that these are all baseless claims.””

        Obama has a Hawaii birth certificate that says that he was born in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital, and the officials of both parties in Hawaii have confirmed that fact. It is also confirmed by the birth announcement in the Hawaii newspapers in 1961, which were sent to the papers only by the DOH of Hawaii.

        Obama’s birth announcement appeared in a section of the newspapers called Health Bureau Statistics. As the name indicates, and as the papers and the DOH also say, ONLY the DOH of Hawaii could send birth notices to the Health Bureau Statistics section of the paper. And the DOH only sent out those notices for children that it had issued birth certificates for, and in 1961 the DOH was not allowed to register the births of children who were not born in Hawaii.

        Oh, and there is this:

      • The evidence is overwhelming that Obama lied about his birthplace at some point in his life. He was promoted as being born in Kenya in 1991 by his literary agent, and for the next 17 years. Obama and no one else he knew didn’t correct this information until 2007.

        Are are suggesting that someone named Lucas went back in time to 1991?

        Obama is the original birther.

      • squid2112 says:


        Ok, if what you postulate is true, why the forged birth certificates? And they are forged (both “certificate of live birth” and his so-called “long form”), this there is absolutely no doubt.

  14. smrstrauss says:

    Re: “Ok, if what you postulate is true, why the forged birth certificates? And they are forged (both “certificate of live birth” and his so-called “long form”), this there is absolutely no doubt.”

    Precisely. If the FACTS on the birth certificate are EXACTLY the same as on the birth certificate that Hawaii sent to Obama (and the officials in Hawaii have repeatedly said that that is the fact) then why should the birth certificate be forged?

    Answer: Because it is NOT forged. Only birther “experts”—who hate Obama—have claimed that it is forged. Well, the obvious reason that they are claiming it is that they see it as a way to attack Obama, and they have manufactured their “proof” that it is forged based on that motive. For example, they said that pdf did not have “layers”–but of course it does. And they said that Obama’s birth certificate shows “kerning”—but it is the normal skipping of manual typewriters.

    Obama’s birth certificate is not fake. Only birther “experts” have called it fake, and they have not shown that they are even experts, much less fair and impartial. Those are two reasons why they are not believed by Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck or the National Review (or by Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan or Gingrich or Santorum or Huckabee).

    One proof that Obama’s birth certificate is not forged is Obama’s short-form birth certificate.

    Short-form birth certificates are created by a clerk reading the information from the document in the file, and filling out the computer form that generates the printed short-form birth certificate. The officials in Hawaii have confirmed that they sent a short-form to Obama. So, unless they are lying—and they were Republican officials–the only way that Obama’s birth certificate could have been forged was that it was forged in 2007 and slipped into the file just before the clerk looked at the file. That is not very likely, is it? And it is especially unlikely since at the time Obama was not even the candidate of the Democrats. He was still in the primaries at the time, and he was only a junior senator from Illinois.

    And birther sites have not shown you these real experts.

    Dr. Neil Krawetz, an imaging software analysis author and experienced examiner of questioned images, said:“The PDF released by the White House shows no sign of digital manipulation or alterations. I see nothing that appears to be suspicious.”

    Nathan Goulding with The National Review: “We have received several e-mails today calling into question the validity of the PDF that the White House released, namely that there are embedded layers in the document. There are now several other people on the case. We looked into it and dismissed it.… I’ve confirmed that scanning an image, converting it to a PDF, optimizing that PDF, and then opening it up in Illustrator, does in fact create layers similar to what is seen in the birth certificate PDF. You can try it yourself at home.”

    John Woodman, independent computer professional, who is a member of the Tea Party (who says that he hates Obama’s policies but found no evidence of forgery) said repeatedly in his book and in various articles on his Web site that the claims that Obama’s birth certificate was forged were unfounded.

    Ivan Zatkovich, who has testified in court as a technology expert, and consultant to WorldNetDaily:“All of the modifications to the PDF document that can be identified are consistent with someone enhancing the legibility of the document.” And, by the way, when WND received Zatkovich’s article that said that he found nothing wrong with Obama’s birth certificate, WordNDaily simply did not publish it.

    Jean-Claude Tremblay, a leading software trainer and Adobe-certified expert, who has years of experience working with and teaching Adobe Illustrator, said the layers cited by doubters are evidence of the use of common, off-the-shelf scanning software — not evidence of a forgery.“I have seen a lot of illustrator documents that come from photos and contain those kind of clippings—and it looks exactly like this,” he said.

    Birthers’ claim that Obama’s birth certificate is false is well understood to be caused by their own motives—they hate Obama and would like to harm him.

    And continues to be crazy to think that Obama’s relatives had enough money (Obama’s grandfather was just a furniture salesman and his grandmother a low-level employee in a bank at the time; and his father came to Hawaii on a free flight) or crazy enough to spend LOTS of money on a long and expensive and risky (incidents of stillbirths were high at the time) overseas trip for their pregnant daughter—–when there were perfectly good hospitals in Honolulu, Hawaii. (Oh, and the government of Kenya has said that it investigated the “born in Kenya” claim, and that it did not happen.)

    Re: “He was promoted as being born in Kenya in 1991 by his literary agent, and for the next 17 years. Obama and no one else he knew didn’t correct this ”

    Answer: We do not know that he ever saw the bio, and the idea that the literary agent would look at it again and fix it is also by no means clear. So, it was a mistake that was not fixed for 17 years—there have been mistakes in the New York Times and Washington Post that have not been fixed for decades—if ever. And, of course, just because she said that he was born in Kenya does not make him born in Kenya—especially when the Kenyan government said that it checked and that he wasn’t born there.

    • The idea that no one Obama knew noticed the mistake for 17 years is beyond ludicrous. Obama almost certainly wrote the bio himself. These are the people who made Obama rich.

      Leading newspapers in Kenya and Nigeria also believed that he was born in Kenya.

      You write at great length, but say nothing.

      • smrstrauss says:

        Re: “The idea that no one Obama knew noticed the mistake for 17 years is beyond ludicrous. Obama almost certainly wrote the bio himself. ”

        Answer: And who told you that? the publicist said that she wrote the bio herself, not Obama, and she also admits that she did not submit it to Obama for checking.

        Re: “These are the people who made Obama rich.”

        Answer: It is not either illegal or immoral to be rich.

        Re: “Leading newspapers in Kenya and Nigeria also believed that he was born in Kenya.”

        Answer: And IF they had said that the earth was flat would you believe that too? (What they said was “Kenyan-born,” which apparently meant “born of a Kenyan” to them. Remember that English is not their first language), and in any case, IF they believed that Obama was born in Kenya, it STILL would not make it a fact that he was born in Kenya. Newspapers get things wrong all the time. The facts are that it would have cost the equivalent of $10,000 in today’s dollars to send Obama’s mother from Hawaii to Kenya in 1961, and Obama’s grandparents did not have that kind of money. And if they did, they would not have spent it to send their pregnant daughter overseas when she was late in pregnancy because of the danger of stillbirths (which were high at the time), and the Kenyan government says that Obama was NOT born there, and the Hawaii government (officials of both parties) says that he WAS born there.

      • Right. She just made up the Kenya part without checking with him, and then neither Obama nor anyone else he knew noticed for the next 17 years that he was being promoted by close business associates as being born in Kenya.

        Your straw man arguments and attempts to distract are both nonsensical and dishonest.

        Both Goderich and Obama need to be asked in public if they ever lied about his birthplace. Why hasn’t this happened? Why wasn’t Goderich asked who told her that Obama was born in Kenya? I thought this was a democracy.

      • squid2112 says:

        Your claim that the birth certificates weren’t forged is false. They most certainly were, and this there is absolutely no doubt. You can fluffigate all you want, but it is pure BS.

  15. M>C> says:

    Amazing how this “Real Science” site will ignore logical point after point after point about the hard facts of the issue (hospital, birth certificate, State of Hawaii, newspaper announcements, statements from experts), calling them “Your straw man arguments and attempts to distract are both nonsensical and dishonest.” And the blogger is an “imbecile” for making them up.

    instead the “overwhelming evidence” case for the President’s birthplace depends on his book publicist, business associates and “several leading African newspapers.” Really? That’s your case? Why ignore all the real evidence? And why are you so insecure you have to insult anyone who dares disagree with you? Where are your social skills? Is this a sheep-only site? Now go ahead–demean me for speaking up in this echo chamber.

    • Amazing how you ignore the fact that Obama was promoted by close business associates as being born in Kenya for 17 years – from 1991 to 2007.

      The only even remotely plausible explanation is that at some point in his life he lied about his birthplace.

      Keep it up though. You are going an excellent job exposing yourself as dishonest.

      • M>C> says:

        How did I know you would: 1. Completely ignore all the solid evidence points. 2. Restate your flimsy evidence as Gospel and insist any other view is Idiotic. 3. Ignore any of my questions about your methodology. and 4. Insult me. How did I know?

    • Latitude says:

      I can only think of three choices….
      He lied about where he was born…..
      ….for 17 years he was so out of touch he didn’t even look at his resume

      ….or he’s lying now

      none of those choices are good ones….but that’s all he’s got

  16. Laurence Clark Crossen says:

    It is clear that the video is mistaken about the certificate they examined being a fake. I am convinced smrstrauss has refuted the video’s arguments.

  17. smrstrauss says:

    Re: “Amazing how you ignore the fact that Obama was promoted by close business associates as being born in Kenya for 17 years – from 1991 to 2007.

    The only even remotely plausible explanation is that at some point in his life he lied about his birthplace. ”

    IN the book you are talking about, Obama says that he was born in Kapiolani Hospital in Hawaii. That is not a lie, but you claim that he lied because, you claim that he wrote the blurb, but the publicist said that he did not write the blurb and that she did not check it with him. Yet you say that he lied in the blurb.

    Well, he didn’t lie. But the issue that this site originally claimed was that he was born in Kenya—and that is a truly nutty idea since (1) It cost around $10,000 in 2013 dollars to go to Kenya and return: (2) Obama’s grandparents did not have anywhere near that kind of money; (3) If they did, they would not have spent it on such a risky trip during pregnancy especially to send their daughter to a country where Yellow Fever was endemic, and alone (since Obama senior has been proven by WND to have stayed in Hawaii throughout 1961); (4) The government of Kenya says that he was not born there; (5) The government of Hawaii ( officials of BOTH parties, including the former Republican governor) says that he was born there, and that is confirmed by the public Index Data file and by the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers in 1961 by the DOH of Hawaii, and by the teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, about the birth in Hawaii of a child to a woman named Stanley.

    You can keep on claiming that the birth certificate is forged, but such prominent conservatives as Ann Coulter and Glenn Beck and the National Review do not believe those claims. The people who are making the claims have a strong hatred of Obama, and their claims have been disproved by many experts including John Woodman, a member of the Tea Party, who says that he hates Obama but that there is no evidence that the birth certificate was forged.

    Re: “.for 17 years he was so out of touch he didn’t even look at his resume”

    Answer: It was not a resume, it was a burb, a publicity release, and it is indeed possible and in fact likely that he did not look at it. So, if you want to say that he was out of touch—then he was out of touch.

    BUT he was born in Hawaii, not in Kenya.

    • You are a real piece of first rate garbage.

      I have made no claims about where Obama was born and never discussed the contents of his book. This discussion is about the promotional literature from his literary agent, and a couple of prominent African newspapers – all of whom believed that Obama was born in Kenya long before anyone heard of Glenn Beck.

      Who told Miriam Goderich in 1991 that Barack Obama was born in Kenya, and why was that information repeated for the next 17 years in multiple versions of the client list without correction?

      I don’t give a rats ass about what some Republican might have said. I want may questions answered.

      • M>C> says:

        “You are a real piece of first rate garbage.” First rate? Wow, high ranking! What a thoughtful scholar and a gentleman! Keep believing Miriam Goderich over the Republican Gov of Hawaii. Stay classy, “Steven!”

      • When people start being deceptive and lying about what I said, I call them on it.

        I understand that lefties live in a world of constant lies, and it doesn’t trouble them.

    • Latitude says:

      His own college promoted him as being from Keyna……when he first ran ofr office he was promoted as being from Keyna
      … mean he was so high on pot he didn’t notice! ROTFL

  18. smrstrauss says:

    Re: “His own college promoted him as being from Keyna…”

    Neither are true. Birthers have said that there is a birth certificate from Kenya. It is a forgery. Birthers have said that Obama’s Kenyan relatives said that he was born in Kenya. That is a lie. And the claim that Obama’s college—either Occidental or Columbia—said that he was from Kenya is also a lie. Yes, his publicist said that he was born in Kenya—but that is all, and she has admitted to making the mistake.

    And, if the college had said that he was born in Kenya, which it didn’t, it STILL would not make him born in Kenya.

    1) It cost around $10,000 in 2013 dollars in 1961 to go to Kenya and return: (2) Obama’s grandparents did not have anywhere near that kind of money (his grandfather was a furniture salesman at the time and his grandmother was a low-level employee of a bank in 1961, and his father came to Hawaii on a free flight); (3) If they did have the money, they would not have spent it on such a risky trip during pregnancy (incidents of stillbirth were high in those days) especially to send their daughter to a country where Yellow Fever was endemic, and alone (since Obama senior has been proven by WND to have stayed in Hawaii throughout 1961); (4) The government of Kenya says that he was NOT born there; (5) The government of Hawaii ( officials of BOTH parties, including the former Republican governor) says that he was born there, and that is confirmed by the public Index Data file and by the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers in 1961 by the DOH of Hawaii, and by the teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, about the birth in Hawaii of a child to a woman named Stanley.

    • Who told Miriam Goderich in 1991 that Barack Obama was born in Kenya, and why did she continue to repeat that information in multiple publications for the next 17 years without correction?

      Why did two of Africa’s most prominent newspapers believe that Barack Obama was born in Kenya?.

      • M>C> says:

        How is it you have time to rant and call people hateful names, yet no time to do simple research? Could it be you don’t want to have these pitiful “issues” answered? Anything and everything anti-Obama is go with you, so let’s ignore any and all facts:

        Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

        “This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me–an agency assistant at the time,” Goderich wrote in an emailed statement to Yahoo News. “There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more.” published a lengthy disclaimer with the brochure, saying it does not believe Obama was born outside of the United States:

        Andrew Breitbart was never a “Birther,” and Breitbart News is a site that has never advocated the narrative of “Birtherism.” In fact, Andrew believed, as we do, that President Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 4, 1961.

      • Incredible how you dance around the issue and don’t answer the question. Who told Miriam Goderich in 1991 that Barack Obama was born in Kenya, and why did her client list as late as 2007 still make that claim? Why did Barack Obama never correct her over a period of 17 years?

        Why do you keep trying to change the subject? I have asked simple questions and you refuse to even attempt to answer them.

      • smrstrauss says:

        Re: “Who told Miriam Goderich in 1991 that Barack Obama was born in Kenya…”

        Answer: Miriam Goderich, the publicist, got the wrong idea from the fact that a Barack Hussein Obama was indeed born in Kenya: Barack Hussein Obama I, Obama’s father, not Barack Hussein Obama II, the current president of the USA. And it was a mistake, and she said that she made it and did not check it. A mistake does not make someone born in Kenya.

        Re: “and why did she continue to repeat that information in multiple publications…”

        Answer: It was just the same publicity blurb.

        Re: ” for the next 17 years without correction?”

        Answer: Lots of people do not check their work and lots of them do not look at things that they wrote years ago ever again.

        Re: “Why did two of Africa’s most prominent newspapers believe that Barack Obama was born in Kenya?.”

        Answer. Even if two of African’s prominent newspapers really thought that Obama was born in Kenya, (and they didn’t, They used “Kenyan-born” to refer to the fact that his father was a Kenyan) THAT would not make him born in Kenya. Newspapers, btw, get things wrong all the time. And with regard to the newspapers you are referring to, they did not say that sources told them that Obama was born in Kenya or that they had seen files saying that he was born in Kenya. They just said “Kenya-born.”

        (1) It cost around $10,000 in 2013 dollars in 1961 to go to Kenya and return: (2) Obama’s grandparents did not have anywhere near that kind of money (his grandfather was a furniture salesman at the time and his grandmother was a low-level employee of a bank in 1961, and his father came to Hawaii on a free flight); (3) If they did have the money, they would not have spent it on such a risky trip during pregnancy (incidents of stillbirth were high in those days) especially to send their daughter to a country where Yellow Fever was endemic, and alone (since Obama senior has been proven by WND to have stayed in Hawaii throughout 1961); (4) The government of Kenya says that he was NOT born there; (5) The government of Hawaii ( officials of BOTH parties, including the former Republican governor) says that he was born there, and that is confirmed by the public Index Data file and by the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers in 1961 by the DOH of Hawaii, and by the teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, about the birth in Hawaii of a child to a woman named Stanley.

        • People say all kinds of things when under pressure from the White House. She did not say where the information came from. Was the reporter too stupid to ask? Her explanation is grossly inadequate.

          Who told Miriam Goderich in 1991 that Barack Obama was born in Kenya, and why did her client list as late as 2007 still make that claim? Why did Barack Obama never correct her over a period of 17 years?

  19. Laurence Clark Crossen says:

    It no longer seems that he may have been deceiving black voters because the whole idea seems to have come from his publicist who just made a mistake.

    • Perhaps Miriam Goderich believes that all black men are from Kenya?

      Mistakes like that don’t just happen. Someone told her in 1991 that Barack Obama was born in Kenya, and Barack Obama never bothered to correct her for the next 17 years.

      My bullshit detector is so far off scale …..

      • smrstrauss says:

        Answer: Miriam Goderich, the publicist, got the wrong idea from the fact that a Barack Hussein Obama was indeed born in Kenya: Barack Hussein Obama I, Obama’s father, not Barack Hussein Obama II, the current president of the USA. And it was a mistake, and she said that she made it and did not check it. A mistake does not make someone born in Kenya.

        Re: She said that she did not show the blurb to him, and you are assuming that he searched for it on the Web and looked at it. Who says that he did??

        • People say all kinds of things when under pressure from the White House. She did not say where the information came from. Was the reporter too stupid to ask? Her explanation is grossly inadequate.

          Who told Miriam Goderich in 1991 that Barack Obama was born in Kenya, and why did her client list as late as 2007 still make that claim? Why did Barack Obama never correct her over a period of 17 years?

      • M>C> says:

        “This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me–an agency assistant at the time,” Goderich wrote in an emailed statement to Yahoo News. “There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more.”

      • People say all kinds of things when under pressure from the White House. She did not say where the information came from. Was the reporter too stupid to ask? Her explanation is grossly inadequate.

        Who told Miriam Goderich in 1991 that Barack Obama was born in Kenya, and why did her client list as late as 2007 still make that claim? Why did Barack Obama never correct her over a period of 17 years?

      • gator69 says:

        “But this is not a case of protests directed at the United States writ large or at U.S.
        policy, but it is in response to video…”

        Do you believe everything you read? 😆

      • Latitude says:

        this is hysterically funny…..
        Obama writes a book….goes to an agent to promote it…..and Obama’s so dense he never reads or approves his own promotional material……ROTFL

        ..As far as Obama knows…his publicist could have said he was an Ethiopian drag queen!!

      • Ben says:

        RE: smrstrauss – “Answer: Miriam Goderich, the publicist, got the wrong idea from the fact that a Barack Hussein Obama was indeed born in Kenya: Barack Hussein Obama I”

        Well, Barack II look hella good for someone mistakenly assumed to have been born in Kenya, in 1936!,_Sr.

        Your explanations only lead to bigger problems.

    • David says:

      and why did she continue to repeat that information in multiple publications…”
      Answer: “It was just the same publicity blurb.”
      (If he had the same publicist for 17 years, and the “Kenya” statement was placed multiple times, then this non answer makes no sense. How could you not know for 17 years, and not correct.

      Re: ” for the next 17 years without correction?”

      Answer: Lots of people do not check their work and lots of them do not look at things that they wrote years ago ever again.
      I do not think it was a 17 year old, one time mistake, I think it was repeated for 17 years, and only changed near the time of his running for president. If that is correct, your one time error 17 years ago, is not an answer to the question at all.

      Re: “Why did two of Africa’s most prominent newspapers believe that Barack Obama was born in Kenya?.”

      Answer. Even if two of African’s prominent newspapers really thought that Obama was born in Kenya, (and they didn’t, They used “Kenyan-born” to refer to the fact that his father was a Kenyan) THAT would not make him born in Kenya

      Kenyan Born, is clearly a reference to Obama, not his father. The sentence says what is says. This defense is mindless. It does not say the “son” of a Kenyan born. father You make zero sense here. And it was in more then one magazine. BTW Obama did not grow up poor either. I do not know where he was born. It appears to be clear that he made no effort to correct a claimed mistake made multiple times by his own publicist for 17 years.

  20. smrstrauss says:

    Re: “Who told Miriam Goderich in 1991 that Barack Obama was born in Kenya, and why did her client list as late as 2007 still make that claim? Why did Barack Obama never correct her over a period of 17 years?”

    As answered previously:

    Answer: Miriam Goderich, the publicist, got the wrong idea from the fact that a Barack Hussein Obama was indeed born in Kenya: Barack Hussein Obama I, Obama’s father, not Barack Hussein Obama II, the current president of the USA. And it was a mistake, and she said that she made it and did not check it. A mistake does not make someone born in Kenya.

    Re: She said that she did not show the blurb to him, and you are assuming that he searched for it on the Web and looked at it. Who says that he did??

    • She did not give any such explanation. That is your theory and you are presenting it as if it is was hers. There was no public Internet in 1991.

      Neither young Obama (recently out of college) nor anyone else he knew ever looked at his printed promotional pamphlet, or at the web site where he was promoted – over a period of 17 years? That is just not credible.

    • Ben says:

      RE: smrstrauss – “Answer: Miriam Goderich, the publicist, got the wrong idea from the fact that a Barack Hussein Obama was indeed born in Kenya: Barack Hussein Obama I”

      Well, Barack II looked hella good for someone mistakenly assumed to have been born in Kenya, in 1936!,_Sr.

      Your explanations only lead to bigger problems.

      • smrstrauss says:

        She made the mistake based simply the names. She did not look at the photo of Obama’s father. All that she did was to read that Barack Hussein Obama I was born in Kenya, and she thought that that referred to Barack Hussein Obama II.

        That accounts for the mistake. And it was a MISTAKE. The book itself says that the author of the book, Barack Hussein Obama II, was born in Kapiolani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii. There are millions of mistakes in this world—and none of them make you born in Kenya.

      • She never said any of the things you are claiming. Are you a mind reader?

        Obama says contradictory things all the time. That is his core personality.

      • smrstrauss says:

        Re: “She never said any of the things you are claiming. Are you a mind reader?”

        She said that she made a mistake. That by itself is sufficient. The facts remain that Obama was born in Hawaii, but his father—who has the same name as he does, Barack Hussein Obama I—was born in Kenya. Obama was born in Hawaii, but his father was born in Kenya. Are you saying that that did not account for the mistake?

        Are you saying that it was NOT a mistake, that the officials in Kenya who said that President Obama was not born there, and the officials in Hawaii of both parties who say that Obama WAS born there are both lying? Well, if they were not lying, then Obama was born in Hawaii, and it was a mistake.

        Are you saying that Obama told her that he was born in Kenya, even though he was born in Hawaii? Well, that would be a stupid thing to do, when the book itself says right in it that Obama was born in Hawaii. So, if you say that Obama told her, you have no evidence to go on, and the evidence in the book itself that says that he was born in Hawaii, which makes it highly unlikely (to say the least) that he would want the blurb of a book that says that he was born in Hawaii to say that he was born in Kenya.

        In any case, he was born in Hawaii, and that is sufficient to make him a Natural Born US citizen because the meaning of NBC comes from the common law (not Vattel) and refers to the place of birth, not to the citizenship of the parents of a US-born citizen.

      • smrstrauss says:

        Re: “Nixon said he is not a crook. ”

        So? I’m not a crook. I’m telling the truth, want to see the links to the facts?

        Re: “Why are you desperate to change the subject?”

        Answer: The subject, in case you have forgotten, can be summarized by the headline of this blog: “Sheriff Joe Says He Knows Who Faked Obama’s Birth Certificate.”

        That is the subject of this blog, and the answer to Sheriff Joe’s claim remains that NOBODY faked Obama’s birth certificate because Obama really was born in Hawaii, as the officials of BOTH parties and the public Index Data file and the birth notices sent to the papers by the DOH of Hawaii in 1961 all show.

        This is what the National Review thinks of Sheriff Joe:

  21. smrstrauss says:

    Re: “Obama’s so dense he never reads or approves his own promotional material……ROTFL

    ..As far as Obama knows…his publicist could have said he was an Ethiopian drag queen!!”

    Answer: So what? LOTS of people fail to check things. BUT that still does not make Obama born in Kenya.

  22. smrstrauss says:

    Re: “No one here said Obama was born in Kenya. Why do you keep changing the subject?”

    I’m not changing the subject. The claim that Obama was born in Kenya is discussed in this blog.

    From the blog: “Obama’s literary agent (who made him rich) believed for 17 years from 1991-2007, that Obama was born in Kenya, as did leading newspapers in Kenya and Nigeria.”

    I responded to that.

    • Your response was inadequate. His literary agent made the claim that he was born in Kenya, 22 years ago and she repeated it many times over the next 17 years.

      Why are you conflating discussion in 2013 on this blog with something Obama’s associate wrote in 1991?

    • David says:

      Yes you did and poorly, apparently it was not a one off 17 year ago mistake, but a repeated mistake, made for 17 years befor ecorrection, just before the presedential run..

      and why did she continue to repeat that information in multiple publications…”
      Answer: “It was just the same publicity blurb.”
      (If he had the same publicist for 17 years, and the “Kenya” statement was placed multiple times, then this non answer makes no sense. How could you not know for 17 years, and not correct.

      Re: ” for the next 17 years without correction?”

      Answer: Lots of people do not check their work and lots of them do not look at things that they wrote years ago ever again.
      I do not think it was a 17 year old, one time mistake, I think it was repeated for 17 years, and only changed near the time of his running for president. If that is correct, your one time error 17 years ago, is not an answer to the question at all.

  23. Laurence Clark Crossen says:

    It seems that Obama must have read his own promotional material. Did he allow the mistake to go uncorrected because he did not mind deceiving black voters?

  24. Laurence Clark Crossen says:

    In all probability he did. As Steven explains, he was early in his career “just out of college.”

  25. M>C> says:

    Dammit, you Real Scientists have cracked this case! They fixed the birth certs, faked all the birth announcements in the newspapers, got his family and the Republican Governor of Hawaii to lie about it all, fooled Lords Rush, Beck, Breitbart, Colter et al. In the holy name of Gaia, how could they have forgotten the pr blurb about the book! No one ever gets anything wrong in their publicity! Case closed! Send in the Black Helicopters!

    • smrstrauss says:

      Nicely put.

    • You expose your own dishonest tendencies once again. The discussion is about birthing claims made by Obama’s literary agent from 1991 to 2007. I understand that you are probably used to talking to easily manipulated people, but that won’t fly around here.

      • M>C> says:

        Right. And the agent is quoted as saying she made a mistake. The info did not come from Obama or anyone connected to him. Is she lying?

      • And the reporter didn’t bother to ask her where the information came from? That is stupid beyond comprehension.

      • smrstrauss says:

        The discussion was about whether or not Obama’s birth certificate was forged (which it wasn’t) and whether or not he was born in a foreign country (which he wasn’t). YOU changed it to a discussion about the literary agent. YOU did that.

        I have answered your questions about how the literary agent could make the mistake and how come Obama did not fix it. She got the idea because Obama’s father, who has the same name as him, really was born in Hawaii; and Obama did not fix it because his publicist did not send it to him to be checked (which is a stupid thing to do, but people do do stupid things) and because as far as we know Obama never saw it and never thought to go online to check it.

        Getting back to the main discussion: (1) Obama’s birth certificate was not forged because the officials in Hawaii have repeatedly stated that the facts on Obama’s long form are EXACTLY the same as on the BC sent to him and because many real software experts say that it was not forged; and (2) Obama was not born in Kenya, as both the Hawaii officials and the Kenyan officials have said.

      • Ben says:

        RE: smrstrauss – “YOU changed it to a discussion about the literary agent. YOU did that.”

        From Steven’s post: “Obama’s literary agent (who made him rich) believed for 17 years from 1991-2007, that Obama was born in Kenya, as did leading newspapers in Kenya and Nigeria”

        Then Steven changed it extremely early, in the very post. How clever!

    • gofer says:

      Well, maybe he learned it from Bush since he “lied” about Iraq and got all the other Nations and Intelligence agencies, Congress, the UN, Gore, Clinton and a host of others to believe it. He must have faked a bunch of documents to support his “lie” because it was masterful.

      Publicist get things wrong like spelling, but to get such a major part wrong of one’s birthplace is not a simple mistake. She would never know where he was born unless somebody told her along with all the other information printed. You think she just pulled it out of thin air? His Mother was still alive at that time and you think she never read anything about her son or any other of his relatives. Or maybe a friend read it and said to him, “Hey, I didn’t know you were born in Kenya.” A lot of people read that which was the whole point of printing it and nobody ever brought up where he was born to him. To say it’s a mistake, is totally illogical, especially for 17 years. Besides, it would have given him more street cred with his fellow community members.

  26. smrstrauss says:

    Re: “It seems that Obama must have read his own promotional material..”

    Who says? YOU? How do you know. Re: ““just out of college.” Answer: What does that mean, that people just out of college are particularly careful to check things? Isn’t it just as likely that people just out of college are sometimes too busy and too focused on day-day-to-day events to check things? The publicist says that she did not send it to him to be checked. So, how did he know where to go to see the blurb online to check it that year or 2 years later or six years later or 17 years later?

    • These are the people who made Obama rich. They are important people in his life. They repeated his birthing claims for 17 years. The concept that no one Obama knew noticed for 17 years is beyond ludicrous.

      • smrstrauss says:

        No one that Obama knew noticed for 17 years. It’s not “ludicrous” it is a normal example of stupidity.

      • Patently absurd. I have had promotional material printed for me, and a glaring error like that would not go unnoticed for more than a few hours, particularly not for a public figure like Obama.

      • smrstrauss says:

        Re: “Patently absurd. I have had promotional material printed for me, and a glaring error like that would not go unnoticed for more than a few hours, particularly not for a public figure like Obama.”

        It would go unnoticed if it was never sent to you, and if you were never told to look at it. All part of the same mistake.

    • gofer says:

      Do you honestly think she would have or could have said anything other than “I didn’t send it to him.” If she had said otherwise, it would have pointed the figure at Obama and that would never do. Oh it as just a mistake and I never sent it to him. Yeah, right!

  27. M>C> says:

    Recently, a few political scientists have begun to discover a human tendency deeply discouraging to anyone with faith in the power of information. It’s this: Facts don’t necessarily have the power to change our minds. In fact, quite the opposite. In a series of studies in 2005 and 2006, researchers at the University of Michigan found that when misinformed people, particularly political partisans, were exposed to corrected facts in news stories, they rarely changed their minds. In fact, they often became even more strongly set in their beliefs. Facts, they found, were not curing misinformation. Like an underpowered antibiotic, facts could actually make misinformation even stronger.

    “Area Man Passionate Defender Of What He Imagines Constitution To Be,” read a recent Onion headline. Like the best satire, this nasty little gem elicits a laugh, which is then promptly muffled by the queasy feeling of recognition.
    This bodes ill for a democracy, because most voters — the people making decisions about how the country runs — aren’t blank slates. They already have beliefs, and a set of facts lodged in their minds. The problem is that sometimes the things they think they know are objectively, provably false. And in the presence of the correct information, such people react very, very differently than the merely uninformed. Instead of changing their minds to reflect the correct information, they can entrench themselves even deeper.
    “The general idea is that it’s absolutely threatening to admit you’re wrong,” says political scientist Brendan Nyhan, the lead researcher on the Michigan study. The phenomenon — known as “backfire” — is “a natural defense mechanism to avoid that cognitive dissonance.”

    • Amazing how you are once again attempting to change the subject. I’ve noticed that a lot of lefties believe that a large volume of dishonest words is a substitute for an honest discussion.

      Who told Miriam Goderich that Barack Obama was born in Kenya, and why did she continue to repeat this information for 17 years?

      • smrstrauss says:

        Re: “Patently absurd. I have had promotional material printed for me, and a glaring error like that would not go unnoticed for more than a few hours, particularly not for a public figure like Obama.”

        Obama was not a public figure at the time, and the fact that your publicist was a good one, who checked, does not mean that his was.

        Re: “Who told Miriam Goderich that Barack Obama was born in Kenya, and why did she continue to repeat this information for 17 years?”

        I have answered that above. Here it is again:

        She got the idea because Obama’s father, who has the same name as him (Barack Hussein Obama I), really was born in Hawaii; and Obama did not fix it because his publicist did not send it to him to be checked (which is a stupid thing to do, but people do do stupid things) and because as far as we know Obama never saw it and never thought to go online to check it.

      • Andy Oz says:

        smrstrauss wrote at 9:19: – “She got the idea because Obama’s father, who has the same name as him (Barack Hussein Obama I), really was born in Hawaii; ….”

        Fact check: Obama’s father was born in Kenya, not Hawaii – Oywa, John; Olwenya, George (14 November 2008). “Obama’s dad and his many loves”. The Standard (Nairobi). Archived from the original on 23 January 2009. Retrieved 22 November 2008.

        Either your grammar is atrocious or you are factually incorrect, mrs trauss.
        Would you like admit to which one?

      • Again, you are applying your interpretation to Miriam Goderich. I have seen no documentation that she said anything like that, nor have you provided any.

        It is very difficult to believe that she got all the other details correct, but the birthplace wrong. “born in Kenya, raised in Hawaii and Indonesia”

        It is even harder to believe that the brochure went to press without Obama’s approval.

        It is almost impossible to believe that no one Obama knew noticed the problem through numerous publications over 17 years.

      • smrstrauss says:

        It was a mistake. No matter how many times she repeated the mistake, it was a mistake. She did not check the book, which actually says right in it that Obama was born in Hawaii. Obama was born in Hawaii. His father was born in Kenya. That is a mistake that I made.

        She made the mistake based simply the names. She did not look at the photo of Obama’s father. All that she did was to read that Barack Hussein Obama I was born in Kenya, and she thought that that referred to Barack Hussein Obama II.

        That accounts for the mistake. And it was a MISTAKE. The book itself says that the author of the book, Barack Hussein Obama II, was born in Kapiolani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii. There are millions of mistakes in this world—and none of them make you born in Kenya.

  28. Latitude says:

    Miriam made up the part about his parents being an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister too!……..just pulled it right out of thin air……………. ROTFL

  29. M>C> says:

    Sorry to bring in some studies to this area, but “backfire” sure rings true on this site. Why are you stuck on this woman who says it was a simple mistake and not a Gaia Plot? She read his bio wrong, made a mistake.
    NY TImes, 1990:
    The Harvard Law Review, generally considered the most prestigious in the country, elected the first black president in its 104-year history today. The job is considered the highest student position at Harvard Law School.

    The new president of the Review is Barack Obama, a 28-year-old graduate of Columbia University who spent four years heading a community development program for poor blacks on Chicago’s South Side before enrolling in law school. His late father, Barack Obama, was a finance minister in Kenya and his mother, Ann Dunham, is an American anthropologist now doing fieldwork in Indonesia. Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii.

    • David says:

      It is because the publicist was his publicist and repeatedly made the mistake for seventeen years, right up until he was going to run for president. You guys keep addressing a repeated for 17 years statement as a one off mistake 17 years ago, and never address the difference.

      • gofer says:

        Apparently his wife, friends, co-workers and none of his relatives or his own mother ever read that and told him he wasn’t born in Kenya and it needed to be corrected. It stretches the imagination, however it’s possible they all saw it and just let it slide because it might make him more of an “exotic” figure.

    • gofer says:

      He spent 4 years climbing the political ladder and greasing the skids for his career.

  30. gator69 says:

    “”Vast right-wing conspiracy” was a theory advanced by then First Lady of the United States Hillary Rodham Clinton in 1998 in defense of her husband, President Bill Clinton, and his administration during the Lewinsky scandal…”

    Nope. This has never happened before.

    I wonder how honest it is to accept the opinion of one expert, and then deny the validity of another expert opinion?

    I wonder how often everyone here agrees with a Glenn Beck opinions to back their arguments? And how honest is that?

    I can say with complete honesty and integrity that I do not know where Skeeter was born. As much as he lies, how could you? And even Skeeter has to rely on the word of others for his birthplace. My parents told me I was born in France, but without a BC, I would have no proof and I simply do not remember much about that day.

    Let us see who is more honest.

    • smrstrauss says:

      He was born in Hawaii, as shown by his birth certificate and the confirmation of the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii, and the public Index Data file and the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers by the DOH of Hawaii in 1961 and the Hawaii teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, about the birth in Hawaii of a child to a woman named Stanley.

    • smrstrauss says:

      Re: “Blah blah blah blah… empty rhetoric and pablum is not honesty…”

      I do not post for your benefit but for any rational person who may be visiting this site and seeking the FACTS. I have just shown links to the facts that confirm that Obama was born in Hawaii.

      In addition to those links, it is irrational (to say the very least) to think that Obama’s relatives had enough money (Obama’s grandfather was just a furniture salesman and his grandmother a low-level employee in a bank at the time; and his father came to Hawaii on a free flight) or crazy enough to spend LOTS of money on a long and expensive and risky (incidents of stillbirths were high at the time) overseas trip for their pregnant daughter—–when there were perfectly good hospitals in Honolulu, Hawaii. (Oh, and the government of Kenya has said that it investigated the “born in Kenya” claim, and that it did not happen.)

      • gator69 says:

        So you were the midwife attendant at Skeeter’s birth?

        PS – Blather on bot.

      • smrstrauss says:

        Re: “So you were the midwife attendant at Skeeter’s birth?”

        No I wasn’t. I simply believe these seven facts:

        1. Obama’s two official birth certificates, with the state seals on them. (The official physical copy of the long-form birth certificate was handed around in the White House press room, and one reporter said that she had felt the seal and took a photo of the document.

        2. The confirmation of the facts on the two birth certificates (short form and long form)—-that Obama was born in Hawaii—by THREE Republican officials in Hawaii (including the former Republican governor, who is a friend of Sarah Palin’s) and several Democrats, and by the public Index Data file. The acceptance of the written confirmation of the facts on Obama’s birth certificate by the conservative secretary of state of Arizona.

        3. The notices of Obama’s birth in the Hawaii newspapers in 1961 that were sent to the papers “Health Bureau Statistics” section by the DOH of Hawaii—-and only the DOH could send those notices. (Also, the claim that the DOH could have been influenced by lying relatives turns out to be false because whenever there was a claim of a birth outside of a hospital, Hawaii insisted on a witness statement.)

        4. The absence of a US travel document for Obama in 1961. Nor has there been an application for such a travel document found. (A child born in a foreign country would, of course, require either to be on his mother’s US passport or to receive a US visa on a foreign passport. Either of which would have had to have been done IN a US consulate in that foreign country, and the application for that document would still exist, and would have been found by the Bush Administration during the eight years in which it was in charge of the US State Department, but they didn’t.)

        5. The teacher, who recalls being told of Obama’s birth in Hawaii in Kapiolani Hospital in 1961 and writing home about it (about the birth to a woman named Stanley to her father, also named Stanley).

        6. Obama’s Kenyan grandmother said repeatedly in the taped interview that he was BORN IN HAWAII, and she said in another interview (Hartford Courant) that the first that her family in Kenya had heard of Obama’s birth was in a letter FROM HAWAII. And the Kenyan government said that it investigated the myth that Obama was born in Kenya and that it continues to be a myth; it never happened.

        7. Hawaii is thousands of miles from any foreign country, and it was rare for women to travel late in pregnancy in those days. WND has proved with a FOI Act request that Obama’s father remained in Hawaii throughout 1961, which would have meant that she would have had to have made that long, expensive and risky trip without him—and that is hardly likely at all. In fact, it is irrational to believe that Obama’s relatives were rich enough (his grandfather was a furniture salesman and his grandmother was a low-level employee in a bank in 1961) or stupid enough to send Obama’s mother on a long, expensive and risky (the incidence of stillbirth was high in those days) trip to a foreign country when she was late in pregnancy——when there were perfectly fine hospitals in Honolulu, Hawaii.

      • Me says:

        who are you trying to convience, because it sounds like it’s yourself here.

      • Me says:

        But hey, keep at it it may work!

      • gator69 says:

        Hey Me! It is amazing how mich a of a page a leftist can fill and still say nothing more than “I am vapid”. 😆

        But we did finally see a Freudian slip, when skippy said “I believe”. Of course even Skippy missed that one! 😆


      • Me says:

        I think he almost had it until you steped in. 😆

      • Me says:

        He had up to point 7 of the 12 point program! 😆

      • Me says:

        Naa he would have never got there. we all know that.

    • smrstrauss says:

      Re: “This article is about Obama lying about his birthplace at various times in his life.”

      There is absolutely NO evidence that Obama ever lied about his birthplace, which was in Kapiolani Hospital in Hawaii, as his birth certificate and the confirmation of the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii and the Index Data file and the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers by the DOH of Hawaii in 1961 all confirm. Obama said that he was born in Honolulu in his book, and he is never recorded as saying that he was born anywhere else. The fact that someone else made a mistake about Obama’s place of birth does not change his place of birth or show that Obama told her that he was born anywhere else than in Honolulu, Hawaii.

      This article, as the HEADLINE for it shows (“Sheriff Joe Says He Knows Who Faked Obama’s Birth Certificate”) is about the claim that Obama’s birth certificate is forged. Well, it isn’t forged. The officials in Hawaii of BOTH parties have repeatedly confirmed that the facts on Obama’s published birth certificate are EXACTLY the same as on the birth certificate that they sent to him.

      • This article is about Barack Obama lying about his birthplace.

      • smrstrauss says:

        Re: “This article is about Barack Obama lying about his birthplace.”

        No, the article is about Sheriff Joe’s claim that he knows “who faked Obama’s birth certificate”—which he doesn’t because it was not faked. But that is what the article was about.

        • ROFL. The birth certificate was right there in the book where it was supposed to be, but no one (including the governor) could find it for three years.

          You people crack me up.

      • smrstrauss says:

        Re: “ROFL. The birth certificate was right there in the book where it was supposed to be, but no one (including the governor) could find it for three years.”

        Answer: A birther site said that the governor said that he could not find it, but he never did. Your belief in birther sites cracks me up.

        Not only did the current governor of Hawaii, Abernathy, never say that he could not find the birth certificate, but TWO Republican officials and several Democrat officials stated that the birth certificate was right there in the files, where it is supposed to be. And thy have also repeatedly said that they sent the short form and the long form BCs to Obama.

        And the short-form BC is generated by a clerk entering the data on a computer form from the birth certificate in the files. In other words, there has to be a birth certificate in the files for this to happen, and it has to say, as the short-form BC said, that Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii.

        Your belief in birther sites cracks me up.

        Oh, and in addition to birther sites lying about Abernathy saying that he could not find the BC, they also lied about Obama’s Kenyan grandmother saying that he was born in Kenya. And several of them have published forged “Kenyan birth certificates.” And some even said that Obama said in a speech that he was not born in Hawaii but was born in Kenya—but that was a forged video.

        Your belief in birther sites cracks me up.

      • Ahhh… That explains why it took Obama three years to produce something, fifteen minutes before Don Trump’s speech.

        Because it was right where it was supposed to be. ROFLMAO

      • smrstrauss says:

        Re: “Ahhh… That explains why it took Obama three years to produce something, fifteen minutes before Don Trump’s speech.”

        Your belief in birther sites continues to crack me up. Obama published the short form birth certificate, known as the Certification of Live Birth, way back in June of 2008. THAT is the official birth certificate of Hawaii, and he published only that because, duh, it is sufficient to show the official birth certificate of a state—-especially with the confirmation of the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii and the Index Data file and the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers by the DOH of Hawaii in 1961.

        Obama published the short form official birth certificate, which was sufficient. But, when some stupid people like Trump claimed that it was not sufficient, he asked Hawaii for special permission to get his long-form BC, and he posted it too.

        Your belief in birther sites continues to crack me up.

      • It took Obama three years to find a document which was right where it was supposed to be. What a load of bullshit.

      • smrstrauss says:

        Re: “It took Obama three years to find a document which was right where it was supposed to be. What a load of bullshit.”

        I do not post for your benefit but for any rational person who may be visiting this site and seeking the FACTS. The facts are that Obama published the official birth certificate of Hawaii back in June 2008, and it is sufficient. It proves that he was born in Hawaii, especially with the confirmation of the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii and the Index Data file and the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers by the DOH of Hawaii in 1961.

        The fact that Obama asked Hawaii for special permission to get his long-form birth certificate in 2011 does not mean that the short-form birth certificate is not sufficient or that it does not prove that he was born in Hawaii.

      • Even Obama worshiper Chris Mathews was demanding his birth certificate in the weeks before Obama released it. Your BS is completely unpalatable.

      • smrstrauss says:

        Re: “Even Obama worshiper Chris Mathews was demanding his birth certificate in the weeks before Obama released it. Your BS is completely unpalatable.”

        That was to shut up the birthers. It was not a claim that Obama’s short-form birth certificate was not sufficient. It is sufficient. It is the official birth certificate of Hawaii, and in fact the only BC that Mitt Romney ever showed was a short-form BC.

        • We are discussing the fraudulent document Obama released three years later. I’m sure that you are used to talking to simple-minded Democrat sheep, but your BS isn’t going to fly around here.

      • smrstrauss says:

        Re: “We are discussing the fraudulent document Obama released three years later.”

        Answer: It is not fraudulent.

        Only birther “experts” have called it forged, and they have not shown that they are even experts, much less fair and impartial. Those are two reasons why they are not believed by Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck or the National Review (or by Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan or Gingrich or Santorum or Huckabee).

        One proof that Obama’s birth certificate is not forged is Obama’s short-form birth certificate.

        Short-form birth certificates are created by a clerk reading the information from the document in the file, and filling out the computer form that generates the printed short-form birth certificate. The officials in Hawaii have confirmed that they sent a short-form to Obama. So, unless they are lying—and they were Republican officials–the only way that Obama’s birth certificate could have been forged was that it was forged in 2007 and slipped into the file just before the clerk looked at the file. That is not very likely, is it? And it is especially unlikely since at the time Obama was not even the candidate of the Democrats. He was still in the primaries at the time, and he was only a junior senator from Illinois.

        And birther sites have not shown you these real experts.

        Dr. Neil Krawetz, an imaging software analysis author and experienced examiner of questioned images, said:“The PDF released by the White House shows no sign of digital manipulation or alterations. I see nothing that appears to be suspicious.”

        Nathan Goulding with The National Review: “We have received several e-mails today calling into question the validity of the PDF that the White House released, namely that there are embedded layers in the document. There are now several other people on the case. We looked into it and dismissed it.… I’ve confirmed that scanning an image, converting it to a PDF, optimizing that PDF, and then opening it up in Illustrator, does in fact create layers similar to what is seen in the birth certificate PDF. You can try it yourself at home.”

        John Woodman, independent computer professional, who is a member of the Tea Party (who says that he hates Obama’s policies but found no evidence of forgery) said repeatedly in his book and in various articles on his Web site that the claims that Obama’s birth certificate was forged were unfounded.

        Ivan Zatkovich, who has testified in court as a technology expert, and consultant to WorldNetDaily:“All of the modifications to the PDF document that can be identified are consistent with someone enhancing the legibility of the document.” And, by the way, when WND received Zatkovich’s article that said that he found nothing wrong with Obama’s birth certificate, WordNDaily simply did not publish it.

        Jean-Claude Tremblay, a leading software trainer and Adobe-certified expert, who has years of experience working with and teaching Adobe Illustrator, said the layers cited by doubters are evidence of the use of common, off-the-shelf scanning software — not evidence of a forgery.“I have seen a lot of illustrator documents that come from photos and contain those kind of clippings—and it looks exactly like this,” he said.

        Birthers’ claim that Obama’s birth certificate is false is well understood to be caused by their own motives—they hate Obama and would like to harm him.

        And it is irrational (to say the least) to think that Obama’s relatives had enough money (Obama’s grandfather was just a furniture salesman and his grandmother a low-level employee in a bank at the time; and his father came to Hawaii on a free flight) or crazy enough to spend LOTS of money on a long and expensive and risky (incidents of stillbirths were high at the time) overseas trip for their pregnant daughter—–when there were perfectly good hospitals in Honolulu, Hawaii. (Oh, and the government of Kenya has said that it investigated the “born in Kenya” claim, and that it did not happen.)

      • smrstrauss says:

        And, btw, the short form birth certificate is not fraudulent either, and it is sufficient, especially with the confirmation of the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii and the public Index Data file and the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers by the DOH of Hawaii in 1961 (and only the DOH could send birth notices to the “Health Bureau Statistics” section of the papers, and it only did so for births IN Hawaii).

      • smrstrauss says:

        Re: “ROFLMAO – I do image processing for a living.”


        There is nothing wrong with the PDF image that the White House published. It contains errors, but errors are normal when a document on security paper is scanned. The jpg image that Savannah Gutherie posted is far better.

        The key point is that errors—such as “TXE” do not show that it was forged. In fact, if there were no errors, that would hint that it had been forged. The real experts have said that it is not forged, and the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii have said that the facts on Obama’s published long form are EXACTLY the same as on what they sent to him.

      • smrstrauss says:

        Responding to: “”

  31. M>C> says:

    Except no “experts” think he was born in Kenya. The Birther tribe is quite a small one, with Oily Taitz as the leader. Good luck on that!

  32. Laurence Clark Crossen says:

    “But this is not a case of protests directed at the United States writ large or at U.S.
    policy, but it is in response to video…”
    If gator69 is saying there seems to be a similarity between Susan Rice’s propaganda about Benghazi and Obama’s publicist’s statement about his birthplace I concur.

  33. Laurence Clark Crossen says:

    @smrstrauss: “That is a mistake that I made. ”

    Then are you actually Miriam Goderich?
    It does seem to me like it was just a mistake.

    • smrstrauss says:

      BOTH of us made mistakes. Big deal.

      • Laurence Clark Crossen says:

        You seem to have taken my statement as hostile when it was sympathetic. It actually seemed like you were her. Why would you presume everyone commenting here is hostile when I have been agreeing throughout?

      • smrstrauss says:

        Re: “You seem to have taken my statement as hostile when it was sympathetic. It actually seemed like you were her. Why would you presume everyone commenting here is hostile when I have been agreeing throughout?”

        You seem to be the Washington Monument. That’s not hostile. I love the Washington Monument.

        In any case, I made a mistake, and so did she. I am LIKE many people who make mistakes, but I am not them.

  34. Laurence Clark Crossen says:

    It does seem to me you are Miriam Goderich.

  35. Laurence Clark Crossen says:

    As you yourself pointed out, she seems to speak as if she was there, as if she was her. The entirety of the way she speaks is consistent with her being Goderich, not just a slip of speach.

    • There is no reason why the real Miriam Goderich would make an announcement like that on this forum..

      • Laurence Clark Crossen says:

        I am convinced it was an honest mistake, as Ms. Goderich has taken the time and trouble to clarify.

      • gofer says:

        I think strauss is a bot based on the ill-placed and repeated “Your belief in birther sites continues to crack me up.” Sounds like the computer HAL. That line is repeated 2-3 times in the same posts.

  36. Steve Clough says:

    Former Hawaii elections clerk Tim Adams has now signed an affidavit swearing he was told by his supervisors in Hawaii that no long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate existed for Barack Obama Jr. in Hawaii and that neither Queens Medical Center nor Kapi’olani Medical Center in Honolulu had any record of Obama having been born in their medical facilities.

    Adams was employed at the City and County of Honolulu Elections Division from May 2008 through September 2008.

    His position was senior elections clerk, overseeing a group of 50 to 60 employees responsible for verifying the identity of voters at the Absentee Ballot Office. It was in this capacity that Adams became aware of the search for Obama’s birth-certificate records.

    “During the course of my employment,” Adams swears in the affidavit (viewable in full as part 1 and part 2), “I became aware that many requests were being made to the City and County of Honolulu Elections Division, the Hawaii Office of Elections, and the Hawaii Department of Health from around the country to obtain a copy of then-Senator Barack Obama’s long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate.”

    As he inquired about the birth certificate, he says, his supervisors told him that the records were not on file at the Hawaii Department of Health.

    “Senior officers in the City and County of Honolulu Elections Division told me on multiple occasions that no Hawaii long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate existed for Senator Obama in the Hawaii Department of Health,” Adams’ affidavit reads, “and there was no record that any such document had ever been on file in the Hawaii Department of Health or any other branch or department of the Hawaii government.”

    • smrstrauss says:

      Re: “Former Hawaii elections clerk Tim Adams has now signed an affidavit…”

      Tim Adams, a member of White Supremacist groups, is a LIAR. First, he says that people told him—but he had not shown anyone who told him, and no one else in the department made the claim. Then, the officials in Hawaii said that the County of Honolulu Elections Division did not have access to birth certificate records.

      For Obama to have been born in a foreign country BOTH (1) the officials in Hawaii of BOTH parties and the public Index Data file and the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers in 1961 by the DOH would ALL have to be lying (also the teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, about the birth in Hawaii of a child to a woman named Stanley), AND (2) Obama’s relatives would have had to have had enough money (and Obama’s American grandfather was only a furniture salesman and his grandmother a low-level employee in a bank at the time; and his father came to Hawaii from Kenya on free flights) and be willing to waste it sending their pregnant only daughter on a trip ALONE to a foreign country (since WND has proven that Obama senior stayed in Hawaii throughout 1961) at high risk (the rate of stillbirths were high at the time)—–when there were perfectly good hospitals in Hawaii.

      • The issues are Obama lying and a fake birth certificate, not where he was actually born.

      • gator69 says:

        Let’s assume this BC is not a fake, what about all the other info he refuses to release?

        His passport files
        His University of Chicago Law School scholarly articles
        His Harvard Law School records
        His Columbia University records
        His Columbia University senior thesis, “Soviet Nuclear Disarmament”
        His Occidental College records, including information on any financial aid that he received
        His Punahou School records, where Mr. Obama attended from the fifth grade until he finished high school
        His Noelani Elementary School records, where he attended kindergarten (according to the Hawaii Department of Education, students must submit a birth certificate to register — but parents may bring a passport or student visa if the child is from a foreign country)
        His Complete files and schedules of his years as an Illinois state senator from 1997 to 2004
        Mr. Obama’s client list from during his time in private practice with the Chicago law firm of Davis, Miner, Barnhill and Gallard
        His Illinois State Bar Association records
        His Baptism records
        The Obama/Dunham marriage license
        The Soetoro/Dunham marriage license
        His adoption records
        His medical records

        And why does Skeeter have a Connecticut SSN?

        And again, if this BC is real, why did it practically require a court order for its release?

        Is he hiding something or just an arrogant asshole?

  37. smrstrauss says:

    Re: “Let’s assume this BC is not a fake, what about all the other info he refuses to release?”

    First, you are RIGHT in your assumption. Obama’s birth certificate is not a fake. Only birther “experts” have claimed that it is—and they are not believed by such Conservative leaders as Ann Couter, Glenn Beck and the National Review because, these leaders know that these “experts” are making up their claims because of their hatred of Obama. And birther sites simply refuse to show the numerous real experts who say that Obama’s birth certificate is not forged, or the repeated confirmations by the officials in Hawaii that the facts on the BC that Obama has shown are EXACTLY the same as on the long form BC that they sent to Obama.

    Regarding your second question, what about the other info that he refuses to release? The answer is that no president or presidential candidate has ever released that information, so why should Obama. For example, Mitt Romney did not release his college grades or his baptism records—so why should Obama?

    Re: “And why does Skeeter have a Connecticut SSN?”

    The Connecticut SS number was caused by a data entry error. SS numbers were generated by the zip code of the applicant’s address. Obama’s address in Hawaii was in zip code 96814, and the zip code for Danbury, CT. is 06814.

    Millions of people have multiple social security numbers caused mainly by data entry errors:

    You might well ask why, if there is evidence that Obama has multiple SS numbers and that one of them came from Connecticut that NO committee in Congress wants to investigate? Why not?

    Because it is not illegal to have mistakes in your SS files, and lots of people do. And there is no evidence that this is other than a mistake, or a lot of mistakes. Republicans would be GLAD to hold a hearing to show that there was a crime involved with Obama’s SS number. But they KNOW that there is no evidence, and if they looked into their own files (I did to mine), they are likely to find multiple numbers in them.

    Re: “The issues are Obama lying and a fake birth certificate, not where he was actually born.”

    Answer: Presidents and presidential candidates have lied dozens of times in the past, so this is hardly a big issue. It is, however, a STUPID issue for you to allege that Obama lied about his place of birth because you have no evidence that he ever did and he certainly said right in his book that he was born in Hawaii, which is the same place that his birth certificate and the confirmation of the officials in Hawaii of BOTH parties have confirmed.

    It is nice that you say that Obama’s place of birth is not an issue, meaning that you agree that the birth certificate is not forged and that Obama really was born in Hawaii. However, there are others who falsely believe that Obama was born in Kenya or in some other country than the USA. For example, that is what Sheriff Joe is claiming when he says that he knows “who faked Obama’s birth certificate.”

    So, not for you, but for the benefit of those who continue to believe the “not born in the USA” myth:

    It is highly irrational (to say the least) to think that Obama’s relatives had enough money (Obama’s grandfather was just a furniture salesman and his grandmother a low-level employee in a bank at the time; and his father came to Hawaii on a free flight) or crazy enough to spend LOTS of money on a long and expensive and risky (incidents of stillbirths were high at the time) overseas trip for their pregnant daughter—–when there were perfectly good hospitals in Honolulu, Hawaii. (Oh, and the government of Kenya has said that it investigated the “born in Kenya” claim, and that it did not happen.)

    • gator69 says:

      I’m glad you are happy in your confirmation bias world. Delude on parrot! 😆

      This clown thinks he is omniscient, talk about nuts…

      • smrstrauss says:

        Okay. IF you sincerely believe that Obama could have been born in a foreign country, then you could answer these questions:

        I’ll bet that you know (but you may have forgotten) that the US government requires, and has long required, that a child being carried into the USA requires some kind of official travel document to be admitted. This is usually a US passport for the child. Or, it could be the fact that the child is entered on the mother’s US passport. Or, it could be a US visa for the child on a foreign passport. Without one of those, we would not let the child into the country.

        (Sure, a child could be carried across the Mexican border, but Hawaii does not have a border with Mexico, so that can be eliminated as a possiblity.)

        So, IF Obama really had been born in Kenya (or in any country other than the USA), he would have had to have one of those documents–wouldn’t he? His family would have had to show the passport, wouldn’t they? To show the passport, they would have had to have applied for the passport or the visa for Obama. And, if Obama really were born in Kenya (or another country), they would have had to have applied for it in the US consulate or embassy in that country, wouldn’t they?

        Such applications are FILED by the US government. The documents exist in multiple files, the actual application itself, communication about it with Washington, entries in the passport file, entries in the application file, entries in the places where the child is carried into the USA. The Bush Administration was in charge of the State Department and the INS for eight years before Obama was elected. Don’t you think that they would have checked the claim that he was born outside the USA?

        All they had to do was find one of those files and McCain would win the election.
        Well, they never did. There is no such file.

        So the question is, do you think that the Bush Administration was part of the plot?

        Do you think that the files, the documents, the application for the documents, the communications about the documents were all lost or hidden? Remember, they are in multiple files, the file of the passport holder, the files of applications for passports, the files in the US embassy in foreign countries, the files in the State Department and those in the INS (which would have checked in Obama at an entry point if he had actually traveled in 1961)––and yet no document has been found. Why not?

        The absence of the travel document, plus the Hawaii birth certificate, plus the confirmation of the facts on the Hawaii birth certificate by THREE Republican (and several Democrat officials in Hawii) plus the notices in the Hawaii “Health Bureau Statistics” sections of the newspapers, which were sent to the papers ONLY by the DOH of Hawaii and only for births in Hawaii. How do you explain all that?

        (The claim that the notices could have been placed by lying relatives turns out to be false because whenever there was a claim of a birth outside of a hospital, Hawaii insisted on a witness statement.)

        So, how come there is no proof that Obama received a US travel document in 1961, but there is legal and factual proof that he was born in Hawaii?

      • gator69 says:

        Yes, I know, you believe (“know”) everything you come across as long as it conforms to your narrow point of view. You have childishly blathered on for days, fawning over Skeeter (shudder).

        I remain honest in saying I do not know where he was born.

        You remain a nut. 😆

      • smrstrauss says:

        Re: “I remain honest in saying I do not know where he was born.”

        I do not post for YOUR benefit, but for any rational person visiting this site and seeking the facts. For them, notice that gator69 has not attempted to answer the questions that were posed. And, for them:

        Ask yourselves whether birthers are being irrational (to say the very least) to think that Obama’s relatives had enough money (Obama’s grandfather was just a furniture salesman and his grandmother a low-level employee in a bank at the time; and his father came to Hawaii on a free flight) or crazy enough to spend LOTS of money on a long and expensive and risky (incidents of stillbirths were high at the time) overseas trip for their pregnant daughter—–when there were perfectly good hospitals in Honolulu, Hawaii. (Oh, and the government of Kenya has said that it investigated the “born in Kenya” claim, and that it did not happen.)

      • gator69 says:

        What a zealot. Why is it so hard for you to admit you do not know where Skeeter was born? I would not question it, if he had not caused cases to go to court, and fought so hard to conceal everything he could.

        “Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear.”
        -Thomas Jefferson

        That is why you can call me a birther or a denier if you like, because I do not shrink from personal attacks in the search for truth.

        Maybe someday you will grow intellectually enough to understand the value of questioning, rather than blindly following.

      • smrstrauss says:

        Re: “What a zealot. Why is it so hard for you to admit you do not know where Skeeter was born? ”

        I KNOW where Obama was born. He was born in HAWAII. His birth certificate and the confirmation of the officials of both parties in Hawaii show it, and it is illogical to believe that Obama’s relatives had enough money to waste it on a long, expensive and risky trip to a foreign country—-when there were perfectly good hospitals in Hawaii.

        I do not know where George Bush was born or Bill Clinton or Bush41 or Reagan or Carter or Ford or Nixon or LBJ or JFK. None of then ever showed their birth certificates much less had confirmation from the officials of BOTH parties in their states, much less there being a public Index Data file, much less there being birth notices in two newspapers that could only have been sent to the papers by the DOH of the state.

        I do not know where those presidents were born, but I am willing to accept their claims that they were born in the USA. In contrast, you are not willing to accept legal evidence, and multiple confirmations, and the sheer distance of Hawaii from any foreign country, as evidence that Obama was born in Hawaii. Rational readers of this site will want to know why. Why?

    • gofer says:

      Obama is surrounded by “mistakes”…..Mistake by his publicist, mistake on the SS number. Mistakes galore in his own books. The entire problem with Obama seems to be surrounded by mystery and “mistakes” and we are asked to believe without question. Based on previous forgeries by democrat officials just to get him on the ballot, I have no doubt that would go to any lengths to cover up any bad information without Obama even being aware of what was going on because he manages to keep himself clear of such situations such as the Blago affair. How could it not have been involved in that one is beyond all reason also.

  38. gator69 says:

    “I KNOW where Obama was born.”

    So were you the midwife? I thought you said days ago that you were not present for Skeeter’s birth?

    Which is it?

    Or am I wasting my time with a seriously delusional zealot?

    • smrstrauss says:

      Re: “So were you the midwife? I thought you said days ago that you were not present for Skeeter’s birth? ”

      Answer: A birth certificate is legal proof of the place of birth. Obama has shown his birth certificate from Hawaii, and the facts on it were repeatedly confirmed by the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii.

      • gator69 says:

        My birth certificate was denied as proof of my citizenship 4 years ago. I had to provide detailed documentation, from multiple sources, to have my citizenship verified and my passport REISSUED!

        You are a complete moron, a useful idiot, who believes what he is told as long as it is coming from your ‘team’.

      • smrstrauss says:

        Re: “My birth certificate was denied as proof of my citizenship 4 years ago. ”

        Answer: There must be something wrong with YOUR birth certificate. But that, duh, does not mean that there is something wrong with ALL birth certificates

        And in this case Obama’s birth certificate has been confirmed by the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii and the public Index Data file and the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers by the DOH of Hawaii (and only the DOH could send birth notices to the “Health Bureau Statistics” section of the newspapers, and it only did so for births in Hawaii).

        Re: “complete moron.” I post the facts and never call names.

        For Obama to have been born in a foreign country both the officials in Hawaii of BOTH parties and the public Index Data file and the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers in 1961 by the DOH would ALL have to be lying, AND Obama’s relatives would have had to have had enough money and be willing to waste it sending their pregnant only daughter on a trip ALONE to a foreign country (since WND has proven that Obama senior stayed in Hawaii throughout 1961)—–when there were perfectly good hospitals in Hawaii.

      • gator69 says:

        “There must be something wrong with YOUR birth certificate.”

        Oh, gee, Thanks! You cleared it up oh omniscient one! 😆

        PS – Have you mom refill your meds and strap on your helmet! 😆

      • gator69 says:

        I must have forgotten I was dealing with a birth certificate expert! 😆

      • smrstrauss says:

        Re: “There must be something wrong with YOUR birth certificate.”

        Oh, gee, Thanks! You cleared it up oh omniscient one”

        So you admit that there is something wrong with your birth certificate.

        What makes you think that because there is something wrong with your birth certificate that there is something wrong with other peoples’ birth certificates too? In particular, what makes you think that DESPITE THE CONFIRMATION BY THE OFFICIALS OF BOTH PARTIES IN HAWAII that they sent the birth certificate to Obama and that the facts on the published image of it are EXACTLY the same as what they sent to Obama, that Obama’s birth certificate does not prove that he was born in Hawaii?

      • gator69 says:

        “So you admit that there is something wrong with your birth certificate.”

        Clearly there must be! The world’s leading expert on birth certificates has spoken. 😆

        I now see that you are an image specialist too! Congratulations! 😆

        Seriously, get your meds.

  39. smrstrauss says:

    Re: “Clearly there must be! The world’s leading expert on birth certificates has spoken. ”

    For the benefit of any rational person visiting this site, I never claimed to be the world’s leading expert on birth certificates. I only said that they are legal proof of birth in a state, and they are. And in Obama’s case, the facts on his birth certificate were confirmed by the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii and the public Index Data file and the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers by the DOH of Hawaii in 1961 (and only the DOH could send birth notices to that section of the papers, and it only did so for births in Hawaii).

    • gator69 says:

      Rational people are not listening to the likes of you. 😆

      How can you claim to ‘KNOW’ Skeeter’s birthplace, if you were not present to witness the birth, and if you are not a birth certificate expert?

      Or is it that you ‘BELIEVE’ you know Skeeter’s birthplace, because you choose to take the word of a select group of peope?

      (Hint – I am giving you yet another chance to to be intellectually honest)

      • smrstrauss says:

        Re: “How can you claim to ‘KNOW’ Skeeter’s birthplace, if you were not present to witness the birth, and if you are not a birth certificate expert?”

        I know that Mount Rushmore is near Keystone, South Dakota, in the United States—although I have never been there.

        Re: “because you choose to take the word of a select group of peope?”

        Answer: No question about it. I believe the books when they say that Mount Rushmore is near Keystone, South Dakota, in the United States, and I believe the combination of Obama’s birth certificate and (1) the confirmation of the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii, and (2) the Index Data file and (3) the birth notices in the Hawaii newspapers sent to the papers by the DOH in 1961 when they say that Obama was born in Hawaii. In addition, I believe that it was extremely unlikely that Obama’s grandparents had enough money or were willing to waste it sending their pregnant daughter on a long, expensive and highly risky trip to a foreign country—-when there were perfectly good hospitals in Hawaii.

        Yes, I am taking the words of quite a large group of qualified people, documents, and logic.

      • gator69 says:

        So Skeeter is now an identifiable land mass, that cannot move?

        Dumbass strawman argument from a party who cannot be honest with, or even think for himself.

        I’m sorry noone taught you how to think.

      • smrstrauss says:

        Re: “So Skeeter is now an identifiable land mass, that cannot move?”

        He can move, but the fact that he was born in Hawaii is certified by reputable people and documents and by the logic of his parents not having enough money or being willing to waste it sending their pregnant daughter overseas when there were fine hospitals in Hawaii. In other words, we know that Obama was born in Hawaii using the same sources, books and documents (and logic) as we know the location of Mt. Rushmore. In fact, I have shown MORE evidence that Obama was born in Hawaii than the mere fact that books say that Mt. Rushmore is in South Dakota.

      • gator69 says:

        The fact is you are an idiot.

      • smrstrauss says:

        Re: “The fact is you are an idiot.”

        Answer: I never call names. It does not convince people. Only the facts convince people, and the facts are that Obama’s birth in Hawaii is shown by the official short form and the long form birth certificate of Hawaii. And this is confirmed by the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii. And it is further confirmed by the public Index Data file, and it is still further confirmed by the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers by the DOH of Hawaii in 1961.

        And it is still further confirmed by the sheer improbability of Obama’s grandparents having enough money or being willing to waste it sending their pregnant daughter on risky (incidence of stillbirths was high) trip overseas—-when there were perfectly good hospitals in Honolulu, Hawaii.

    • gofer says:

      For certain land transfers in Hawaii, they would not accept anything except the original birth certificate. No copies allowed.

  40. gator69 says:

    You need not continue to prove your ignorance. We get it already. You do not know the difference between “beliefs” and “facts”.

    I’m sorry you are mentally deficient.

    • smrstrauss says:

      Here are some of the FACTS that confirm that Obama was born in Hawaii:

      1. Obama’s two official birth certificates, with the state seals on them. (The official physical copy of the long-form birth certificate was handed around in the White House press room, and one reporter said that she had felt the seal and took a photo of the document.

      2. The confirmation of the facts on the two birth certificates (short form and long form)—-that Obama was born in Hawaii—by THREE Republican officials in Hawaii (including the former Republican governor, who is a friend of Sarah Palin’s) and several Democrats, and by the public Index Data file. The acceptance of the written confirmation of the facts on Obama’s birth certificate by the conservative secretary of state of Arizona.

      3. The notices of Obama’s birth in the Hawaii newspapers in 1961 that were sent to the papers “Health Bureau Statistics” section by the DOH of Hawaii—-and only the DOH could send those notices. (Also, the claim that the DOH could have been influenced by lying relatives turns out to be false because whenever there was a claim of a birth outside of a hospital, Hawaii insisted on a witness statement.)

      4. The absence of a US travel document for Obama in 1961. Nor has there been an application for such a travel document found. (A child born in a foreign country would, of course, require either to be on his mother’s US passport or to receive a US visa on a foreign passport. Either of which would have had to have been done IN a US consulate in that foreign country, and the application for that document would still exist, and would have been found by the Bush Administration during the eight years in which it was in charge of the US State Department, but they didn’t.)

      5. The teacher, who recalls being told of Obama’s birth in Hawaii in Kapiolani Hospital in 1961 and writing home about it (about the birth to a woman named Stanley to her father, also named Stanley).

      6. Obama’s Kenyan grandmother said repeatedly in the taped interview that he was BORN IN HAWAII, and she said in another interview (Hartford Courant) that the first that her family in Kenya had heard of Obama’s birth was in a letter FROM HAWAII.

      7. Hawaii is thousands of miles from any foreign country, and it was rare for women to travel late in pregnancy in those days. WND has proved with a FOI Act request that Obama’s father remained in Hawaii throughout 1961, which would have meant that she would have had to have made that long, expensive and risky trip without him—and that is hardly likely at all. In fact, it is irrational to believe that Obama’s relatives were rich enough (his grandfather was a furniture salesman and his grandmother was a low-level employee in a bank in 1961) or stupid enough to send Obama’s mother on a long, expensive and risky (the incidence of stillbirth was high in those days) trip to a foreign country when she was late in pregnancy——when there were perfectly fine hospitals in Honolulu, Hawaii.

      Here are links to some of the documents and articles that confirm that Obama was born in Hawaii:

      Here is a short link to most of the documents:

      That shows the short-form official birth certificate, known as the the Certification of Live Birth, in detail.

      Here is the long form birth certificate in the photographs taken by the NBC reporter Savannah Guterie, and which she stated she had felt the seal on:,r:0,s:0,i:93

      Here is the confirmation that the short form birth certificate is the official birth certificate of Hawaii and the only birth certificate that Hawaii normally issues:


      Here is the second of the confirmations by the officials in Hawaii.

      Notice where it says that the document in the files VERIFIES that Obama was born in Hawaii. So, not only is there an official Hawaiian birth certificate in the files, but it says right on it that Obama was born in Hawaii. Hawaii has never allowed the Department of Health to issue a birth document of any kind that says on it that anyone was born in Hawaii unless there was proof that the child was born in Hawaii, and that is what the officials in Hawaii have confirmed.

      And here is the confirmation by the former governor of Hawaii, Linda Lingle, a Republican, that says that Obama was born in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital

      And here is the statement of a witness who recalls being told of Obama’s birth in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital, in 1961:

      Here are the birth notices of Obama’s birth in the Hawaii newspapers in 1961.

      (And as you can see the section of the paper is called “Health Bureau Statistics”. Well, as the name indicates, and as both the papers and the DOH confirm, ONLY the DOH could send notices to that section of the paper, and it only did so for births IN Hawaii.)

      Here is the Index Data file:

      Re allegations of forgery. It turns out that ONLY birther “experts”—who have not shown that they are even experts, and who CERTAINLY have not shown that they are fair and impartial—have CLAIMED that there is anything wrong with Obama’s birth certificate, and birther sites have not quoted the numerous real experts who say that there is nothing wrong with it. Besides, for the claim that the birth certificate being forged to have any effect, it would have had to have been forged and inserted into the Hawaii DOH files, because that is where the officials of both parties have stated that they saw it (and that document is the one that the clerk in Hawaii used to enter the facts on the form that generated the short-form birth certificate), and what are the chances of that happening? Besides, even that would not account for the teacher who wrote home or the birth notices sent to the papers by the DOH of Hawaii in 1961.

      Oh, and there is this little factor, that Hawaii is THOUSANDS of miles away from the nearest foreign country and that women rarely traveled late in pregnancy in those days. Oh, and by the way, Kaiploani Hospital is confirming that Obama was born there (want to see the two citations of that?) and Obama’s Kenyan grandmother NEVER said that he was born in Kenya. She said repeatedly in the taped interview that he was born in Hawaii and she said in another interview that the first that her family had heard of Obama’s birth was in a letter from Hawaii. Want to see the transcript????

  41. smrstrauss says:

    Re: “If you were not present for the birth, you cannot “know” where Skeeter was born. ”

    Answer: I was not present at the Masters Golf Tournament, but I know that Adam Scott won. I wasn’t present on the Moon, when Neil Armstrong landed, but I know that he did indeed land on the Moon.

    I never call names, but you are not being rational.

  42. gator69 says:

    I did not know ESPN had live coverage of Skeeter’s birth! Can you send me a YouTube link?

    F*cking moron! 😆

    • smrstrauss says:

      I never call names. Obama’s birth in Hawaii is proven by the document that legally proves the place of birth, duh, a birth certificate. And we know that Obama has a Hawaiian birth certificate because of the statements of the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii and the public Index Data file and the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers by the DOH of Hawaii in 1961. And we know that there is no evidence that Obama was born in any other country. And we know how unlikely a trip from Hawaii to another country late in pregnancy would have been.

      Because of all of these FACTS, we know that Obama was born in Hawaii with even more certainty than from a newspaper headline on the sports page that said that Adam Scott won the Masters.

      • gator69 says:

        Hey Braintrust! Where is that YouTube video of Skeeter’s birth?! Nice logic professor. 😆

        PS – Too late idiot, you already name called, and are wrong on your ‘facts’ again. 😆

  43. smrstrauss says:

    Re: “Where is that YouTube video of Skeeter’s birth?! ”

    Where is that YouTube video of Mitt Romney’s birth? Where is that YouTube video of George Bush’s birth? Where is that YouTube video of Bill Clinton’s birth?

    We do not have videos of any of their births, and yet simply because they SAID that they were born in the USA, people believed them. In contrast, Obama has shown a birth certificate, which is legal proof of the place of birth, and the facts on it and that Hawaii sent it to him were repeatedly confirmed by the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii. And they are further confirmed by the public Index Data file and still further confirmed by the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers by the DOH of Hawaii. And the fact that Obama was born in Hawaii is made more likely by the fact that Hawaii is thousands of miles from the nearest foreign country and such a trip would have been highly expensive and risky.

    We have all that evidence showing that Obama was born in Hawaii and no evidence that George Bush was born where he claimed, in Connecticut, and yet you say that a YouTube video would be necessary to prove Obama’s place of birth.

    • gator69 says:

      I knew you were a birther! Glad you finally admitted it, idiot. 😆

      • smrstrauss says:

        Obama has shown a birth certificate, which is legal proof of the place of birth, and the facts on it and that Hawaii sent it to him were repeatedly confirmed by the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii. And they are further confirmed by the public Index Data file and still further confirmed by the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers by the DOH of Hawaii. And the fact that Obama was born in Hawaii is made more likely by the fact that Hawaii is thousands of miles from the nearest foreign country and such a trip would have been highly expensive and risky.

        We have all that evidence showing that Obama was born in Hawaii and no evidence that George Bush was born where he claimed, in Connecticut, and yet you say that a YouTube video would be necessary to prove Obama’s place of birth. Well, it isn’t. The birth certificate and the confirmation of the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii is sufficient. That is why not a single member of Congress voted against the confirmation of Obama’s election in either the 2008 or 2012 election. And that is why Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck and the National Review all call birthers crazy.

      • gator69 says:

        Yep, I knew you were a birther. So typical. Glad to have met an idiot that knows it all. 😆

      • smrstrauss says:

        I do not post for your benefit but for any rational person who may visit this site and who wants to see the facts.

      • Interglacial John says:

        You need not bother anyone with your one sided Obamabot opinions any further, idiot.

      • smrstrauss says:

        I do not post for your benefit but for any rational person who may visit this site and who wants to see the facts.

        Here, for convenience, is a link to many of the documents that confirm that Obama was born in Hawaii:

      • Interglacial John says:

        Obama’s idiot minions have nothing better to do than spam sites that actually consider ALL of the “facts”. These are the same kind of people who thought the Earth was flat. They cannot think outside the box, as noone ever taught them how to think on their own in the first place.

        See: Cut & Paste.


  44. gator69 says:

    “smrstrauss says:
    April 18, 2013 at 4:21 pm
    I do not post for your benefit but for any rational person who may visit this site and who wants to see the facts.

    Here, for convenience, is a link to many of the documents that confirm that Obama was born in Hawaii:

    Or you could go here and read about the hate filled anti-intellectuals who think they know it all.

    • smrstrauss says:

      Or you could go here:

      Or here:

      Or you could just ask yourself what are the chances that Obama’s grandparents were rich enough or dumb enough to send their pregnant daughter to a foreign country to give birth—when there were perfectly good hospitals in Honolulu AND that the birth certificate of Hawaii and the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii (including the former Republican governor) are lying about Obama being born in Hawaii, and so is the public Index Data file and the birth notices sent to the “Health Bureau Statistics” section of the newspapers in Hawaii by the DOH of Hawaii in 1961. For Obama to have been born in a foreign country BOTH Obama’s grandparents would have had to have been rich enough and dumb enough to send their daughter to a foreign country when she was pregnant AND the officials in Hawaii would have to be lying about Obama’s birth place.

      • Or you could be dumb enough to believe that no one noticed that Obama was being promoted as born in Kenya for 17 years.

      • smrstrauss says:

        Re: “Or you could be dumb enough to believe that no one noticed that Obama was being promoted as born in Kenya for 17 years.”

        Or you could be dumb enough to believe that a promotion of anything is proof of anything. So a promotion mistakenly said that Obama was born in Kenya. That is certainly not proof that he was born in Kenya. So a promotion said that he was born in Kenya and that mistake was not caught for 17 years—that STILL does not prove that he was born in Kenya.

        When the government of Kenya says that he WAS not born in Kenya and the government of Hawaii says that he was born in Hawaii, you can bet that he was not born in Kenya—no matter how long a promotion said that he was.

        Rational people will read the facts and make up their own minds. If they have questions on the subject and they post them, I’ll try to answer them.

      • Glacierman says:

        No one has any questions. You are a broken record.

      • It is strong evidence that something is wrong.

  45. smrstrauss says:

    Re: “It is strong evidence that something is wrong.”

    The fact that no one has any questions is “strong evidence that something is wrong”????

    The fact that a publicist made a mistake and did not send a copy of the blurb to Obama so that he could not check it and so it stayed a mistake for 17 years is proof of something??????

    For Obama to have been born in a foreign country:

    (1) Obama’s relatives would have had to have been rich enough (They weren’t. His grandfather was a furniture salesman and his grandmother a low-level employee in a bank at the time) and dumb enough to send their daughter to a foreign country to give birth despite the risk of stillbirth (which was high at the time)—-—despite there being fine hospitals in Hawaii;

    (2) Obama’s mother would have had to have traveled overseas ALONE and somehow got Obama back to the USA without getting him entered on her US passport or getting a visa for him (which would have had to have been applied for in a US consulate in that country and the records would still exist);

    (3) got the officials in Hawaii (which was actually under a Republican governor in 1961) to record his birth in Hawaii despite (as birthers claim) his being born in another country and somehow got the teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, about the birth in Hawaii of a child to a woman named Stanley to lie (and since the woman’s father’s name really was Stanley, she would have had to have found one of the very few women with fathers of that name to do it). Or else, as some say, the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii (including the former Republican governor) would have to be lying now

    What are the chances of all three of them happening?????

  46. smrstrauss says:

    Re: gator69 said “Idiot, I never claimed he wasn’t born in Hawaii. ”

    I accept that. And you are right, of course. He was born in Hawaii, as his birth certificate and the confirmation of the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii, and the Index Data file and the birth notices sent to the Hawaii “Health Bureau Statistics” section by the DOH of Hawaii in 1961 all show.

    But there are several other people who post on this site who apparently claim that the mistake in the publicist’s blurb indicates that Obama was born in a foreign country or that he lied and CLAIMED to be born in a foreign country, even though he wasn’t. For which claim there is no evidence (and his book itself says that he was born in Hawaii, so there is no indication that he lied in that). The publicist said that she made a MISTAKE. Or, perhaps they really believe that Obama was born in a foreign country.

    So, for them, though not for you, here is the question again:

    For Obama to have been born in a foreign country:

    (1) Obama’s relatives would have had to have been rich enough (They weren’t. His grandfather was a furniture salesman and his grandmother a low-level employee in a bank at the time) and dumb enough to send their daughter to a foreign country to give birth despite the risk of stillbirth (which was high at the time)—-—despite there being fine hospitals in Hawaii;

    (2) Obama’s mother would have had to have traveled overseas ALONE and somehow got Obama back to the USA without getting him entered on her US passport or getting a visa for him (which would have had to have been applied for in a US consulate in that country and the records would still exist);

    (3) got the officials in Hawaii (which was actually under a Republican governor in 1961) to record his birth in Hawaii despite (as birthers claim) his being born in another country and somehow got the teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, about the birth in Hawaii of a child to a woman named Stanley to lie (and since the woman’s father’s name really was Stanley, she would have had to have found one of the very few women with fathers of that name to do it). Or else, as some say, the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii (including the former Republican governor) would have to be lying now.

    The question for them is : What are the chances of all three of them happening? Remember, all THREE of them have to happen. What are the chances of that?

    • Obama talks out of both sides of his mouth about almost every issue. For him, truth is defined by political expediency. Same applies for his birthplace. Sometimes it was more helpful to claim that he was born in Kenya. Sometimes it was more helpful to claim that he was born in the US.

      His publicist claimed that he was born in Kenya – for 17 years. Only an idiot would ignore that fact and pretend that it doesn’t matter.

      • smrstrauss says:

        I never call names. However, only a blank (fill it in yourself) thinks that a publicist is inevitably right, or that she inevitably sends the blurb to the person to check it out. Or that in all cases people write their own bios. None of these things are true. And we know that Obama certainly was not born in Kenya.

        So, for the mistake in the blurb to have any importance, you have to believe that Obama wrote it (but the book that the blurb is about says that he was born IN HAWAII) or that he checked it an allowed it (but the book that the blurb is about says that he was born IN HAWAII). And the fact that the error was not corrected for 17 years does not mean anything either—there are a lot of errors that are not corrected for even longer than that.

        I am not ignoring the error or that it was not corrected for 17 years. Unfortunately sometimes errors are not corrected for 17 years. Big deal.

        IF you were to show evidence that Obama really was born in Kenya, that would be a big deal. But that is not true. So the fact that his publicist made a mistake and it was not corrected for 17 years is a small and insignificant deal and indicates nothing.

      • My BS detector is off-scale. There is no way Obama was unaware of the fact that he was being marketed as born in Kenya for 17 years.

        These are the people who made Obama rich, not some obscure acquaintances.

    • Glacierman says:

      Listen…..oh, the record skipped again.

    • gator69 says:

      Idiot, I never said he was born in Hawaii! 😆

      Your obsession over Skeeter’s place of birth, and your blind faith in others, is a sign of mental instability. We will know you have recovered when you can be intellectually honest enough to admit that you cannot possibly KNOW where Skeeter was born, unless you were there.

      Keep the faith brother! 😆

      • smrstrauss says:

        Re: “Idiot, I never claimed he wasn’t born in Hawaii. ” and “Idiot, I never said he was born in Hawaii!”

        Okay, since you have not claimed one way or said the other, you must be undecided.

        Re: “blind faith in others”—who are you referring to? The Republican governor of Hawaii? The birth notices that really appeared (you can see the copies of them) in the “Health Bureau Statistics” section of the newspapers. The documents showing that both Republican and Democrat officials have confirmed that they sent birth certificates to Obama?

        Or, do you mean that I should have faith in birther sites—which have lied about Obamas’ grandmother saying he was born in Kenya, and have lied about Abernathy saying that he could not find the birth certificate (he never said any such thing)?

        In any case, an undecided person on an issue is not a useful source of information or informed opinion, and you are apparently undecided. Or, do you really believe that he was born in Hawaii? Or, do you really believe that he was born in a foreign country?

      • gator69 says:

        I would trust the biggest liar this country has ever elected, the one that refused to submit his BC, and spent nearly a million dollars fighting its release. That is who I would “trust”.

        What a moron! 😆

        “Question with boldness even the existence of a god; because, if there be one, he must more approve the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear.”
        -Thomas Jefferson (not a liar)

      • smrstrauss says:

        Re: “I would trust the biggest liar this country has ever elected, the one that refused to submit his BC, and spent nearly a million dollars fighting its release. ”

        You are doing a terrible job of questioning because Obama did not spend nearly a million dollars or in fact anything fighting the release of his birth certificate. Only birther sites said that he did. And only birther sites said that he did not release his birth certificate, and in fact he did—twice—the short form and the long form, and the officials in Hawaii of BOTH parties have repeatedly confirmed the facts on them.

        So, where the birth certificate is concerned it is not a matter of believing Obama. It is about believing birther sites, which have lied in the past, or the Republican and Democrat officials of Hawaii (including the former Republican governor of Hawaii, a friend of Sarah Palin’s) plus the Index Data, plus the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers by the DOH of Hawaii in 1961 plus the teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, about the birth of a child to a woman named Stanley.

        Or, you could believe the birther sites, which have lied about Obama’s Kenyan grandmother allegedly saying that he was born in Kenya and about Obama’s lawyer allegedly “admitting” that his birth certificate was forged.

        Question with boldness birther claims. Question also official claims. Weigh them against each other. Add in that a trip overseas by Obama’s mother late in pregnancy would have been highly expensive and risky and hence very unlikely—-and a rational person determine for herself or himself.

        Oh, and the “spend nearly a million” is another birther lie. Obama did not spend a cent on hiding his birth certificate. There wasn’t even a lawsuit against him for documents. Only to get him off of ballots.

      • gator69 says:

        Hey Idiot!

        “But what does that $2.6 million number mean? Not what Trump and others have assumed.

        Specifically, the payments by Obama for America to Perkins Coie covered all sorts of legal expenses — not just expenses related to birth certificate issues.

        The FEC forms do not specify what each payment specifically went for, since that degree of detail is not required by law. We also couldn’t get additional details from Perkins Coie or the Democratic National Committee about how the legal fees were spent.”

        So once again, we cannot KNOW how much he spent hiding his BC. And that is the whole problem you silly Obamabot, he is a fraud of the highest degree, hiding everything he can. 😆

        So keep trusting the biggest liar ever to hold the office, and mock anyone who may disagree with you. Very scientific!

  47. smrstrauss says:

    Re: “So once again, we cannot KNOW how much he spent hiding his BC. And that is the whole problem you silly Obamabot, he is a fraud of the highest degree, hiding everything he can,”

    There was never a lawsuit against Obama for documents or for his birth certificate. The only lawsuits against Obama were to have him thrown off of the ballot—-all of which Obama won. So, duh, Obama spent money (a little bit of money since it does not cost very much to file the same papers to throw out the case in multiple lawsuits) on staying on the ballot. He did not spend money on hiding anything because there was no lawsuit for any document. Get it?

    As for millions spent at Perkins Coie–it turns out that the McCain campaign spent about the same on their lawyers.

    So Obama did not spend any money on hiding anything, and in fact, he has shown his birth certificate from Hawaii TWICE (short form and long form), and the officials of Hawaii of both parties including the former Republican governor have repeatedly confirmed that they sent those birth certificates to him and that the facts on the image that the White House has posted are EXACTLY the same as on the ones that they sent to him.

    • gator69 says:

      And your source for money spent is whom?

      F*cking moron.

      I showed you that you cannot “know” what was spent, and yet here you go again, “knowing” what you do not know.

      This is why your name is Idiot. 😆

      • smrstrauss says:

        Re: “And your source for money spent is whom?”

        Answer: And YOUR source for money spent is whom?

        As I said, there was never a lawsuit against Obama for documents, so he did not and could not have spend any money on fighting lawsuits for documents. There was no lawsuit for his birth certificate, so he did not and could not spend any money on fighting lawsuits for his birth certificate. There WERE lawsuits to get him off of the ballot, and he wanted to stay on the ballot, and so he fought the lawsuits that wanted to have him thrown off the ballot, and won. But he spent money on staying on the ballot, not on “hiding documents.” If Obama’s opponents had wanted to sue for documents or his birth certificate, they would have—but they didn’t.

        So, once again, since there were NO lawsuits for documents or his birth certificate, Obama did not spend money on fighting them, not a cent.

      • gator69 says:

        “smrstrauss on April 26, 2013 at 4:28 pm
        Re: “And your source for money spent is whom?”

        Answer: And YOUR source for money spent is whom?”

        This is why your name is Idiot.

        I at least have the intelligence to know what I do not know. You, on the other hand, follow along like a blind sheep after its favorite shepherd.

        Your “sources” have vested interests and you sheepishly ignore this.

        You are a useful idiot.

      • smrstrauss says:

        Re: “Your “sources” have vested interests and you sheepishly ignore this. ”

        What “sources?” It is a fact that anyone can determine by reviewing the lawsuits, as I have, that there was NO lawsuit against Obama for documents or for his birth certificate. None. There were only lawsuits to have him removed from the ballot. That is all, so you cannot say that he spend “millions” or in fact spent anything on hiding his birth certificate (which he in fact showed twice, the short form and the long form) or any documents at all, because there were no cases for his birth certificate or for documents. No cases = no expense fighting those cases.

    • gofer says:

      The suits were for “eligibility” which was based on the birth certificate. You are playing word games. Lawyers also stopped the release of his college records.

      After his autobiography was doctored with fiction, I don’t believe anything he says if he can’t even be honest with himself.

      • smrstrauss says:

        The lawsuits were indeed for eligibility. They were not lawsuits for his birth certificate. Obama won all the lawsuits. Obama spent money on defending his eligibility. Obama did not spend money on “hiding” his birth certificate. Obama showed his birth certificate twice. The eligibility lawsuits were despite the fact that he had shown it. The lawsuits were not for his college papers or passport or baptism records, and Obama does not have to show them. Since there were no lawsuits for his birth certificate or for college papers, Obama did not spend “millions” or in fact anything on hiding them. IF there had been lawsuits for his birth certificate or for college papers Obama would have spend money on them. But there were none. Since there were eligibility lawsuits, Obama spent money on them. Did he have the right to spend that money on staying on the ballot? Answer Yes. Was it millions of dollars? Answer: Probably not even in the high tens of thousands of dollars—since it costs only a few hundred dollars each time to file the same boilerplate response. Did birthers make up the “millions?” Answer: Yes. Did birthers make up that Obama spent “millions on hiding his birth certificate or millions hiding his records?” Answer: YES.

        Re Autobiography No doubt. But then ALL autobiographies by politicians are false. What is not false is the birth certificates from Hawaii, that say that he was born in Hawaii, and the repeated confirmation by the officials of both parties in Hawaii that they sent the birth certificates to Obama and that the facts on the birth certificate that the White House put online are EXACTLY the same as on the birth certificate that they sent them. And the public Index Data file is not false, and the birth notices in the Hawaii newspapers in 1961 that were sent to the papers by the DOH of Hawaii in 1961 is not false either.

  48. gofer says:

    A jury in South Bend, Indiana has found that fraud put President Obama and Hillary Clinton on the presidential primary ballot in Indiana in the 2008 election. Two Democratic political operatives were convicted Thursday night in the illegal scheme after only three hours of deliberations. They were found guilty on all counts.

    Former longtime St. Joseph County Democratic party Chairman Butch Morgan Jr. was found guilty of felony conspiracy counts to commit petition fraud and forgery, and former county Board of Elections worker Dustin Blythe was found guilty of felony forgery counts and falsely making a petition, after being accused of faking petitions that enabled Obama, then an Illinois Senator, to get on the presidential primary ballot for his first run for the White House.
    Morgan was accused of being the mastermind behind the plot.

    According to testimony from two former Board of Election officials who pled guilty, Morgan ordered Democratic officials and workers to fake the names and signatures that Obama and Clinton needed to qualify for the presidential race. Blythe, then a Board of Elections employee and Democratic Party volunteer, was accused of forging multiple pages of the Obama petitions.

    Read more:

    I thought there was no election fraud. There also seems to be a trail of destroyed records about Obama. Democrats seem to connected to a lot of forgery, so what’s a few little documents?

    When did Obama change his name from Sotereo?
    When did he change his citizenship from Indonesian?

    • smrstrauss says:

      Who ever told you that there was “no election fraud?” Workers for both parties and for dozens of candidates in primaries have been doing it for decades, centuries. The question is whether the fraud in the primary election in Indiana in 2008 affected the presidential election of that year. The answer is that it didn’t and in fact it couldn’t have. Why not? Well, despite the fraud to get Obama on the ballot in Indiana he LOST that election. Hillary Clinton won it. So, how did Obama get on the presidential ballot in Indiana in 2008? Answer: He won the majority of votes at the Democratic National Convention, which Hillary agreed to.

      Re “trail of destroyed records.” If you are referring to some of the applications in his mother’s passport file, the answer is that millions of passport files had the same applications destroyed for space-saving reasons during the 1970s. A bigger issue, duh, is whether or not Obama’s mother had a passport in 1961—and the answer to that is that birthers did not even ask to see the date on which her first US passport file was created. Why not? Because, duh, they were afraid that it was created AFTER 1961—and it most likely was. There certainly is NO proof that she had a US passport in 1961, and without one, duh, she could not have traveled overseas.

      Re: “When did Obama change his name from Sotereo?”

      Answer. Obama never legally changed his name to Soetoro, so he did not have to change it back. Yes, he used that name when he was in Indonesia, but he never legalluy changed his name to Soetoro.

      Re: “When did he change his citizenship from Indonesian?”

      Answer: He was never an Indonesian citizen, as a telephone call to the Indonesian Embassy in Washington will confirm (ask for the press officer).

      And, now, since I have answered your questions, please try to answer this one:

      For Obama to have been born in a foreign country:

      (1) Obama’s relatives would have had to have been rich enough (and they weren’t. In 1961 Obama’s grandfather was a furniture salesman and his grandmother was a low-level employee in a bank) and dumb enough to send their daughter at high risk of stillbirth to a foreign country to give birth—-—despite there being fine hospitals in Hawaii;

      (2) Obama’s mother would have had to have traveled overseas ALONE and somehow got Obama back to the USA without getting him entered on her US passport or getting a visa for him (which would have had to have been applied for in a US consulate in that country and the records would still exist);

      (3) got the officials in Hawaii to record his birth in Hawaii despite (as birthers claim) his being born in another country and somehow got the teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, about the birth in Hawaii of a child to a woman named Stanley to lie (and since the woman’s father’s name really was Stanley, she would have had to have found one of the very few women with fathers of that name to do it).

      If you sincerely believe that Obama could have been born in a foreign country, then you could answer all three points. For Obama to have been born in a foreign country, all three would have had to have happened. The question is, what are the odds against all three happening: a million to one? A billion to one? A trillion to one?

  49. gator69 says:

    “What “sources?” It is a fact that anyone can determine by reviewing the lawsuits, as I have, that there was NO lawsuit against Obama for documents or for his birth certificate.”

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Please list all the law suits you “reviewed”, the money spent on each suit, and the eventual outcome of each suit.

    Failure to produce this information will show you to be a huge liar.

    • smrstrauss says:

      The burden of proof is on the PLAINTIFF, which is you. You have claimed that Obama spent millions. That is YOUR claim. So it is up to you to show evidence for it. Please list all the law suits you “reviewed”, the money spent on each suit, and–well—you do not have to list the eventual outcome of each suit. Why not? Because Obama won every single one of them.

      Failure to produce this information will show you to be a huge liar.

      In fact you will be unable to show even one lawsuit against Obama for anything other than eligibility. There was no lawsuit for the birth certificate and no lawsuit for documents of any kind. Only to have him removed from the ballot.

      • gator69 says:

        Was he too tall to be eligible?

        Too smooth?

        Or maybe too smart?

        Please, keep dancing, it really is very amusing to watch the village idiot at work! 😆

      • smrstrauss says:

        Re: “Was he too tall to be eligible?…etc.”

        Answer: He was eligible and is eligible. Re “village idiot.” I never call names. the “Was he too tall to be eligible?” question was, however, not at all smart.

      • gator69 says:

        So you lied when you said you reviewed these suits. Or are you being dishonest now by not explaining the eligibility issues that were examined.

        I pegged you as a liar from day one. You lie to yourself constantly by dismissing out of hand any claims with which you disagree.

        Now, what was the basis of these suits?

      • gator69 says:

        And again, I am not name calling, I am calling your name. Idiot.

  50. gofer says:

    From a court filing: Probably just more “mistakes”.

    “There is a pattern of Obstruction of Justice and tampering with the official records and falsification/forgery of the official records related to Obama. This happens in particular when Bush employees leave their positions and are replaced by Obama appointees.

    In March of 2009 one of the clients of Taitz, Major General Carol Childers arranged for her to meet with the Director of the Selective Service William Chatfield. After Taitz provided Chatfield with evidence of forgery of Obama’s alleged Selective Service certificate, Childers resigned and was replaced by Obama appointee Lawrence Romo. Later, when Sheriff of Maricopa county, AZ Joseph Arpaio demanded from Romo the original paper registration by Obama, Romo responded that it was destroyed.

    Similarly, when the former intelligence officer Pamela Barnett sought passport records of Stanley Ann Dunham, Obama’s mother, she was given only some of the records and was told that the 1965 passport for Dunham was destroyed.

    When investigator Sandler provided Taitz and reporter Corsi with a batch number for the immigration/travel records for Obama for August 1-7 1961, those records disappeared from the National Archives, even though the records for the other 51 weeks for 1961 could be found with no problem. After an article was written about missing records, there was a falsification of records and another investigator, Montgomery Blair Sidley found a record, where original date of August 7, 1961 was visibly erased and August 1, 1961 was written over it (Exhibit 3).”

    • smrstrauss says:

      I AGREE with you that Obama’s Selective Service document was forged. It was forged by the guy who posted it. And that guy was—wait for it—NOT Obama, and not any representative of Obama. The guy did not even claim to have gotten it from Obama.

      Re: “Pamela Barnett sought passport records of Stanley Ann Dunham, Obama’s mother, she was given only some of the records and was told that the 1965 passport for Dunham was destroyed.”

      Answer” NO. That is not true. Only some of the applications in the file were destroyed. The file exists, and so would any earlier passport files for Obama’s mother. But, not surprisingly, birthers did not ask to see the date at which the first passport file for Obama’s mother was created, so they do not know whether she had one in 1961—and, if she didn’t, she could not have traveled abroad.

      Re: Records of INS missing. Only those for Hawaii. If Obama’s mother had gone to Kenya, she would have had to have passed through New York, and those records are not missing. Why would she have had to have passed through New York? Because there were no direct flights. And, duh, there is no proof that Obama’s mother even had a passport in 1961. And, duh, it would have cost thousands of dollars for her to travel overseas, and Obama’s grandparents were not rich, and it would have involved a trip late in pregnancy and it would have had to have been ALONE (since WND has proven with a FOI Act request that Obama senior stayed in Hawaii throughout 1961).

      And, now, since I have answered your questions, please try to answer this one:

      For Obama to have been born in a foreign country:

      (1) Obama’s relatives would have had to have been rich enough (and they weren’t. In 1961 Obama’s grandfather was a furniture salesman and his grandmother was a low-level employee in a bank) and dumb enough to send their daughter at high risk of stillbirth to a foreign country to give birth—-—despite there being fine hospitals in Hawaii;

      (2) Obama’s mother would have had to have traveled overseas ALONE and somehow got Obama back to the USA without getting him entered on her US passport or getting a visa for him (which would have had to have been applied for in a US consulate in that country and the records would still exist);

      (3) got the officials in Hawaii to record his birth in Hawaii despite (as birthers claim) his being born in another country and somehow got the teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, about the birth in Hawaii of a child to a woman named Stanley to lie (and since the woman’s father’s name really was Stanley, she would have had to have found one of the very few women with fathers of that name to do it).

      If you sincerely believe that Obama could have been born in a foreign country, then you could answer all three points. For Obama to have been born in a foreign country, all three would have had to have happened. The question is, what are the odds against all three happening: a million to one? A billion to one? A trillion to one?

  51. smrstrauss says:

    Re: “Who are you? How much are you getting paid to spout this bullshit?”

    I’m not paid a cent. And rational readers of this site, if there are any, will notice that you did not answer the question.

    • Rational readers would notice that you are completely deluded and blind to Obama’s uniquely dishonest and destructive place in American history.

      • smrstrauss says:

        Re; “deluded and blind to Obama’s uniquely dishonest and destructive place…”

        Answer: You have a right to believe that Obama is a bad president. But that does not make it a fact that he was born in a foreign country or that his birth certificate is forged. Neither are true. Hating or liking Obama does not change this situation. People who really believe that Obama was born in a foreign country or could have been born in a foreign country should be able to give rational factual answers to the tree points. So far, you haven’t.

    • Lou says:

      smrstrauss, you’re not a very rational person…

      • smrstrauss says:

        Answer: You have a right to believe that Obama is a bad president. But that does not make it a fact that he was born in a foreign country or that his birth certificate is forged. Neither are true.

  52. smrstrauss says:

    That should read: “three points.”

  53. smrstrauss says:

    Three months have passed since this article was posted, and Sheriff Joe has not said who faked Obama’s birth certificate yet.

    • gator69 says:

      Actually there have been so many new scandals that we are about to run out of investigators! 😆

      Just yesterday it was announced that a woman who worked for the student Sid office says Skeeter claimed to be a foreign student so as to receive aid. She claims to have proof.

      A rational person would have question, but a mindless zealot yourself will not.

      But hey, some people like bubble headed cheerleaders! 😆

      • gator69 says:

        Oh, and I’m sure Skeeter will be quick to release those college records he had been so carefully hiding all these years, so we can clear this up. 😉

        Rah! Rah! Siss boom bah! Skeeter! Skeeter! Skeeter! Yay! 😆

        • smrstrauss says:

          Re: “Oh, and I’m sure Skeeter will be quick to release those college records he had been so carefully hiding all these years…”

          Answer: Why should Obama show his college records? Mitt Romney and John McCain didn’t. Neither did Clinton or Reagan or Carter or Ford or Nixon or LBJ or JKF or Eisenhower, Etc., Etc.

          So, why should Obama? Just because you think that Harvard Law School might be lying when it said that Obama graduated from Harvard Law School Magna Cum Laude?

        • gator69 says:

          Romney and McCain are not accused of using foreign student status to receive money for school.

          How stupid are you? Oh yeah, we covered that AND your lack of honesty weeks ago! 😆

        • smrstrauss says:

          Re: “Romney and McCain are not accused of using foreign student status to receive money for school. ”

          Answer: The story that Obama received financial aid as a foreign student comes from an APRIL FOOL’S ARTICLE, and, btw, you probably do not know this, but it is a fact. You see, a person’s citizenship is not on the transcript. The transcript deals only with the grades.

          So, there is no evidence that Obama was a foreign student, and the transcript would not show it if he were–yet birthers say that because Obama did not show his transcript, like Mitt Romney and John McCain, that shows that he was a foreign student.


        • gator69 says:

          Here we see intellectual honesty is not part of this fool’s repertoire. He insists he knows what he cannot know.



        • smrstrauss says:

          Re: “He insists he knows what he cannot know..”

          It is a fact that transcripts show grades and not the nationality of the person. It is also a fact that John McCain and Mitt Romney did not show their transcripts, nor did Clinton or Bush41 or Reagan or Carter or Ford or Nixon or LBJ or JFK, Etc.

        • Obama generates suspicion about his academic background, because he appears to understand absolutely nothing about science, American history, or capitalist economics.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Re: “Obama generates suspicion about his academic background, because he appears to understand absolutely nothing about science, American history….”

          Answer: You say that there is “suspicion,” but who cares whether or not the people who hate Obama have “suspicion?”

          Obama, like Mitt Romney and John McCain and George Bush and Clinton, and Bush41 and Reagan and Carter and Ford and Nixon and LBJ, and JFK, Etc.—-did not release his college grades. He didn’t have to, and he didn’t—so what?

      • smrstrauss says:

        A weeks has passed since the woman was alleged to have said what she did, and Orly has not posted the alleged document that allegedly proves that Obama received financial aid as a foreign student yet.

        • gator69 says:

          Five yeas have passed and Skeeter still has not provided easy proof, that you claim he possesses, to clear all of this up.

          Yep, makes perfect sense to you! 😆

        • smrstrauss says:

          Re: “Five yeas have passed…”

          Obama provided the official birth certificate of Hawaii, the short-form Certification of Live Birth, way back in June 2008, and the officials of both parties have repeatedly confirmed that they sent the short form and the long form birth certificates to Obama and that all the facts on the image of the birth certificate that the White House put online are EXACTLY the same as on what they sent to him.

          For Obama to have been born in a foreign country:

          (1) Obama’s relatives would have had to have been rich enough (and they weren’t. In 1961 Obama’s grandfather was a furniture salesman, and his grandmother was a low-level employee in a bank, and his father went from Kenya to Hawaii on a free flight) and dumb enough to send their daughter at high risk of stillbirth to a foreign country to give birth—-—despite there being fine hospitals in Hawaii;

          (2) Obama’s mother would have had to have traveled overseas ALONE (since WND has proven with a FOI Act request that Obama senior stayed in Hawaii throughout 1961) and somehow got Obama back to the USA without getting him entered on her US passport or getting a visa for him (which would have had to have been applied for in a US consulate in that country and the records would still exist);

          (3) got the officials in Hawaii to record his birth in Hawaii despite (as birthers claim) his being born in another country and somehow got the teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, about the birth in Hawaii of a child to a woman named Stanley to lie (and since the woman’s father’s name really was Stanley, she would have had to have found one of the very few women with fathers of that name to do it).

          If you sincerely believe that Obama could have been born in a foreign country, then you could answer all three points. For Obama to have been born in a foreign country, all three would have had to have happened.

          So, the question is, what are the chances that all three happened?

        • gator69 says:

          Fool. Do you remember how this all started? I simply said that anyone who is honest, cannot say that they ‘know’ for sure where Skeeter was hatched, unless they were there.

          You have nailed yourself to a cross for your messiah, and it has been a disgusting display.

          Please stop embarrassing yourself.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Re: “I simply said that anyone who is honest, cannot say that they ‘know’ for sure where Skeeter was hatched, unless they were there.”

          Answer: If the odds against something happening are one in a billion or more against it happening, it can be said with rational certainty that the odds against it are so high that for all reasonable purposes, it did not happen. And the odds against the combination of the many officials lying AND the birth notices and the teacher who wrote home all lying AND Obama’s mother traveling ALONE to a foreign country late in pregnancy in 1961 are somewhere like one in a billion against or even less. That is not logical CERTAINTY but it is as close as anyone can get to it.

          Considering that MItt Romney’s parents were considerably richer than Obama’s and that Detroit is considerably closer to a foreign country than Hawaii is to any foreign country, the odds of Mitt Romney (or for that matter George W. Bush) having been born in a foreign country would seem to be considerably higher than Obama having been born in a foreign country.

          One thing we do know is that birthers have not even been able to show that Obama’s mother had a passport (and in those days perhaps one in 50 18-year-old people did in 1961), and yet you feel that no one can know “for sure where Skeeter was hatched, unless they were there” is important. Absolute certainty is not important. What is important is that the odds against Obama having been born in a foreign country are gigantic and, since we do not even know that Obama’s mother had a passport, what is the point of dreaming that somehow she went to a foreign country ALONE and gave birth there?

        • gator69 says:

          Thanks, but I’ve read your spam before.

          Do you have Upobamasstourettes? 😆

          Imparting wisdom on you is not possible.

          The more I learn, the less I know.

          I was going to say that maybe someday, if you live long enough that you may catch up, but I now see that is not appropriate.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Rational readers will notice that gator69 has not responded to the facts.

  54. gator69 says:

    Dipshit, rational readers will see you are an Obamabot with no brain.

  55. michael says:

    I see Gator is upholding his usual elevated level of discourse.

    And anyway, I don’t know what all the fuss is about. We routinely consider presidential candidates who weren’t even born on this planet. Donald Trump for example.

    • gator69 says:

      Upholding logic and truth, which idiots like you find abhor ant as it does not fit your leftist worldview.

      The truth has no agenda, and the truth IS my agenda.

      • smrstrauss says:

        IF you had the facts and were willing to discuss them, then you could answer this question:

        For Obama to have been born in a foreign country:

        (1) Obama’s relatives would have had to have been rich enough (and they weren’t. In 1961 Obama’s grandfather was a furniture salesman, and his grandmother was a low-level employee in a bank, and his father went from Kenya to Hawaii on a free flight) and dumb enough to send their daughter at high risk of stillbirth to a foreign country to give birth—-—despite there being fine hospitals in Hawaii;

        (2) Obama’s mother would have had to have traveled overseas ALONE (since WND has proven with a FOI Act request that Obama senior stayed in Hawaii throughout 1961) and somehow got Obama back to the USA without getting him entered on her US passport or getting a visa for him (which would have had to have been applied for in a US consulate in that country and the records would still exist);

        (3) got the officials in Hawaii to record his birth in Hawaii despite (as birthers claim) his being born in another country and somehow got the teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, about the birth in Hawaii of a child to a woman named Stanley to lie (and since the woman’s father’s name really was Stanley, she would have had to have found one of the very few women with fathers of that name to do it).

        If you sincerely believe that Obama could have been born in a foreign country, then you could answer all three points. For Obama to have been born in a foreign country, all three would have had to have happened.

        So, the question is, what are the chances that all three happened?

        • gator69 says:

          We’re you present to verify each event? Or did you read about them?

          Do you know the difference?

          Obviously not! 😆

        • smrstrauss says:

          Re: “We’re you present to verify each event? Or did you read about them?”

          The birth certificate of a state is legal proof of birth in that state, and Obama has show both the short form and the long form BC from Hawaii, and the officials of Hawaii have repeatedly stated that they sent them to him and that all the facts on the copy the White House has put online are accurate. It is nutty to think that they are lying—particularly when birthers have not even showed that Obama’s mother had a passport in 1961.

        • gator69 says:

          So you were not present, and you are accepting the word if others.

          Got it.

  56. gator69 says:

    Dumbass, your ‘facts’ are talking points you have swallowed hook, line, and sinker. They may or may not be true, and since you have not personally verified them, you cannot ‘know’ them to be true.

    Why is this so hard for you to understand?

    Oh yeah, I forgot, you are a dumbass! 😆

    Keep spamming, it makes you look oh so very intelligent.

  57. gator69 says:

    “Mr. Graff is perhaps the most legendary and honored professor ever at Columbia University. He was THE American History and Diplomatic History professor at Columbia for 46 years.

    Of everything that Mr. Graff said in his interview, he ended by saying this –

    “I’m very upset by the whole story. I am angry when I hear Obama called ‘the first President of the United States from Columbia University.’ I don’t consider him a Columbia student. I have no idea what he did on the Columbia campus. No one knows him.”

    Don’t recall Romney’s or McCain’s classmates and professors having these issues.

    Where there is tons of smoke, there is a fire dipshit. 😆

    When you hear a siren, do you ignore it?

    • smrstrauss says:

      Re: ““I’m very upset by the whole story. I am angry when I hear Obama called ‘the first President of the United States from Columbia University.’ I don’t consider him a Columbia student. I have no idea what he did on the Columbia campus. No one knows him.”

      There is plenty of proof that Obama attended Columbia and that people there remember him as this shows:


      and this:

      And the recollections of his senior thesis advisor, who said : “Mr. Baron, now president of an electronics company in Florida, said he was Mr. Obama’s adviser on the senior thesis for that course. Mr. Baron, who later wrote Mr. Obama a recommendation for Harvard Law School, gave him an A in the course.

      Columbia was a hotbed for discussion of foreign policy, Mr. Baron said. The faculty included Zbigniew Brzezinski, the former national security adviser, and Zalmay Khalilzad, now the American ambassador to the United Nations. Half of the eight students in the seminar were outstanding, and Mr. Obama was among them, Mr. Baron said.”

      And this: “Michael J. Wolf, who took the seminar with him and went on to become president of MTV Networks, said: “He was very smart. He had a broad sense of international politics and international relations. It was a class with a lot of debate. He was a very, very active participant. I think he was truly distinctive from the other people in that class. He stood out.”

      And this: “I was Barack Obama ’83’s roommate at Columbia College in fall 1981. I met him in 1979, when we were freshmen at Occidental College (Oxy) in Los Angeles and our dorm rooms were directly opposite each other.”

      And that, by the way, is published in an official Columbia publication (

      And here is an article Obama wrote for the college newspaper (

      And, finally, Obama got into Harvard Law School because he got good grades in college, meaning both Occidental and Columbia. If he had never attended Columbia, he would not have finished college and Harvard Law School would not have allowed him to enter. He graduated from Harvard Law School Magna Cum Laude.

      Re: “Where there is tons of smoke, there is a fire dipshit. ”

      Answer: Birthers are capable of blowing tons of smoke. When there is “tons of smoke” about Obama’s place of birth, birthers are blowing it.

      (And, BTW, they haven’t even shown that Obama’s mother had a passport in 1961.)

      It takes a special kind of gullible person to believe people who hate Obama when they claim that he was not born in the USA and have not shown that his mother had a passport at the time. They would like rational people to believe that the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii are lying (including the former Republican governor) and that Obama’s mother made a hugely expensive and risky trip during her last two months of pregnancy, and they haven’t even shown that Obama’s mother had a passport.

  58. smrstrauss says:

    Re: “Nobody is reading your spam. ”

    So you claim. But there is always a chance that a rational person may visit this site and seek the facts. I have provided links to proof that Obama really did attend Columbia College and people really do remember him above, and still further above I have provided links to proof that Obama was born in the USA—and a question that no birther has ever answered.

  59. smrstrauss2 says:

    More than four months have passed since the article “Sheriff Joe Says He Knows Who Faked Obama’s Birth Certificate” was posted on this site on March 23. And Sheriff Joe has not said who faked Obama’s birth certificate yet, much less charged them or referred the case to an attorney general for prosecution. I wonder why he hasn’t? Could it be that he was simply blowing smoke?

    • Well it took 52 years for Obama to find a pdf file he claims is his birth certificate.

      • smrstrauss says:

        The original is not a pdf file. It is a paper document, and it is that paper document that the current Director of Health of Hawaii stated that she photocopied onto security paper to create the official long form birth certificate. And the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii have repeatedly confirmed that they sent copies of both the short form and long form birth certificates to Obama (paper copies) and that ALL the facts on the BC that the White House has put online are exactly the same as on what they sent to him.

        And the fact that Obama received a Hawaii birth certificate in 1961 is further confirmed by his public Index Data file.

        Here is the Index Data file:

        And by the birth notices in the Hawaii newspapers:

        (And as you can see the section of the paper is called “Health Bureau Statistics”. Well, as the name indicates, and as both the papers and the DOH confirm, ONLY the DOH could send notices to that section of the paper, and it only did so for births IN Hawaii.)

  60. gator69 says:

    “We have obtained an affidavit from a certified document analyzer, Reed Hayes, that states the document is a 100 percent forgery, no doubt about it,” said Cold Case Posse Lead Investigator Lt. Mike Zullo in an exclusive interview with WorldTribune.
    This is a key development, asserts Lt. Zullo, because Mr. Hayes is a certified handwriting analyst and forensic document examiner who worked repeatedly for Perkins Coie, a reputable law firm, and was deemed a dependable professional in their legal cases. Moreover, Perkins Coie has defended Mr. Obama in his legal jousts on the birth certificate matter over the past five years.
    “Mr. Obama’s operatives cannot discredit him,” said Lt. Zullo. “Mr. Hayes has been used as the firm’s reliable expert. The very firm the president is using to defend him on the birth certificate case has used Mr. Hayes in their cases.” In addition, Mr. Hayes is a Democrat whose business is based in Hawaii. He cannot easily be accused of having a political axe to grind in this matter, explains Lt. Zullo.”

    Gosh! Looks like the science isn’t settled after all! 😆

    Why the fakery? I’ll wait for our resident birth certificate expert to reply. 😆

    • smrstrauss says:

      The Cold Case Posse CLAIMED that it has a 40-page report from Reed Hayes, but it has never published that report. I wonder why it hasn’t? Could it be that the report does not really say what they are saying?

      • That is so strange that Obama’s literary agent and many African newspapers believed for 18 years that Obama was born in Kenya.

        Must have been tea party members traveling back in time to confuse them.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Obama’s literary agent and a FEW African newspapers were wrong. They thought something that was wrong. People make mistakes, like 57 states, if you know what I mean.

          In any case, the literary agent admitted to making the mistake.

          More importantly, Obama was NOT born in Kenya.

          It is almost as likely that Obama was born on Mt. Washington or Mt. McKinley or Mt. Rushmore as in Kenya because (1) only 21 people came to the USA from Kenya in 1961, and all but one of them by ship, and there were no regularly scheduled ships from Kenya to Hawaii; (2) the Kenyan government says that it investigated and that Obama was NOT born in Kenya; (3) the Hawaii government (officials of BOTH parties) says that Obama was born in Hawaii.

          Here is the US Immigration and Naturalization Service Report for 1961:

          Scroll down to page 74, about two-thirds of the way down in the book, and you will find the Kenya arrivals listing—there were only 21 arrivals and all but one by sea, and that one was (wait for it), not a US citizen.

          Here is the Kenyan Embassy in Washington saying that it investigated, and that Obama was not born there:

          Birthers have not even shown that Obama’s mother had a passport in 1961 (and very very few 18-year-olds did in those days). Yet they would like the world to believe that there is a realistic chance that she had a passport, and traveled using it during the last two months of her first pregnancy (which would have been even more rare due to the rate of stillbirths at the time) and that the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii are lying.

          Birthers have not even shown the date on which Obama’s mother’s passport file was created (and if it was created after 1961, she did not have a passport in 1961). The date on which Obama’s mother’s passport file was created is unlikely to have been lost, evaporated, or scratched off of the file (and if it were, they could tell us if that had indeed happened). But birther sites have not even told us this date. And they LIED by saying that Obama’s Kenyan grandmother said that he was born in Kenya (She actually said repeatedly that he was born in HAWAII, but they just cut off the tape just before she was asked “Where was he born?”)

          Yet, the birther sites that have not shown that Obama’s mother had a passport in 1961 and do not show the date on which Obama’s mother’s passport file was created and LIED about what Obama’s Kenyan grandmother said—–still want us to assume that she had a passport, and that she traveled to a foreign country despite the risk of stillbirth, and that the Hawaii birth certificate and the officials of both parties in Hawaii (and the birth notices and the Index Data) are all lying about his place of birth.

  61. gator69 says:

    The faith is strong in this one! 😆

    What a denier.

      • gator69 says:

        Sorry, but I prefer to see all, and not simply that which confirms a predetermined bias, you utter fool. You have an agenda and dismiss anything that interferes with your faith, a TRUE ZEALOT.

        Your self imposed ignorance is not impressing anyone. 😆

        • smrstrauss says:

          The “see above” was not addressed to gator69 but to any rational person who visits this site and would like to see the facts. Gator69 is not apparently one of them, but for you others, here again are the facts:

          Obama’s literary agent and a FEW African newspapers were wrong. They thought something that was wrong. People make mistakes. And, the literary agent admitted to making the mistake.

          More importantly, Obama was NOT born in Kenya.

          It is almost as likely that Obama was born on Mt. Washington or Mt. McKinley or Mt. Rushmore as in Kenya because (1) only 21 people came to the USA from Kenya in 1961, and all but one of them by ship, and there were no regularly scheduled ships from Kenya to Hawaii; (2) the Kenyan government says that it investigated and that Obama was NOT born in Kenya; (3) the Hawaii government (officials of BOTH parties) says that Obama was born in Hawaii.

          Here is the US Immigration and Naturalization Service Report for 1961:

          Scroll down to page 74, about two-thirds of the way down in the book, and you will find the Kenya arrivals listing—there were only 21 arrivals and all but one by sea, and that one was (wait for it), not a US citizen.

          Here is the Kenyan Embassy in Washington saying that it investigated, and that Obama was not born there:

          Birthers have not even shown that Obama’s mother had a passport in 1961 (and very very few 18-year-olds did in those days). Yet they would like the world to believe that there is a realistic chance that she had a passport, and traveled using it during the last two months of her first pregnancy (which would have been even more rare due to the rate of stillbirths at the time) and that the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii are lying.

          Birthers have not even shown the date on which Obama’s mother’s passport file was created (and if it was created after 1961, she did not have a passport in 1961). The date on which Obama’s mother’s passport file was created is unlikely to have been lost, evaporated, or scratched off of the file (and if it were, they could tell us if that had indeed happened). But birther sites have not even told us this date. And they LIED by saying that Obama’s Kenyan grandmother said that he was born in Kenya (She actually said repeatedly that he was born in HAWAII, but they just cut off the tape just before she was asked “Where was he born?”)

          Yet, the birther sites that have not shown that Obama’s mother had a passport in 1961 and do not show the date on which Obama’s mother’s passport file was created and LIED about what Obama’s Kenyan grandmother said—–still want us to assume that she had a passport, and that she traveled to a foreign country despite the risk of stillbirth, and that the Hawaii birth certificate and the officials of both parties in Hawaii (and the birth notices and the Index Data) are all lying about his place of birth.

        • gator69 says:

          If you want truth, don’t bother with this Obamabot. It’s like asking Baptists about Jesus! 😆

    • _Jim says:

      re: gator69 August 8, 2013 at 4:19 pm
      The faith is strong in this one!

      They come out in drives when the nitwit party has some amount of power …


  62. smrstrauss says:

    More than a year has passed since this site published the article with the headline: “Sheriff Joe Says He Knows Who Faked Obama’s Birth Certificate”, and Sheriff Joe has not shown who “faked” Obama’s birth certificate. In fact, he hasn’t proved that it was faked.

      • smrstrauss says:

        Considerably more than a year has passed since this site published the article with the headline: “Sheriff Joe Says He Knows Who Faked Obama’s Birth Certificate”, and Sheriff Joe has not shown who “faked” Obama’s birth certificate. In fact, he hasn’t proved that it was faked.

        • _Jim says:

          I would not want you doing any work on projects I was responsible for.

        • More than 23 years has passed since Obama first told his literary agent that he was born in Kenya.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Re: ” Obama first told his literary agent that he was born in Kenya…”

          Answer: Obama did not tell his literary agent that he was born in Kenya. She admitted to making that mistake entirely by herself and not checking with Obama and not telling him when it was put online so that he could not fix it.

          More important, he was not born in Kenya (though birthers still dream that he was). The Kenyan government says that it investigated, and that he was not born there. The US Immigration and Naturalization Service Report for that year shows that only 21 people total came to the USA from Kenya, and of them all but one came by SHIP—-and there were no regular ships from Kenya to Hawaii, and Obama’s Hawaii birth certificate has been repeatedly confirmed by the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii, and by the public Index Data file and by the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers by the DOH of Hawaii in 1961 (and ONLY the DOH could send birth notices to the “Health Bureau Statistics” section of the newspapers, and it only did so for births IN Hawaii).

        • _Jim says:

          re: smrstrauss June 25, 2014 at 4:30 pm
          Re: ” Obama first told his literary agent that he was born in Kenya…”

          Answer: Obama did not tell his literary agent that he was born in Kenya.

          – – – – –

          Un-cited and un-sourced; an assertion. Possible unto probable: synthesis or fabrication.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Re: “Un-cited and un-sourced; an assertion. Possible unto probable: synthesis or fabrication.”

          Answer: Here is what she said:

          “You’re undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time. There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more.”

          And here is the citation:

          So, she says SHE made the mistake, and she says that Obama did not say he was born in Kenya.

        • _Jim says:

          re: smrstrauss June 25, 2014 at 4:49 pm
          And here is the citation:

          She says this now (2012), how any years after the fact? This borders on not being credible, and may be a total fabrication anyway. There are other publications (and media) which cite Kenya as his country of birth, so we have more than one source for this bit of info.

          I place my bet on a ‘bio’ sheet Barack passed around which had this info, but which does not exist in ppl’s files any longer …


        • smrstrauss says:

          Re: “there are other publications (and media) which cite Kenya as his country of birth, so we have more than one source for this bit of info.”

          Most of them are birther sites, and ALL of them are wrong. (1) the government of Kenya said it investigated and that Obama was for sure not born there; (2) the US Immigration and Naturalization Service said that only 21 people total came to the USA from Kenya in the year Obama was born, and that of them only one came by air. All the rest came by SHIP—and there were no regular ships from Kenya to Hawaii; (3) The Hawaii birth certificate, confirmed by the officials of BOTH parties, and the Index Data and the birth notices and the teacher who wrote home—-all show that Obama was born in Hawaii.

    • smrstrauss says:

      Re: “What was fishy as HELL was his Columbia records were sealed as were his passport records.”

      Answer: Obama did not seal anything. He simply did not release his college records and passport records, and neither did Mitt Romney or John McCain or previous presidents. All of those records are protected under the normal state and federal privacy laws, not “sealed.”

      • _Jim says:

        What would an inquiry result in if a journalist asked Columbia for Obama’s college records?

        IOW, if Peter Jennings or Chuck Todd asked Columbia to see Obama’s grades for the time he was there, what would Columbia’s response be?


        • smrstrauss says:

          Re: “What would an inquiry result in if a journalist asked Columbia for Obama’s college records?”

          Columbia would reply that they cannot give out student records under state and federal privacy laws, not that they are “sealed.”

          BTW, the federal privacy law that protects student records is known for short as the Buckley Amendment (for long it is called the Family Educational Rights and PRIVACY Act) after Jame Buckley, the brother of William Buckley of the National Review. (

        • _Jim says:

          re: smrstrauss June 25, 2014 at 4:56 pm
          Re: “What would an inquiry result in if a journalist asked Columbia for Obama’s college records?”

          Columbia would reply that they cannot give out student records under state and federal privacy laws, not that they are “sealed.”

          So, pursuing this further, could Chuck Todd get permission from Barack, say, while on camera during an interview – how do you suppose Barack would answer?

          Would Barack answer Yes or no?


        • smrstrauss says:

          Re: “Would Barack answer Yes or no?”

          Mere speculation. I’d say yes. You’d say no. The fact is that it did not happen, and unless and until it happens, the records are protected. NOT “sealed;” protected under the privacy laws.

  63. Gail Combs says:

    What was fishy as HELL was his Columbia records were sealed as were his passport records. He spent millions hiding his background from his employers, the US citizen, and the *^%^& Supreme Court LET HIM!

    Other politicians get their backgrounds raked with a fine toothed comb yet, this guy after six years is STILL a complete mystery with lots and lots of holes in his “Story”

    Worse if someone should question his background the OBAMBOTS pile on defending him.

    • smrstrauss says:

      Answer: Obama did not seal anything. He simply did not release his college records and passport records, and neither did Mitt Romney or John McCain or previous presidents. All of those records are protected under the normal state and federal privacy laws, not “sealed.”

      Re “complete mystery.” To you perhaps, but intelligent people have more than enough facts about Obama’s background. Here’s a place to start:

      It is the birthers who do not have the facts. For example, did you know that Kapilolani Hospital has confirmed that Obama was born there TWICE? (Birther sites did not show you either of them or the many confirmations of Obama’s birth certificate from the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii).

      Here are SOME of the many confirmations of Obama’s birth certificate by the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii, repeated confirmations (and by the way, the one to the secretary of state of Arizona, a conservative Republican, was ACCEPTED by the secretary of state of Arizona, who then put Obama on the ballot):

      Here is the confirmation by the former governor of Hawaii, Linda Lingle, a Republican (and a friend of Sarah Palin’s), that says that Obama was born in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital:

      Here is the statement of the teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, after being told of birth in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital, of a child to a woman named Stanley:

      Here are the birth notices of Obama’s birth in the Hawaii newspapers in 1961:

      (And as you can see the section of the paper is called “Health Bureau Statistics”. Well, as the name indicates, and as both the papers and the DOH confirm, ONLY the DOH could send notices to that section of the paper, and it only did so for births IN Hawaii.)

      Here is the Index Data file:

      • _Jim says:

        Citing whatreallyhappened website as a source? Dubious at best, intentionally misleading the norm, outright lies being the 3rd category. Michael Redvero (the proprietor there) has a loooong history of creating disinformation.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Whatreallyhappened shows PHOTOS of the two microfilm copies of the two birth notices of the two newspapers. You may dream that whatreallyhappened or anyone else forged the two microfilms and inserted them into two separate microfilm libraries, but rational people will laugh at that notion.

          BTW, there isn’t even evidence that Obama’s mother had a passport in 1961—and very very few 18-year-olds had passports at the time, and even fewer women traveled abroad late in pregnancy, EXTREMELY few, because of the risk of stillbirths. Yet birther sites have convinced a few GULLIBLE people that both of those extremely unlikely things happened, and that that Obama’s mother gave birth abroad and was able to smuggle her child to Hawaii without a passport or a visa (we don’t just allow infants to be carried into the country without documents, you know) AND that the officials in Hawaii despite that alleged foreign birth gave Obama a birth certificate that says on it that he was born in Kapiolani Hospital OR that the officials of BOTH parties and the index data and the birth notices are lying today. You have to be really GULLIBLE to think that all that happened.

        • _Jim says:

          Michael Redvero has created documents from WHOLE CLOTH before. Why is he to be trusted now?

          The man is NOT credible.

          Choose a reliable source to cite.

        • smrstrauss says:

          Once again:

          Whatreallyhappened shows PHOTOS of the two microfilm copies of the two birth notices of the two newspapers. You may dream that whatreallyhappened or anyone else forged the two microfilms and inserted them into two separate microfilm libraries, but rational people will laugh at that notion.

          Now lets talk about creating things from whole cloth–lies.

          (1) Birthers said that Obama’s draft card was forged, but Obama did not post his draft card, nor did any representative of Obama—so, if it were forged, who do you think forged it? (Okay, I’ll make it easy—the guy who posted it.)

          (2) Birthers have said that Obama became a citizen of Indonesia—but a telephone call to the Indonesian Embassy shows that he was never an Indonesian citizen. Why do you suppose that the birthers did not call the Indonesian embassy to check?

          (3) Birthers said that Obama’s Kenyan grandmother said that he was born in Kenya—but the transcript of the call shows that she said that he was BORN IN HAWAII—why do you suppose they did not quote her accurately and in fact cut off the tape recording of the call on their sites just before she said “born in Hawaii, where his father was studying at the time.” Why do you suppose they did that?

          (4) Birther sites did not tell you about SS Administration clerks making lots of mistakes and that a single digit entered wrong in the zip code would generated a SS number from a place other than where it was applied from. Why do you suppose they did not tell you that?

          (5) Birther sites did not tell their readers that the Kenyan government said that Obama was NOT born there. Why do you suppose they did not tell their readers that?

          (6) Birther sites did not even tell their readers that there is no evidence that Obama’s mother had a passport in 1961—or how very few 18-year-olds did in those days, or how EXTREMELY few women traveled abroad late in pregnancy in those days because of the high risk of stillbirth. Why do you suppose they did not tell you that?

          (7) Birther sites posted videos of Obama that claimed to show that he said “I was born in Kenya”—but you cannot see his mouth move and the originals of those videos have been found, and they do not say “I was born in Kenya..”” Why do you suppose that they forged and posted those videos? (Ditto, by the way, for three forged “Kenyan birth certificates.” And what do you suppose was the motive for forging them??)

          (8) Birther sites said that Obama spent “millions” on hiding his birth certificate. But Obama showed his birth certificate and did not spend a cent on hiding anything. And in fact, as birther sites did not tell their readers, there wasn’t even one lawsuit for Obama’s birth certificate or for records, not one. There were lawsuits to keep Obama off of ballots, but NO lawsuits for his birth certificate or records of any kind. Why do you suppose that birther sites implied that there were lawsuits for Obama’s BC—when there weren’t ANY???

          (9) Birther sites said that Obama’s records are “sealed,” but they are not sealed. They are covered under the ordinary state and federal privacy laws, and Mitt Romney and John McCain and previous presidents did not release similar records either.

        • _Jim says:

          Once again, Michael Redvero has created documents from WHOLE CLOTH before. Why is he to be trusted now?

          The man is NOT credible.

          Choose a reliable source to cite.


        • smrstrauss says:

          Once again:

          Whatreallyhappened shows PHOTOS of the two microfilm copies of the two birth notices of the two newspapers. You may dream that whatreallyhappened or anyone else forged the two microfilms and inserted them into two separate microfilm libraries, but rational people will laugh at that notion.

          BTW, not only whatreallyhappened but the late PUMA (a violent supporter of Hillary) stated that she saw the birth notices and so did the anonymous poster Koa.

  64. Gail Combs says:

    smrstrauss says:
    “… People make mistakes, like 57 states, if you know what I mean….”

    Yes Obummer was talking of the 57 Islamic states. We understand that.

  65. Latitude says:

    …so a Republican would get away with this?

    ….I don’t think so

    • _Jim says:

      But, they HAVE gotten away with.

      No, wait …


    • smrstrauss says:

      Get away with what?

      (1) Obama has shown both his Hawaii short-form BC (the Certification of Live Birth, COLB, which is the OFFICIAL birth certificate of Hawaii, used by thousands of people to get their US passports every year), and he has shown his long form Hawaii BC.

      (2) the officials of BOTH parties in Hawaii have repeatedly confirmed that they sent them to him, and that all the facts, repeat ALL the facts, are exactly the same, repeat, EXACTLY the same, as what they sent to him.

      (3) Obama’s birth in Hawaii in 1961 is also confirmed by the public Index Data file and the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers in 1961 by the DOH of Hawaii (and ONLY the DOH of Hawaii could send birth notices to that section of the newspapers, the “Health Bureau Statistics” section, where Obama’s birth notice was published, and it only did so for births IN Hawaii).

      Oh, and BTW, the CONSERVATIVE secretary of state of Arizona asked the officials in Hawaii to confirm that Obama was born there, and when they did—and confirmed ALL the facts on Obama’s birth certificate, the CONSERVATIVE secretary of state of Arizona accepted that as a fact, and he ruled that Obama would be on the ballot in Arizona (as he was in all 50 states).

      And BTW, there isn’t even evidence that Obama’s mother had a passport in 1961—and very very few 18-year-olds had passports at the time, and even fewer women traveled abroad late in pregnancy, EXTREMELY few, because of the risk of stillbirths. Yet birther sites have convinced a few GULLIBLE people that both of those extremely unlikely things happened, and that that Obama’s mother gave birth abroad and was able to smuggle her child to Hawaii without a passport or a visa (we don’t just allow infants to be carried into the country without documents, you know) AND that the officials in Hawaii despite that alleged foreign birth gave Obama a birth certificate that says on it that he was born in Kapiolani Hospital OR that the officials of BOTH parties and the index data and the birth notices are lying today. You have to be really GULLIBLE to think that all that happened.

  66. _Jim says:

    smrstrauss June 25, 2014 at 4:42 pm
    Re “Islamic states.” Dream on.

    _Jim June 25, 2014 at 4:45 pm
    There are no Islamic states?

    smrstrauss June 25, 2014 at 5:07 pm
    There are also 57 Heinz varieties, and Obama was not referring to them either.

    _Jim June 25, 2014 at 5:08 pm
    There are no Islamic states?

    – – – – –

    Still waiting …


    • smrstrauss says:

      There aren’t 57 varieties of Heinz products? Still waiting.

      • _Jim says:

        I asked first, and you respond this way.

        I see.

        You have answers and links on everything else, but not this.

        We see what you are doing …


        • smrstrauss says:

          You asked first, and the answer was that it was just as likely that Obama was thinking of the 57 varieties of Heinz products as thinking of 57 Islamic states. There are, btw, 57 members of the Islamic Cooperation association, but some of them are very mixed in terms of their religious breakdown. Uganda, for example, is a member, but four-fifths of its population are Christians.

  67. _Jim says:

    re: Lou May 2, 2013 at 3:29 pm

    smrstrauss, you’re not a very rational person…

    – – – –

    smrstrauss is a woman; no man would stoop so low and carry on with such inanities ..


  68. _Jim says:

    re: gator69 July 4, 2013 at 5:57 pm

    … rational readers will see you [smrstrauss] are an Obamabot with no brain.

    – – – –

    Confirmed, even at this late date.


    • smrstrauss says:

      Rational people will consider the facts for themselves.

      For Obama to have been born in a foreign country:

      (1) Obama’s relatives would have had to have been rich enough (and they weren’t. In 1961 Obama’s grandfather was a furniture salesman, and his grandmother was a low-level employee in a bank [she did not become a vice president until 1970], and his father went from Kenya to Hawaii on a free flight) and dumb enough to send their daughter at high risk of stillbirth to a foreign country to give birth—-—despite there being fine hospitals in Hawaii;

      (2) Obama’s mother would have had to have traveled overseas ALONE (since WND has proven with a FOI Act request that Obama senior stayed in Hawaii throughout 1961) and somehow got Obama back to the USA without getting him entered on her US passport or getting a visa for him (which would have had to have been applied for in a US consulate in that country and the records would still exist);

      (3) Obama’s relative would have had to have gotten the officials in Hawaii to record his birth in Hawaii despite (as birthers claim) his being born in another country and somehow got the teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, about the birth in Hawaii of a child to a woman named Stanley to lie (and since the woman’s father’s name really was Stanley, Obama’s relatives would have had to have found one of the very few women in Hawaii with fathers of that name to do it).

      If you sincerely believe that Obama could have been born in a foreign country, then you could answer all three points. For Obama to have been born in a foreign country, all three would have had to have happened.

      So, the question is, what are the chances that all three happened?

      (Oh, and there isn’t even proof that Obama’s mother had a passport in 1961, and very very few 18-year-olds did, and EXTREMELY few women traveled abroad late in pregnancy in 1961 because of the risk of stillbirths. Yet birther sites hope that a few GULLIBLE people will just assume that she was one of the few to have a passport and one of the extremely few women to travel abroad late in pregnancy, and that the birth certificate is forged and the officials of BOTH parties who have confirmed it and the Index Data and the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers and the teacher who wrote home are all lying. )

  69. _Jim says:

    Looks like I got her ‘dander’ up good. Sorry, babe, that you don’t understand any of this … How does that phrase go – have you ever heard this before: “It’s above your pay grade”?

    If you were at all rational I would ‘treat’ you civilly. But, as it stands, the entire thread stands as testament to the contrary (as in: the lights are on, but nobody rational is at ‘home’ upstairs.)


  70. _Jim says:

    For those only peripherally engaged on this subject, here is what wiki has on ‘Islamic States’:

    An Islamic state … is a type of government, in which the primary basis for government is Islamic religious law. From the early years of Islam, numerous governments have been founded as “Islamic”, beginning most notably with the Caliphate established by Muhammad himself and including subsequent governments ruled under the direction of a caliph (meaning “successor” to the Islamic prophet Muhammad).

    Today, many Muslim countries have incorporated Islamic law, wholly or in part, into their legal systems. Certain Muslim states have declared Islam to be their state religion in their constitutions, but do not apply Islamic law in their courts. Islamic states which are not Islamic monarchies are usually referred to as Islamic republics.

  71. _Jim says:

    Leftards like smrstrauss are such idiots.

    From Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) website, no less, I find this in their ‘About’ section:

    Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) (formerly Organization of the Islamic Conference) is the second largest inter-governmental organization after the United Nations which has membership of 57 states spread over four continents.

    The Organization is the collective voice of the Muslim world and ensuring to safeguard and protect the interests of the Muslim world in the spirit of promoting international peace and harmony among various people of the world.


    Leftards WONDER where these ideas or these numbers come from – well it’s pretty d*mn plain to see that it comes from legitimate sources, as shown from the ‘horses mouth’ as it were above …

    One last, parting thought, Leftards are such idiots.


    • smrstrauss says:

      Re: “which has membership of 57 states spread over four continents.”

      Yes there are 57 members, but some members like Uganda are not primarily Muslim.

      Yet you said that he was thinking of Islamic STATES, not the members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, which has 57 members, some of which are NOT mainly Islamic.

      • smrstrauss says:

        BTW, Suriname is a member of that 57 member organization too, and only 13.5% of its population are Muslim.

      • _Jim says:

        Under-powered argument; what do you think Obama had in mind when he made that original statement?

        What do you think the “Organisation of Islamic Cooperation” exists for anyway?




        • smrstrauss says:

          Answer: To COOPERATE with Islamic nations, of course. You don’t have to be Islamic to cooperate with an Islamic nation. Uganda and Suriname are NOT Islamic states, and yet they are members. Why? So that they can cooperate with Islamic states. Why else? In any case, they are NOT Islamic, and yet they are members, so the 57 count is wrong. There are NOT 57 Islamic states. There are only 57 states that want to cooperate with Islamic states.

          However, Heinz really does advertise that it has 57 varieties, and it has done so for decades.

  72. smrstrauss says:

    Nearly TWO YEARS have passed since this article was posted, and there has been no action on the “Sheriff Joe Says He Knows Who Faked Obama’s Birth Certificate” front yet. (Now, I wonder why?)

    • gator69 says:

      Nearly TWO YEARS have passed, and Paul still has no life. 😆

      This strauss character has appeared like clockwork in the past when I have discussed Obama’s NBC status. Literally, he posts from afar within minutes of my posts being published. He was posting from California today. When he first started posting, he was logging in from Canada. I can’t imagine a casual reader from afar being so concerned about what I write about Obama on this particular issue unless he is a paid operative of some sort.
      The Betrayed blog offered this insight on who strauss is:

      An individual using the tag smrstrauss has been an extraordinarily busy fellow and an annoying enigma on the internet since late 2008, but now his identity is known. Mr. smrstrauss has contributed countless hours, days, weeks, months, and thousands of comments to defend Barack Obama against everyone who questions the President’s eligibility. Smrstrauss sometimes writes long essay comments, and he often cites case law, so if you didn’t know better, you would be excused for thinking he’s an attorney. I can assure you he is not!

      I also need to take this opportunity to backtrack on a supposition I previously made about the identity of this man. Based on the comments of another blogger who claimed to have researched the name smrstrauss, he concluded the person was D.C. Shadow Senator, Paul Strauss, who also happens to be a Democrat Superdelegate. After the in-depth research I have just done on smrstrauss, I now know he is not that person, and retract my comments suggesting otherwise.

      Such intense activity by smrstrauss would make sense if Obama is paying him to confuse people about his eligibility to serve as President, but I have no way to confirm this without filing a Freedom of Information request of the administration.

      If smrstrauss is not being paid by someone, then his efforts must be a labor of love, and for that President Obama may eventually consider bestowing the Presidential Citizens Medal upon this gentleman for his obsessive/compulsive determination to defend The One, irrespective of the truth.
      Jefferson’s Rebels blog added this about his identity:

      SMRSTRAUSS: The Total Reveal & Their Tangled Web | by EricaThunderpaws
      Posted by Erica

      On February 11, 2010, I published Exposé: Obot SMRSTRAUSS Finally Unmasked! My article revealed the prolific commenting activities of an obot who was (and still is) papering virtually every conservative blog with repetitive disinformation. He is on a mission to defend Barack Obama’s eligibility to serve as President of the United States against those who argue that Obama isn’t qualified because of his dual citizenship with Britain and/or due to unanswered questions about Obama’s place of birth.

      A simple Google search for comments made by, to, and about smrstrauss today returns around 20,000 hits. In my first exposé, I did not reveal the full identity of smrstrauss, even though I knew who he was after extensive research. However, since publishing that exposé, smrstrauss has visited my blog again with more “cognitive infiltration,” likely following the suggestions of Cass Sunstein, who now head’s Obama’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. smrstrauss was warned that another post would force my hand, and that warning was ignored on March 12, 2010. So, are you ready for the reveal?

      Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to Paul R. Strauss and his wife, Ann Fenlon Strauss, who work as a team of obots with a mission to defend Obama’s eligibility to serve as President. Mr. and Mrs. Strauss live in Arlington, MA. Disclaimer: Although the names are similar, Paul R. Strauss is NOT Paul Strauss, the Shadow Senator representing Washington, D.C.

      Paul R. Strauss (now 68) married Ann Fenlon Santomasso on June 16, 1984 in the bridegroom’s Manhattan apartment. At that time Ann was a senior research biologist at the Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research, and Paul was a financial editor of Data Communications. They were married by Rev. Louis Giola. Paul received his master’s degree in communications from American University, and Ann received her degree from the College of New Rochelle. Today the Strauss’s live in a 5,329 sq ft. home in Arlington, MA, presently valued at $496,400.

      More recently, Paul appears to be retired, although in 2004 he worked for IDC Inc. as a Research Analyst. In 2004, Ann stated her place of employment as Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Click the symbol MLNM for the company’s market performance). Considering Obama’s private deal with big pharma, Ann’s connection to a biopharmaceutical company says all that needs to be said about her motives for becoming an obot for Obama.

      On January 25, 2010, smrstrauss (Paul R. Strauss) said on my blog, “ I am not Paul Strauss of Washington DC. I am Samuel Strauss of Cleveland, Ohio. And I have not been paid by the government. Just the reverse, I was a contributor to Obama’s campaign.”

      No records were found in Ohio to confirm his comment. However, from the very beginning I assumed that some portion of the moniker “smrstrauss” reflected the person’s real name, so I checked several campaign donor lists. I already knew from various ip addresses that smrstrauss lived somewhere in Arlington, MA. Thus I began my search using Strauss and the city and state as keywords, and voila! I found Paul R. Strauss, plus I found his wife, Ann, on the same page. As the contribution list below reveals, between 2004 and 2008 this couple donated $13,500 to Democratic candidates, so they are seriously involved in Democratic politics.

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