2012 : US Fire Count Fourth Lowest On Record

The US fire season has nearly ended, with the fire count being the fourth lowest on record since 1960. The only years with fewer forest fires were the wet years after the eruption of El Chichon.

National Interagency Fire Center
National Interagency Fire Center

In 1939, there were 185,000 fires, compared to 50,000 in 2012.


I live three miles away from the High Park Fire, which the experts said in June would burn until the snows came in October. The fire was out the next week.

An 1898 fire in Colorado was about 100 times larger than the High Park Fire, so the experts pretend that time began in 1970.

The Deseret News – Google News Archive Search

Compare that (blue rectangle below) to the 2012 fire (red dot below.)

UPDATED: High Park Fire maps and imagery | The Coloradoan | coloradoan.com

Looks like the Gruniad’s brain has expired.

US wildfires are what global warming really looks like, scientists warn | Environment | guardian.co.uk

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to 2012 : US Fire Count Fourth Lowest On Record

  1. johnmcguire says:

    Steven , thank you for your continuing efforts to present the truth and expose the lies and bias we see daily exhibited by the msm . Your perserverence is appreciated by the many who have come to view your blog as an essential site to visit on a daily basis .

  2. Billy Liar says:

    So, according to the Grauniad, Colorado was above the flash point of wood this summer?

    I thought fires, having been started by lightning or some other ignition source, were driven by wind.

  3. Adam Gallon says:

    Step change in the early 1980s, why?

  4. Eric Webb says:

    I remember when the alarmist idiots were claiming several months ago that the amount of fires was unprecedented, and of course now we don’t hear a peep out of them.

  5. Looking at the discontinuity in the count it seems there must have been some change in methodology or data sets between 82-83.

  6. I wonder what drives the effect
    Of the increase in acreage wrecked
    Each new burn now looms large
    Why is that? Who’s in charge?
    Are big fires now what they expect?

    ===|==============/ Keith DeHavelle

  7. Jirka says:

    You are being deliberately misleading on this one. Steven. While the number of fires has diminished over time, the average size has increased significantly. Which you would notice if you bothered plotting the other column from the table you link to. You will get similar increase whether you plot an average fire size or total acreage. The fact that this increase is more likely caused by a century of fire suppression and buildup of fuel in the forest does not make this fact go away. I would expect better from you.

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