If You Curse It, WordPress Moderation Will Come

Check out this collection of gems from leading warmist intellect, David Appell.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to If You Curse It, WordPress Moderation Will Come

  1. gator69 says:

    This is what passes for peer review in little Davey’s world. Grade school playground behavior, and wholly immature ninnies are shaping our national policies.

  2. Pathway says:

    Speaks volumes about the intellect of the left.

  3. omnologos says:

    Are forums about nicknames for cats heavily moderated?

    Sort of like WWII Germany discussions never able to get past Godwin’s Law!

  4. Me says:

    😆 Priceless!

  5. squid2112 says:

    And who takes Appell seriously?

    Personally, I find his posts give me quite the daily chuckle. My dogs leave poopsicles in my backyard that have higher IQ’s than Appell …

  6. Scarface says:

    Looks like he is replying to himself. Fits well with the echo chamber of CAGW.

  7. ntesdorf says:

    His comments show that he is getting more and more desperate as his house of cards falls around him.

  8. What’s the background to all this? Has he been blocked from posting?

    I always thought Appell was a good advertisement against alarmism, so his postings were generally helpful in that regard.

  9. Smokey says:

    That is not playground behavior. If you call someone vile names in a playground, you might end up getting your nose rubbed in the sand.

    It’s easy to call someone a ‘coward’ — from a thousand miles away. Appell might regret it if he called some of us those names in our own playgrounds, where he was within reach.

    So who is the real coward?

    As I’ve often commented, if it were not for projection, alarmists wouldn’t have much to say.

  10. miked1947 says:

    This is the David I have come to know and LOVE these years of interacting with the Chicken Little Brigade! I like to do Hit and Run posts when he comments here, then let him rant.
    When “Pigs can fly” his type will get their heads together about the realities in life.

  11. Rosco says:

    I’ve been saying for a while he should lay off that Quark Soup – it is obviously more hallucinogenic than prevously suspected.

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