Time to do something about the weather
Options have been laid out: A tax on carbon as suggested by former Secretary of State George Shultz and others is one idea. The Save Our Climate Act, for example, would have required industry to pay a steadily rising fee on carbon pollution and given much of the revenue back to households to cushion against rising prices. But there are other options, too. Cap-and-trade is a policy that conservatives once favored and then reviled. It deserves another look.
Our View | Climate change – Time to do something about the weather
Congratulations James Hansen and Michael Mann. You have achieved things which Osama bin Laden could only hope for in his wildest dreams. You have abused your inside position of trust in a completely unprecedented fashion, and turned a great nation into a bunch of driveling idiots.
“Cap-and-trade is a policy that conservatives once favored and then reviled. It deserves another look.”
And then it deserves to be shelved as an example of ignorance.
Cap and Trade is only a tool to keep the parasitic federal government whirring along at full strength. Bring on the fiscal cliff. Let these bureaucratic losers find something productive to do.
That would be a change for most of them. I do not believe they are even qualified to do anything “Productive”.