NIWA Gets An Extra Million To Lie Even More About The New Zealand Climate

Backed by a Marsden Fund grant of nearly $1 million over three years, the ambitious project will track ozone chemistry, atmospheric and oceanic currents and the weather-influencing role that is played by New Zealand’s rugged topography and the constant climate clash between land and sea.

Morgenstern says in the past few years, Kiwis living near the west coast have been getting used to more and more blustery westerly winds.

Both ozone depletion and mounting greenhouse gas emissions have buoyed these winds, accelerating and drawing them closer to the South Pole, but that trend could weaken or reverse if the ozone hole recovers.

Studying the influence of ozone on New Zealand’s climate is such a huge task that it will take the supercomputer at the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (Niwa), the Wellington-based FitzRoy, to crunch the numbers.

Through it, researchers have begun to look at simulations of climate data from the early industrial era as part of a new project which aims to forecast our climate through the 21st century with as much precision as possible.

Climate Future is Blowing in the Wind – science |

Somebody thinks the winds are blustery due to increased CO2 and decreased O3, but O3 is more powerful than CO2 and controls New Zealand’s climate and may cause the winds to stop if O3 is reversed by some unknown mechanism.

The weather couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the fact that the water around New Zealand is 2C below normal. The most important thing is that hot or cold, you always blame humans so that they will feel guilty and keep giving you money to generate more crap science, and cover all your bases by saying it could get windier or less windy – so that no one can ever show that you stole a million dollars and delivered nothing useful.

These morons can’t model the weather next week, much less understand the causes or forecast the weather in 100 years.

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Every serious atmospheric physics modeler in the world will tell you that sea surface temperature is far and away the most important factor in long-term weather forecasting.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to NIWA Gets An Extra Million To Lie Even More About The New Zealand Climate

  1. ralphcramdo says:

    No matter how “super” the computer is, if you don’t understand exactly how weather/climate works it’s still garbage in garbage out.

  2. Andrew says:

    GIGO is right! Couldn’t the Extra Million be used for a more helpful purpose? With these morons, apparently not. CO2 lag behind Temps notwithstanding, wind=AGW, calm=AGW, drought=AGW, excessive precip.=AGW, fiscal cliff=AGW. The prolonged 30+ years of coming planetary cooling will tumble this nonsense ‘butterfly-effect’ house of cards.

    • Don says:

      Don’t count on them accepting a cooling phase of any length of time to change the thought that man still is an evil spirit on earth.

  3. Mike Odin says:

    Austral icebreaker supply ship aurora did NOT make it to antarctica—
    it was forced to return to australia after being stuck in the ice for 2 weeks

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