Monthly Archives: November 2012

BBC Confirms That Polar Melt Has Almost No Effect On Sea Level

This is front page news at the BBC. Melting of polar ice sheets has added 11mm to global sea levels over the past two decades, according to the most definitive assessment so far. BBC News – Sea-level rise from polar … Continue reading

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Summer Of 2012 Was 18th Hottest In US History

NCDC says that this past summer was the hottest in US history, but the raw data shows that afternoon temperatures were 18th hottest since 1895, and that temperatures have been declining since the 1920s. The summer of 1936 had maximum … Continue reading

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How The Climate Scumbags Operate : Part 1

Part 1 : Pick a recent start date for analyzing a trend, and then blame it on CO2. Ice loss in Greenland since 1960 – interactive | Environment | Part 2 : Ignore critical information from prior to your … Continue reading

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Who Are The Deniers?

I can only speak for myself, but I am not any of the things deniers are claimed to be. I have no financial interest in fossil fuels or any other form of energy. I have no direct financial interest in fighting the … Continue reading

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Weights And Measures Quiz

A lot of people on the other side of this debate seem to have difficulty with scale (Greenland melting in four days etc.) probably because they have been telling people for their entire adult life that three inches is actually … Continue reading

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Out Of The Cocoon

Over the last few years we have seen the global warming movement metamorphise twice. Originally it was global warming” then it changed to “climate change” and now it is “extreme weather.” The scam is based on convincing people that they are suffering through unprecedented … Continue reading

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Climate Refugees Flocking To Alaska

Temperatures in the southern US were 4-6 degrees below normal in November, and global warming refugees are flocking to Alaska to escape the heat. Hansen says that the southern US will soon be uninhabitable. Seibold, a 31-year-old from Germany, has been missing … Continue reading

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Missed By Six Orders Of Magnitude

The Pakistani official who claimed that Greenland melted in four days, missed by a factor of one million. At current melt rates, the Greenland ice sheet would take about 13,000 years to melt completely, which would result in a global sea-level rise of more than 21 … Continue reading

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The Paper Vs. Data Scam

Measured temperature, sea level and other climate data has failed to produce any evidence of climate disaster, so the team has created a new diversion. Instead of pointing to the raw data, they have someone write a fraudulent article or … Continue reading

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Demonizing Whistleblowers

SOP in the Soviet Union was to marginalize, demonize and attempt to silence whistleblowers. This strategy is frequently adopted by people pushing a dishonest agenda, because an honest debate would send them to career ruin and destitution. Truth always finds a way, and eventually … Continue reading

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