A National Discussion – Not A Decree

Obama’s approach is to do everything by decree and presidential mandate. He skips the discussion, debate, due process, checks and balances, Congress, courts, Constitutional mandates, and most importantly the will of the people. He gets half the country to go along with this by keeping them in a constant state of fear.

He is trying to run a frustrated dictatorship, not a presidency of the US.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to A National Discussion – Not A Decree

  1. MikeTheDenier says:

    Becasue he is????????

    Why does the devil in ‘The Bible’ look exactly like President Obama?

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2295082/Why-does-devil-The-Bible-look-exactly-like-President-Obama.html#ixzz2NtXp17NA

  2. M>C> says:

    If Mark Burnett says so, then it must be true.

  3. Chris says:

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  4. Bill stewart says:

    Stupid is as stupid does….

  5. bkivey says:

    “He gets half the country to go along with this by keeping them in a constant state of fear.”

    Well, that, and buying them stuff. The 2012 election marked the inflection point where US citizens valued things over freedom.

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