Admiral Says That CO2 Is Worse Than Pearl Harbor And Nuclear War

CAMBRIDGE — America’s top military officer in charge of monitoring hostile actions by North Korea, escalating tensions between China and Japan, and a spike in computer attacks traced to China provides an unexpected answer when asked what is the biggest long-term security threat in the Pacific region: climate change.

Navy Admiral Samuel J. Locklear III, in an interview at a Cambridge hotel Friday after he met with scholars at Harvard and Tufts universities, said significant upheaval related to the warming planet “is probably the most likely thing that is going to happen . . . that will cripple the security environment, probably more likely than the other scenarios we all often talk about.’’

Admiral Samuel Locklear, commander of Pacific forces, warns that climate change is top threat – Nation – The Boston Globe

It is “probably the most likely” that this guy proves the Peter Principle.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Admiral Says That CO2 Is Worse Than Pearl Harbor And Nuclear War

  1. NikFromNYC says:

    My iPhone has been banned by Steven Milhous Goddard, turncoat.

  2. Federico says:

    Poster boy for why military intelligence is deemed as an oxymoron.

  3. Justa Joe says:

    The administration owns this guy willingly or unwillingly.

  4. miked1947 says:

    Proof Positive the Peter Principle is still valid!
    Of course with this administration there needs to be a different principle as many have risen beyond their level of incompetence, or is it SUNK! Biden, Pelosi and Reid come to mind.

    • Don’t forget one of their AGW poster boys, James Hansen. Hasn’t moved up the ranks in NASA (been in charge of a component laboratory of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center since 1981).

      • miked1947 says:

        He is a HERO of NASA. His activities maintained and expanded NASA’s government funding by promoting the fairy tale of CAGW or CACA*, if you will.
        *Catastrophic Anthropogenic Climate Alarmism!

  5. Pathway says:

    There are the political admirals and the fighting admirals. We no which group this weenie belongs too.

  6. Kaboom says:

    Once you get the second star, they remove your brain.

  7. kbray in california says:

    Navy Admiral Samuel J. Locklear III, in an interview at a Cambridge hotel Friday after he met with scholars at Harvard and Tufts universities, said:

    …“The ice is melting and sea is getting higher,” Locklear said, noting that 80 percent of the world’s population lives within 200 miles of the coast. “I’m into the consequence management side of it. I’m not a scientist, but the island of Tarawa in Kiribati, they’re contemplating moving their entire population to another country because [it] is not going to exist anymore.”

    The US military, he said, is beginning to reach out to other armed forces in the region about the issue.

    “We have interjected into our multilateral dialogue – even with China and India – the imperative to kind of get military capabilities aligned [for] when the effects of climate change start to impact these massive populations,” he said. “If it goes bad, you could have hundreds of thousands or millions of people displaced and then security will start to crumble pretty quickly.’’

    Admiral, you are going to have a very long wait for that scenario…
    and you lack common sense and sound like a moron.
    You are a buffoon.
    It’s time to retire.

  8. I agree with him, in a way, since I see war as the all-too-likely resolution of the worldwide “global warming” hoax. Those promulgating it appear to be the reincarnated priests of some ancient death cult, devoted to human sacrifice to assuage their own mental aberration.

  9. Me says:

    They need a new way to get their funding too since they can’t say they paid $20K for a hammer err $30K for a screwdriver now. 😆

  10. kirkmyers says:

    Proof positive that ignorance trumps brains and common sense in the military, which, of course, has always worshiped stupidity.

  11. Wait a second – he works for the NAVY? Don’t they have these things called BOATS that can actually float on water? So how will rising sea levels affect the operation of their ships?

    True, they might have put a dock on GISS headquarters, but rising seas actually gives them more room to move around in.

  12. James Painter says:

    This is actually a relief and good news. If Man-caused Global Warming is the biggest threat, that means the threat from China and N. Korea is non-existent as the threat from MMGW is non-existent.

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