Global sea ice area has been above normal for 16 days in a row. The odds of this happening randomly are 65536:1
Statistics courtesy of Dr. Jeff Masters
Global sea ice area has been above normal for 16 days in a row. The odds of this happening randomly are 65536:1
Statistics courtesy of Dr. Jeff Masters
Aww heck, there you go being all conservative again. You see, ice was also above average for 16*24 or 384 hours. So I suggest the odds might be one in 3.940201e+115. Similar methods can be used with any statistic, but I find that it is most impressive to make sure the odds is always more than the number of subatomic particles in the universe. This generates much bigger headlines and generally triggers more research funding.
Was it Masters who started that trend? Good to know who started it at least. Some people really need to figure out the meaning of independent data points, red vs white noise, etc.
I think he picked that up from Phil Jones or The Mann! The “Experts” in Statistical analysis!!!! 😉