Arctic Ice Area Normal : Highest In Seven Years

ScreenHunter_281 Mar. 03 09.04

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Arctic Ice Area Normal : Highest In Seven Years

  1. Mike Mangan says:

    OT, but Bishop Hill has the best compilation of 1970’s Global Cooling media stories that I’ve seen so far…

    Didn’t you have some lunatics claim that this was all a media invention a while back? That all the “climate science” druids even then were secretly afraid of global warming?

  2. Chewer says:

    And mosquito repellant sales are way down this summer!

  3. Sparks says:

    That’s alright and that’s okay… lets turn the page.

  4. tckev says:

    And if the Arctic becomes “ice-free” this year, so what?
    Maybe we could get back to some warmth and Greenland could please the greens by being green again!

  5. Andy Oz says:

    I’m waiting for NOAA, NASA and UK Met office to declare the climate emergency over when Ice Extent hits 14 Million sq km, the 40 year average. Any day now……..

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