Climate Liars Upset That Their Propaganda Is Failing

Climate Concerns Plummet to New Lows

MARCH 9, 2013 3:13 PM

throughout the world, concern about climate change has plummeted to new lows. Ironically, this is happening at the very time when the ravages caused by climate change are straightforward and accelerating. The lackadaisical attitude by the public, as registered in a recent GlobeScan poll, explains why and how radical climate change is morphing into an unstoppable destructive force. People do not care enough to influence the politics that are necessary to stop the prospect of Armageddon!

Catastrophe could occur quickly, according to Professor Stephen Pacala, Director, Princeton Environmental Institute, “There is a class of almost instantaneous climate change that I call ‘monsters behind the door.’ I call them ‘monsters’ because were they to occur today, they would be catastrophic.”

Climate Concerns Plummet to New Lows | UK Progressive

Yes, it would be catastrophic if these liars got their funding cut off, because they have no useful skills to get a real job.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Climate Liars Upset That Their Propaganda Is Failing

  1. omanuel says:

    What a sad, sad state of affairs. Leaders of the US government have already lost, and/or are now losing, credibility in the world community as well as in the scientific community:

    The fraudulent climate crisis is explained succinctly at Power to the People

    Details and references for the rise of the fraudulent climate crisis (1945-2013) are here:

    I deeply regret that I could not connect the dots earlier.

    With kind regards,
    Oliver K. Manuel
    Former NASA Principal
    Investigator for Apollo

  2. nigelf says:

    You’re right again Steven, the monster they fear is the public is finally realizing these arsewipes having been using and abusing science for so long and how devastating it is for our way of life and well being.
    I’m still looking forward to Hansen walking around NYC with a sandwich board proclaiming the end of the world. That is if he’s still alive after serving his prison sentence for fraud.

  3. Justa Joe says:

    ‘monsters behind the door.’

    Will any so-called legitimate climate voice chastize this guy? Nope

  4. Andy DC says:

    Classic story of crying wolf. People will get bored very quickly when the wolf never shows up.

    • Eric Simpson says:

      Exactly. When the wolf (or monster) never shows up, it classic crying wolf.
      And the warmists go: “We’re talking MONSTER! You know, like when you were four years old and scared of the dark and of monsters coming to get you. Yes, INSTANT Monster. Be afraid, be very afraid. Because a Monster will come. A climate monster, horrible. Like electrified hail turning your very house and bed into an electric chair, for your slow painful electrocution, because of your CO2 use. Cut it out.” -Scare Monger
      With the Chicken Littles’ interminable predictions of doom, the constant regurgitation of the same utter and now transparent bul!shit, with it all never coming true, people are wise to the warmists. Now it’s monsters. That might scare the children, and that’s pathetically their intention, but adults are just going to shake their head.

  5. Ira says:

    wasn’t that the plot of “The Day After Tomorrow”?

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