Nobel Prize Winner Says Manhattan Is Underwater

Gore said the single most common criticism he’d gotten from deniers of his global-warming claims was regarding the animation showing ocean water flowing into the World Trade Center memorial site. “It happened as of last October, way ahead of schedule,” he said, referring to Superstorm Sandy.

What Al Gore Predicts for the Future |

Actually he missed by almost 200 years. An 1821 storm surge also covered the WTC site.

In 1821, stunned colonial New Yorkers recorded sea levels rising as fast as 13 feet in a single hour at the Battery. The East River and Hudson Rivers merged over Lower Manhattan all the way to Canal Street. According to Coch, the fact that the 1821 storm struck at low tide “is the only thing that saved the city.”


Apparently Gore thinks we should measure mean sea level during storm surges.

(Huffington Post censors all information about the 1821 hurricane, because it is not approved by the Ministry of Truth.)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Nobel Prize Winner Says Manhattan Is Underwater

  1. aber says:

    Not more than mere babble!
    Few months before becoming Nobel laureate, the Sunday New York Times, July 1, 2007 (OP-ED, WK 13) gave Al Gore space to lament about “Moving Beyond Kyoto”, as follows:
    ____“We – the human species – have arrived at a moment of decision.”
    ____“What is at risk of being destroyed is not our planet itself, but the conditions that have made it hospitable for human beings”.
    ____“We – all of us – now face a universal threat. Though it is not from outside this world, it is nevertheless cosmic in scale.”

    With these empathetic words Al Gore claims, that this is not a political but a moral issue that affects the survival of human civilisation. ( )
    The article concludes: “The Despite all these ominous predictions and warnings, Gore said he’s still optimistic about the future.” Of course! Nonsense talk generates plenty money for him.

  2. Hugh K says:

    “Despite all these ominous predictions and warnings, Gore said he’s still optimistic about the future.”

    Of course he is. How else to explain the sex-poodle’s purchase of a multi-million dollar ocean-side sprawling estate in Cali aquired by peddling ominous predictions and warnings.

  3. Dave N says:

    So, where’s the water now, Al? What a complete idiot.

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