Hundreds Of Rounds Of Ammunition Is A “Large Weapons Cache”

Newtown school gunman had large weapons cache: court papers

The gunman who attacked a Newtown, Connecticut, elementary school in December had several additional firearms not used in the attack and hundreds of rounds of ammunition, according to court papers released on Thursday.

Newtown school gunman had large weapons cache: court papers –

DHS just purchased 1,600,000,000 rounds of ammunition and 7,000 fully automatic rifles. The press ignores it and Janet Napolitano refuses to explain it to Congress.

Janet Napolitano has ignored a letter written by New Jersey Congressman Leonard Lance calling for the Department of Homeland Security chief to attend a congressional briefing and provide an explanation as to why the DHS has committed to purchasing more than 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition over the last year.

» Big Sis Ignores Congressman’s Demand For Briefing on Bullet Buys Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!

Law enforcement initially reported that Lanza had four handguns in the school, which later in the day morphed into a rifle. People buy 500 round bricks of 0.22 ammo at Wal-Mart for $15. Apparently 150 million people in the US have large weapons caches, and DHS has gone rogue and refuses to accept Congressional oversight.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Hundreds Of Rounds Of Ammunition Is A “Large Weapons Cache”

  1. squid2112 says:

    555 round boxes of .22LR hollow point:

    When I was a kid (about 13 yrs old), we used to buy .22LR in quantities of 1,000’s .. and used to go “plinking” .. we used to burn through ammo like nobodies business. It was a hoot. Had a lot of fun.

    Shoot, we would by 12 gauge 3″ magnum in 100’s of rounds. I used to shoot an old Winchester Model 12 like it was going out of style. That was a hoot too!

    • gator69 says:

      Plinking with my dad and brother made for great memories. I have my dad’s .22’s now, my favorite was his Ruger Mark 1 pistol which is deadly accurate like a rifle. He bought that in 1958, and it is still like new, holster and all. We used to burn thru those plastic boxes of ammo while we blasted steel cans, sinking them in a pond. I also have the .22 bolt action rifle my dad was given when he turned 10, he even kept the hand written letter he received with it, that detailed gun safety.

      I miss my dad, and think of him every day. A great man who taught me the greatest lessons.

    • squid2112 says:

      Wonderful memories Gator!

      Glad to hear you were able to spend such precious time with your father. That is truly what is priceless indeed! I wish more people realized this.

      As for me, sadly I did not share my plinking experiences with my father (just some good friends). I don’t really know where he sits when it comes to guns, but somewhere along the way, he took a hard left turn and I haven’t seen him since. He is now a strong believer in the GHE garbage, frequents SkS of all places, and seems to believe that government should do everything for you. Very sad… I think the communists got to him or something. Perhaps another case of the body snatchers? Dunno, but it is very frustrating for me at times. I still love him, but he’s nuts!


  2. People wish they could currently buy .22 ammo at Walmart for 15. My local hardware store doesn’t have a single .22 bullet!

  3. phodges says:

    And, suuuurrrre…..

    According to Fox News, Adam Lanza had a shotgun that fits inside a glove compartment and it has 35 round clips. See the link below.

    Quote from Fox News Article:
    “A loaded 12-gauge shotgun was found in the glove compartment of the Honda Civic Lanza drove to the school with two magazines containing 70 rounds of Winchester 12-gauge shotgun rounds.”

    Link to article:

    Presumably they are quoting police reports.

  4. Andy Oz says:

    After 6 months the Connecticut authorities finally release some information on the “lone gun nut” story. Took em a long time to get everyone on the same script. Looks like a PR job.

  5. morrisdl says:

    Hmmm… well if this is a math drill to determine who has the most “threatening” weapons cache, the DHS employs some 1.85 million people. When you exclude the military and the Dept. of Treasury (which as the FBI), because they both do separate arms procurements, you are down to 1.2 million. This means that DHS has over 1300 rounds for ever person in every department…

    And this is for the pencil pushers in places like Agriculture, Commerce, Justice, Labor, Energy, Education, Health and Human Resources, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Transportation, and Veterans Affairs.

    Do you really thing their “large” weapons cache is being put in place to support Veterans Affairs disputes, or fights of what crop is the best?

    Lastly, having watched the news, do you believe all people in government could pass a background check and be authorized to carry a weapon? Get real.

  6. morrisdl says:

    Oh, please note that a significant portion of this purchase was for hollow point rounds.

    For the most part this type of ammo would be used by law enforcement… It is not cost effective for practice and against international treaties such as the Hague Convention and the Geneva Convention.

    This ammo is purchased for one of two reasons. 1) The government is concerned that they may need to suppress large scale public unrest. 2) The government is buying up the supplies of ammo (specific calibers) to constrict the supply, as a form of gun control.

    Lastly, when asked by members of Congress why DHS needed this huge weapons cache, the DHS refused to answer. But, they did move forward with what is conservatively estimated at a 700 million expenditure even though we are as a nation are broke and no one in Congress will stop them.

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