Life In The Democratic Looney Bin

Detroit is about to collapse, Chicago is more dangerous than Iraq, and some New York residents are still without power months after Sandy.

So what are the Democratic mayors focused on? Bloomberg has devoted the last few months to trying to confiscate rifles from rural people in Colorado.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Life In The Democratic Looney Bin

  1. Ivan says:

    All part of the preparation for the economic collapse, which includes buying 1.5Bn rounds of ammo, 2,700 tanks, etc. The only fly left in the ointment is these tens of millions of non-urban dwellers who are armed to the teeth.
    Taking care of the urban dwellers is less of a problem – with enough resources at your disposal:

  2. Andy DC says:

    It makes liberals feel warm and fuzzy inside when they take away guns and that is what is most important! Remember, the Consitution is a living, breathing document that can be altered or abolished to serve liberal political philosophy, whenever Justice Sotomayor chooses to do so.

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