Nothing Borderline About It

MANY climate sceptics do not trust environmentalists because they consider them “borderline communists” who want to curtail people’s freedom, a leading US social scientist says.  Speaking on Wednesday night, the University of Michigan’s Andy Hoffman said US global warming sceptics had “a serious distrust of the political ideology behind its proponents”.

Climate change a values problem: expert | The Australian

Nothing borderline about it. These people fantasize about human extermination.

h/t to

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Nothing Borderline About It

  1. suyts says:

    Amen. They’re a bunch of Malthusian Marxists whose misanthropy is expressed by taking delight in energy, food, and capital deprivation for all.

  2. Appell whines on his blog that just because his ideas are socialist it doesn’t mean he actually is socialist. Which is strangely illustrative if the modern progressive movement. Conservatives in general don’t avoid the conservative label. Socialists don’t like to be characterised as socialist, however.

  3. Andy Oz says:

    Georgia Guidestones inscription.
    “1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
    2. Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.”

    Socialists are using CAGW to promote eugenics.

    • I. Lou Minotti says:

      Robert Zubrin makes that point clear in “Merchants of Despair: Radical Environmentalists, Criminal Pseudo-Scientists, and the Fatal Cult if Antihumanism,” (New York: New Atlantis/Encounter, 2012). Probably the most enlightening book I’ve read this year.

  4. phodges says:

    You can label it how you want, it is totalitarianism in essence.

    You must also realise these organisations are funded by large corporations, or funded by NGO’s which are funded by large corporations.

  5. I. Lou Minotti says:

    I love how these Ivory Tower elites are always trying to reformulate the paradigms of the unwashed masses by their “academy-based consensus,” as they hit their knees before the bureaucrats who dole out the grant money. “The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded a $384,949 grant to Yale University for a study on ‘Sexual Conflict, Social Behavior and the Evolution of Waterfowl Genitalia . . .” Wonderful! Another taxpayer-funded, “let’s save the world ‘study'” guaranteed to improve the lives of the little people! Surely this much-needed look into pintail pecker plasticity is going to improve our corporate estate. Could it be fairly agreed that there exists “a serious distrust of political ideology” because of idiocy like this?

  6. jimash1 says:

    “MANY climate sceptics do not trust environmentalists because they consider them “borderline communists” who want to curtail people’s freedom, a leading US social scientist says. Speaking on Wednesday night, the University of Michigan’s Andy Hoffman said US global warming sceptics had “a serious distrust of the political ideology behind its proponents”.

    Goddamn right.

    “In that context, he said giving climate deniers more scientific evidence was like “finding yourself talking to a wall, they’re not going to hear it”.

    Also they do not have it.

    “Professor Hoffman said a “social consensus” to fight climate change needed to be built, similar to that created in the past to combat smoking and slavery.”

    Just historically wrong headed. Absolute proof of the accuracy of the charge in the first quote.
    Too bad they don’t have such solid proof of their climate change hypotheses.

    “”One of the most important first steps in engaging the debate is not to blame or mock or ridicule,” he said.”

    Too late, rectal orifice.

  7. Ivan says:

    When was there ever any doubt?
    Check out the Green Cross organisation, and all the ex-communists that front it up:
    Mikhail Gorbachev, Founding President (where have we heard that name before?)
    Alexander Likhotal, President & CEO
    …among others

  8. Mike says:

    These people fantasize about selective breeding in order to destroy natural selection.

    In other news. The UN were going to send nuclear inspectors to Iran but have now chosen to send climate scientists instead.

    • Andy DC says:

      Whom do they intend to breed? Certainly not the best and brightest.

    • phodges says:

      “In other news. The UN were going to send nuclear inspectors to Iran but have now chosen to send climate scientists instead.”

      Nice! That would hurt more than any sanctions. Although those wily Persians probably would not fall for it.

  9. Justa Joe says:

    They’re just now figuring this out?

    Anyway they’ve still got it wrong. Skeptics aren’t only skeptical because skeptics recognize warmists’ aims as nearly identical to those of the original commies. There’s also the matter that the case for CAGW is at best very weak and clearly over-sold.

  10. gator69 says:

    Actually I see them as full blown communists, and borderline environmentalists.

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