Obama Before The Election : “I believe in the Second Amendment … I will not take your rifle away”


I believe in the Second Amendment. I believe in people’s lawful right to bear arms. I will not take your shotgun away. I will not take your rifle away. I won’t take your handgun away,”

Obama says the Senate should have a vote on banning rifles, shortly after he denied the citizenry the right to an honest vote in the election.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Obama Before The Election : “I believe in the Second Amendment … I will not take your rifle away”

  1. gator69 says:

    “Change We can Aggrieve In”

  2. scizzorbill says:

    Believe the opposite of what Obama says,,,always.

  3. ralphcramdo says:

    Colo. Sheriff Won’t Enforce New State Gun Laws
    Weld County Sheriff John Cooke said he won’t enforce any of the gun-control measures recently signed into law by Gov. John Hickenlooper, saying the laws are “unenforceable” and would “give a false sense of security.”

    One bill expands requirements to have background checks for firearm purchases. Another approved a 15-round limit on ammunition magazines. A third will charge individuals for their own background checks.

    Cooke said Democratic lawmakers are uninformed and are scrambling in reaction to recent tragedies in the nation.

    Cooke said the bill requiring a $10 background check to legally transfer a gun would not keep firearms out of the hands of those who use them for violence. Cooke said the other bill would also technically ban all magazines because of a provision that outlaws any magazine that can be altered. He said all magazines can be altered to a higher capacity.

    Cooke said he, like other county sheriffs, “won’t bother enforcing” the laws because it will be impossible for them to keep track of how the requirements are being met by gun owners. He said he and other sheriffs are considering a lawsuit against the state to block the measures if they are signed into law.


  4. ralphcramdo says:

    (GunAuction.com) — Former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords’ husband Mark Kelly has some splainin’ to do.

    Breitbart.com reports that Mark E. Kelly, gun-control proponent and husband to former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, recently purchased an AR-15 (an “assault weapon,” he called it) — which he now says he intended as an illustration of the need for more stringent gun laws.

    Kelly reportedly bought an AR-15 and a 1911-style semi-automatic pistol at a gun store in Tucson, Arizona.

    Neil McCabe, editor of Guns & Patriots newsletter, reported that “Mark E. Kelly, made purchases which included an AR-15 — sometimes described as an “assault rifle” — at 3:30 pm on the afternoon of March 5 at Diamondback Police Supply, 170 S. Kolb Street, Tucson, AZ.

    Video comments from TheYankeeMarshal summarize the issue.



  5. redc1c4 says:

    well, JEFH is right about one thing: he’s not going to be taking my guns.

    he *OR* his minions.

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