Obama Repeating The 1934 Plan

It was a disaster in 1934, so Obama is doing a repeat.

ScreenHunter_15 Mar. 30 14.25

1934 Chicago Tribune Cartoon | The Big Picture

h/t to Brian D

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Obama Repeating The 1934 Plan

  1. GeologyJim says:

    Excellent find! And wicked-true!!

  2. kbray in california says:

    Same wicked plundering and blundering.

  3. Andy DC says:

    In 1934, we were having a terrible depression and people were homeless and starving. Despite that fact, the spending was a drop in the bucket compared to now.

    The problem seems to be that whenever the Government becomes a cash cow, people start taking advantage of it and costs spiral out of control. It is only human nature, despite how well intentioned a program might be.

  4. Chewer says:

    His pals in the UK are living up to his expectations, killing the old and frail by going green.
    Luckily global warming is working well for them:
    Check the apparent temperature.

    • tckev says:

      I notice that the majority of Europe has between 0 to 15 mph wind speed. All the whirligigs must be pumping out that much needed electricity to warm the populous.

  5. gator69 says:

    I love history, but seldom enjoy repeating it.

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