Obama Sea Level Report Card : Fail

In June, 2008 Obama boldly prophesied :

I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that  this … was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow

Sadly, it appears that there has been no change in the rate of sea level rise since he made that speech. Obama is going to have to take very low marks for that prophesy.

ScreenHunter_59 Mar. 23 17.27


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Obama Sea Level Report Card : Fail

  1. daveburton says:

    Aw, you can’t trust that satellite data, anyhow.

  2. miked1947 says:

    GIA is the new way to spell GIGO!

  3. tckev says:

    The President has called his Chief of Staff and it’s obvious he was not happy…
    “Ok,sea levels. Yes, Mr President, we have our best people on it right away, OK. Good bye Mr President.”
    He puts the phone down and slowly Dan turns to the staff in the room…
    “Get me Hansen number now!” he roars to the startled juniors…


  4. Chewer says:

    The heat index is widespread and overwhelming!

  5. bubbagyro says:

    Steve, you are so charitable. The oceans have increased hundreds of meters since the last major glaciation. Could you please present the graph with a Y-axis of 0±100 meters so we can see what has really happened over the last hundred years in the context of global climatology? Thanks—let’s forgo that millimeter scale nonsense. Historically, millimeters are not in any way relevant.

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