Presidential Global Warming Rating

Carter : Very bad

ScreenHunter_54 Mar. 23 15.29

Reagan : Not as bad as Carter 

ScreenHunter_51 Mar. 23 15.09

Bush Sr. : Good

ScreenHunter_53 Mar. 23 15.10

Clinton : Very bad

ScreenHunter_50 Mar. 23 15.08

Bush Jr. : Very good

ScreenHunter_48 Mar. 23 15.07

Obama : Good

ScreenHunter_49 Mar. 23 15.08

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Presidential Global Warming Rating

  1. Correlation does not imply … oh, never mind. Nicely done.

    My theory: Kylie Minogue caused Global Warming. It began to be noticed around the time her career began, took off at the height of her fame but since her popularity started to wane, so has global temperature.

  2. Oof. Talk about political cherry-picking…

  3. BobW in NC says:

    It would be really interesting to develop a smoothed curve spanning 1977 – the present. My eye says we are in a continuing downward trend from just before the peak in 1998.

    I remember that about 1975, Dr. James Hansen said that we were all going to freeze from global cooling due to jet exhaust forming ice crystals at high elevations. Then the climate warmed. So, warming was predicted. Now the climate is cooling. What next from Hansen et al…?

  4. Andy DC says:

    For cooling the planet, Obama deserves a third term. Also, no major landfalling hurricane on his watch. Beyond all doubt, the greatest President ever!

    • Jim Asherman says:

      I don’t know.
      My spider sense and keen eye for the media says he has fallen short on the “protecting us from dangerous meteoroids and other space -born objects” front.

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