Second Massive Fail For The Capital Weather Gang In A Week

ScreenHunter_185 Mar. 08 11.43

Last week they told us the drought in the SW was going to get worse. This is our second huge snowstorm since they made that forecast.

This week they predicted a big snowstorm for DC which never materialized. They can’t forecast six hours out, but they do know what the weather will be like in 50 years.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Second Massive Fail For The Capital Weather Gang In A Week

  1. philjourdan says:

    One of the reasons I like listening to KOA is the weather forecasts – you get a lot of good snow storms!

  2. Andy DC says:

    Saying that short range weather forecasting is an imperfect science is an understatement. But long range forecasting, going out 50 or 100 years, that is settled science!

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