Sequestered Biden Stays At Motel 600,000 – As White House Shuts Down The FAA

Vice President Joe Biden’s London stay in February was not the most expensive part of his trip. A government document released on February 14, 2013 shows that the contract for the Hotel Intercontinental Paris Le Grand came in at $585,000.50.

Biden’s One-Night Paris Hotel Tab: $585,000.50 | The Weekly Standard

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Sequestered Biden Stays At Motel 600,000 – As White House Shuts Down The FAA

  1. kbray in california says:

    All Biden had to do was to get a lesser quote for his one night stay at a similar hotel, then it would have been a free night:

    White House Tours could have resumed from the savings.

    • Me says:

      It wouldn’t matter, Zero don’t want any visitors in his house anymore, that is what it amounts to, you know the same person that said you diddy build that… 😆

  2. Bruce says:

    He was probably afraid that if he stayed in a cheaper hotel they might fill his car with diesel by accident.

  3. SMS says:

    The sequester should be considered one of the greatest things ever to happen in the Obama administration. The Obama administration is making it as painful as possible and it is not affecting the economy at all. In fact, the economy is responding positively. Think of how much fat is still remaining in our over bloated Federal budget. When the Republicans get a chance there will be plenty to cut without anyone feeling a thing. They can start with GISS, NCAR, EPA…….., so many to name and not enough time…………..and when they are done; the economy will soar.

  4. jimash1 says:

    They are going to have to sequester the VP’s mini-bar privileges or something.

  5. gator69 says:

    Too bad he didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn Express. 😉

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