The US Used To Be Much Hotter

ScreenHunter_36 Mar. 09 13.48

There are 829 US HCN stations which have been continuously active since at least 1920. Fifty percent of their all time record maximums were set during the 1930s. Eighty percent of the records were set before 1960.

This agrees with the EPA graph below.

NOAA’s claims that the US is seeing unprecedented heat, are complete nonsense.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to The US Used To Be Much Hotter

  1. bcbrowser says:

    Steve, this needs to be updated by including data all the way to the end of 2012.

  2. LLAP says:

    @Steve: Speaking of much hotter, this is way off topic but I had to post it:

    “Giant camel remains found in Canada’s High Arctic”

    Money quote: “…during the Pliocene warm period, the Arctic was 14°C to 22°C warmer.

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