These Two Think Americans Are Stupid

ScreenHunter_29 Mar. 09 10.25

Having Added Record $5.9T to Debt, Obama Claims He’s Cut Deficit $2.5T | CNS News

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to These Two Think Americans Are Stupid

  1. miked1947 says:

    It is obvious the “Brain Dead” are the ones reporting this response from Skeeter! That should have been torn apart for the lie it is before it got completely out of his mouth!

    • Your second sentence is exactly the honest reaction we need from the media and from our congressional representatives, for Obama’s compulsive, blatant lying. No one should let him get away for even a moment with such casual evil, careless of a free nation’s right to hear the truth from their leaders. The man is garbage, and leader of garbage.

      • miked1947 says:

        Garbage can decompose and be useful for landfill.
        I use the term “Skeeter for his claim to do “Skeet” and also for its representation of something that dwells around a slimy pond and sucks the blood of its prey! We are Its Prey!

  2. gator69 says:


  3. Adam Gallon says:

    Just the same here, the Cleggerons claim they’re cutting spending, the Opposition moan about all the cuts, yet the deficit rises. They’re not cuts, they’re just not increasing government spending as quickly as before.

    • PaddikJ says:

      Yeah, that’s the ticket (snap) – if Skeeter hadn’t been Prez, the deficit would now stand at 8.4 trillion!

  4. bubbagyro says:

    Americans are stupid (at least half of them). But these two lightweights calling others stupid? Obama is a puppet and Biden is the puppet’s shoes.

  5. Chris Vella says:

    Half of Americans are stupid, that was obvious with the presidental election results in 2008 and was re affirmed this past election!

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