Who Opened Up The Doors To The Looney Bin?

The red counties are full of productive, happy people who enjoy life and provide the goods which keep the economy going. The blue counties are full of blood suckers and financial thieves who create imaginary problems as an excuse to spread their misery to everyone else.

People here in the sane parts of America are being attacked by fascist nutcases like Bloomberg from New York. Nothing good is going to come from  Bloomberg and Obama’s madness.

You don’t mess with other people like that.  As Ted Nugent said to Piers (liar and traitor) Morgan – why don’t you just leave us alone?

ScreenHunter_269 Mar. 02 23.28

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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36 Responses to Who Opened Up The Doors To The Looney Bin?

  1. Brian G Valentine says:

    Make California its own country. Move greenies and dead weight there. Barry can be Master of the People, Nancy Pelosi can be Secretary General of the Communist Party, etc.

    Check the ID’s of people leaving the new country. Ask them why they want to leave, if it is to march against “global warming” or something don’t issue them visas.

    Give them foreign aid to keep them there.

  2. NikFromNYC says:

    City dwellers love to be surrounded by other people, as indeed they blissfully are, so they don’t much hang out on the Internet where tone of voice, facial expressions and dramatic pauses don’t exist, like they do in Manhattan where nobody needs Facebook or blogs . Blue states are where inventors patent things instead of join into online survivalist cults where paranoia reigns supreme and Nazis hide under the bed as city folk deal with Drug War gangsterism in immediate anti-gun fashion, waiting for old feuds to die off already, lounging safely in doorman buildings that look like jungles full of sculptures inside. Middle America is but a footnote as we disarm Drug War gangs, so don’t take it so personally unless you want to live a life of illusion.

    • Me says:

      So when will Bloomberg make illegal to have crosshairs like you do in your Gravatar jpg? 😆

    • You are a bigot and a nutcase and a part of the problem.

    • elcrustace says:

      Blue states have to disarm gangs because they do have gangs and pot consumers bringing them money for their gold painted chains and illegal weapons.

      Successfull inventors and business men, those who create jobs and earn money, vote Red.

    • Eric Simpson says:

      Interesting, Steven & Nik in happier times, two years ago: http://stevengoddard.wordpress.com/2011/04/10/einstein-whoever-undertakes-to-set-himself-up-as-a-judge-of-truth-and-knowledge-is-shipwrecked-by-the-laughter-of-the-gods/

      I guess all us were in happier times then. It wasn’t about politics and fighting amongst ourselves over our naturally divergent opinions that have nothing to do with global warming er climate change. We had a common enemy then, and it wasn’t each other. I have to admit Nik’s comments seem to have gotten at times flakey and strayed from the AGW topic. And lionizing the blue states may be fine but demonizing the red doesn’t help out really. But this blog has also gotten more political. So many independent and even Democrat skeptics may be scared away. Maybe even many Republican skeptics that don’t fit the old standard mold may end up taking a detour from a polarizing site. If you wanted to be happy with our job being mainly about climate, while leaving politics to others, that’s always an option. Failure isn’t though!

    • Blade says:

      NYC is the same loyalist stronghold that it was 237 years ago. If Cuomo and Bloomberg could they would have prison ships floating off Manhattan housing smokers and gun owners, and Nik would find time to write something positive about it.

      It is still enemy territory even today because of one terrible oversight of General Washington of not burning it to the ground. The United States Constitution has never been operative in the city. It is time to build a wall to keep them in since pretty much all loyal Americans have already escaped from New York City. The beauty of this plan is that the city has turned itself into a perfect siege site. They produce nothing and consume everything like a black hole and would screech to a halt if imports both voluntary and coerced ceased. They would quickly degenerate to base human instincts and self-reduce their population in a manner that even John Carpenter couldn’t imagine.

      Failing that, we could just grant it statehood severing the tentacles that parasitically drain the lifeforce from the surrounding areas and let it collapse. Then the rest of the normal people in New York State would only have to deal with the Albany scum. It’s a lot like Pennsylvania with its own two cancerous tumors in Philly and Pittsburgh.

  3. bkivey says:

    I understand the blue and red on the map, but why is Alaska white? Are they all Independents? Or maybe Rainbow Coalition? Was the map made during winter?

  4. M>C> says:

    All generalizations are false.

  5. Gina says:

    Ted Nugent – the guy who tells stories about literally shitting himself to get out of being drafted, the guy who threatened the President and got mad when the Secret Service did their job by questioning him. He’s the epitome of “sound and fury, signifying nothing.” Or, to be more colloquial – all bark and no bite.

    • Blade says:

      Yes Gina, that is exactly how a lefty might slander Uncle Ted. Well done.

      One question though, exactly when did succumbing to the draft become a patriotic bona fide to you anti-American liberal? Fat Bastard Bill Clinton didn’t get that memo, nor did countless others. Perhaps you are referring to the involuntary servitude slavery aspect of the draft, then I guess it would make sense to you lefties that still proudly wear the (D)unce label since that is the party that fought for it. I guess it is your modern way to criticize “draft dodgers” as runaway slaves or something?

      • M>C> says:

        No, “Uncle Ted” goes in the glorious “Chicken Hawk” coop of High Hypocrisy. He joins as blowhards who somehow forgot to go fight for their beloved country when there was the chance: W. of course is #1, along with Cheney, Trent Lott, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Senate leaders Mitch McConnell & Jon Cornyn, and the Republican leadership of the House :Speaker John A. Boehner. Majority Leader Eric Cantor & Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy.
        “I am angry that so many of the sons of the powerful and well-placed… managed to wangle slots in Reserve and National Guard units. . . Of the many tragedies of Vietnam, this raw class discrimination strikes me as the most damaging to the ideal that all Americans are created equal and owe equal allegiance to their country.”
        (Colin Powell’s autobiography, My American Journey, p. 148)

      • Barack “perpetual war” Obama defended his country the US by shooting skeet once at Camp David.

      • Blade says:

        M>C> [March 3, 2013 at 2:18 pm]

        “Chicken Hawk”

        How dense are you? You just rattled off a list of (R) politicians. Unless you were born yesterday you would know that is a losing proposition for (D)ummycrats because for each (R) you scrounge up there are at least 50 (D)’s ! So I ask you, are you nuts?

        High Hypocrisy

        That word “Hypocrisy” does mean what you think it means. In order for someone to be a hypocrite concerning the draft he would have to *both* support the draft and then dodge the draft. You leftists are really like little children that speak without thinking first. And that is assuming that you have developed thinking skills in the first place.

        Ted is fighting for his country right now, unlike you leftist anti-American liberal scum. He’s even fighting for your own worthless hide even though you cannot process that train of thought. What exactly are you doing for America other than embarrassing us out here in the blogosphere?

      • Blade says:

        (Sorry about the BOLD!)

        M>C> [March 3, 2013 at 2:18 pm]

        “Chicken Hawk”

        How dense are you? You just rattled off a list of (R) politicians. Unless you were born yesterday you would know that is a losing proposition for (D)ummycrats because for each (R) you scrounge up there are at least 50 (D)’s ! So I ask you, are you nuts?

        High Hypocrisy

        That word “Hypocrisy” does mean what you think it means. In order for someone to be a hypocrite concerning the draft he would have to *both* support the draft and then dodge the draft. You leftists are really like little children that speak without thinking first. And that is assuming that you have developed thinking skills in the first place.

        Ted is fighting for his country right now, unlike you leftist anti-American liberal scum. He’s even fighting for your own worthless hide even though you cannot process that train of thought. What exactly are you doing for America other than embarrassing us out here in the blogosphere?

      • Gina says:

        Not slander, he said it himself.

        And I don’t wear the “D” label. I’m an independent who votes for candidates from several parties or none.

      • Blade says:

        Changing your stripes from (D)ummycrat to (I)ncompetent means nothing while you are spewing leftist talking points. I suggest you do self-psychoanalysis and determine why you can find time to attack Nugent who is out there on the front lines trying to save America’s last defense against tyranny, her armed citizenry. If you were born somewhere else it might be understandable, but being born here requires soul-searching for that indoctrination that corrupted you.

        You did manage to dodge what I said above …

        Exactly when did succumbing to the draft become a patriotic bona fide to you anti-American liberals? Fat Bastard Bill Clinton didn’t get that memo, nor did countless others. Perhaps you are referring to the involuntary servitude slavery aspect of the draft, then I guess it would make sense to you lefties that still proudly wear the (D)unce label or hide under the (I) label since that is the party that fought for it. I guess it is your modern way to criticize “draft dodgers” as runaway slaves or something?

        Perhaps like your comrade above you want to call him a hypocrite? In order for someone to be a hypocrite concerning the draft he would have to *both* support the draft and then dodge the draft. Very few people support a draft and it is always implemented by overwhelmingly (D)emocratic-Socialist Congresses to supply cannon fodder for (D)ummycrat Presidents. Remember that the next time you (I)ndependently stroll into the voting booth with your head full of leftist propaganda.

      • rw says:

        Dear M>C>

        I noticed you put W. on your list. When’s the last time you flew an F-104? (Talk’s cheap.)

      • Blade says:

        Damn straight. One of the classic Widowmakers.

  6. M>C> says:

    Ted said he would be dead or in jail by now.

  7. Brian G Valentine says:

    Leftists demanded we pull out of Viet Nam. We did. They demanded we pull out of Iraq. We did.

    Both were immediately over run with murderers, I don’t care what anybody says about Iraq, once we were there, we had an obligation to stop murderers and we didn’t.

  8. M>C> says:

    Just noting how the biggest supporters of the phony Iraq war were people who never fought when they had the chance.

  9. Pathway says:

    Freedom is a scary thing to the leftist drones.

  10. Bruce says:

    Its OK Steve, Mayor Bloomberg now says:

    When it comes to the United States federal government, people do seem willing to lend us an infinite amount of money.

    I have only one word to say about that. Party!

    (Oh and printer ink futures are said to be rising)

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